Mod ideas looking for help



I am looking for help for these mods
To get these mods started i need PR/co-leaders for these ideas
and Webmasters to help make sites, I have my own dedicated server so i have hosting and can run HLDS server so thats not a problem
Once the mods get started i will need modelers, programmers, mappers etc..

Two mod ideas, one timeframe in the future and one in the past, both mods are still stories in development any ideas or help are appriciated.

An idea for a mod idea in the past
A caveman type mod
Cavemen with clubs and spears, no fancy weapons just good ol fasion beatdowns to bring out your wild side
Im sure there could be more too it i guess but the idea i have is just to have a big melee with out the long range weapons and one hit kills of some of these weapons.

This is a mod idea i came up with 3 months ago, Improved the story a little bit, looking for more ideas and helpers for this game.

Severed Nations (Multi player mod) Story idea still in progress
HL2 - Team play, Capture the flag type
Back in the year 2000 A secret project and a group called the "Phenomenal explorers" was launched to expand Earth's exploration of space. This community contained the best people from earth at the time, bright young people, athletes, business men etc. While this community of space explorers flourished, problems developed back on earth. These problems inclueded corrupt leaders, high crime rates, and war to name a few things. This posed a problem for the "Phenomenal explorers" as for they were finding other creatures they could communicate with and were ashamed of where they came from. The "Phenomenal explorers" have a dream of having alliances all over the universe and living in harmony, having a past and current birthplace like earth gives other members of this space alliance a questionable trait to the "Phenomenal explorers". Leaders of certain groups started to emerge in the "Phenomenal explorers". These groups of the Future Race of earth found out that they could govern themselves and did not need earth's help any longer and they could get rid of the shame that their ancestors gave them. Maybe it was their ego that made them turn on the earth or maybe it was their lack of returning home and communication with earth. With their superior technology in the year 2050 they plundered earth and destroyed it. The "Phenomenal explorers" continued to develop with teamwork, groups formed like the scientists and economists and athletes, All these groups helped make a utopia. There were no problems like earth had. Life was perfect, Almost. Over the years the groups natural traits of humans came out and factions started to turn on the other space alliance members. By slowly taking over planets and territory during the year 2200 they now have control of the universe and all the races that inhabit it. The "Phenomenal explorers" had it all there was nothing that could stop them besides themselves. Starting in 2210 there were fights starting between the factions. It was getting so bad by the year 2250 it couldnt be contained. They tried to keep a peaceful utopia but it just didnt work out. they split and the "Phenomenal explorers" that had so many possibilities is now against each other fighting for control of the universe.

Each Team has their own special characteristic

Naturalists / biologist - Have the ability to blend and adapt in with surroundings. Can heal themselves over time
Economists - Can purchase more ammo and get more money for kills
Scientists - Have gadgets that can detect other people. (advanced HUD)
Military / athletes - Can Run faster and jump higher and are physically fit, can carry more.

With these special abilities they all have their draw backs, like less accuracy, slower runners, can take less damage, etc.

Popular Team play game modes
Team Death match
Capture the Secrets
Territory Control

Contact me
MSN: [email protected]
IRC: GE-Cloppy on #goldeneyesource
well, the economy thing was a horrible idea, sorry, but maybe an asassin class who can knife people and use sniperrifles and stuff :)?

oh , and i can help out a litte with modelling too if u want me to ;)