Mod of the Year Awards 2007


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
The ModDB Mod of the Year Awards 2007 have been completed and the winners have been announced! In the 'Best Mods of 2007: Unreleased' category there were three Half-Life 2 based games.[br]Operation Black Mesa is a mod that will take players through the Black Mesa Research Facility in the boots of Corporal Adrian Shepard reliving the events of Opposing Force with new areas and enemies. It reached number 5.[br]Barney's Tales in at number 3 takes a more realistic approach to Blue Shift also promising to include vehicles and more.[br]The top game in the Unreleased category (a mod now released) is Zombie Panic which provides an ultimate Zombie-fest![br]Note: Black Mesa (the mod of the original Half-Life) wasn't included in the awards having won it last year.[br]In the 'Best Mods of 2007: Released' category we one again had three Half-Life 2 based mods featured.[br]The excellent Minerva landed at the number 5 spot, Adam Foster's mod providing an excellent detailed single-player experience.[br]Empires came in at number 3 brilliantly crafting the RTS and FPS genres together into one mod.[br]Finally Insurgency got the top spot providing one of the best multiplayer experiences you can find in the gaming world.[br]Check out all the results here.
This is bullshit. Operation Black Mesa and Barney's Tales? I must be dreaming.
What's with the remakes? I find the whole concept pretty mundane. Remaking Opposing Force is a huge undertaking for a mod team, with little reward at the end of it. I'd much prefer to see modders invest in smaller, feasible games that require just that little bit more effort in creativity and ingenuity.

I'd have also yanked MINERVA from the entire list based purely on Foster's atrocious choice of sausage over bacon.
What's with the remakes? I find the whole concept pretty mundane. Remaking Opposing Force is a huge undertaking for a mod team, with little reward at the end of it. I'd much prefer to see modders invest in smaller, feasible games that require just that little bit more effort in creativity and ingenuity.
They're mods that bring instant regard for being familiar. A microcosm of the commercial games market. Operation Black Mesa's inclusion is frankly a farce: it's clear that interest has been generated solely on what the project aims to do, since there is no actual work there. We've got 'concept' sketches that basically take the original gearbox / valve concept art and err... reproduce them. Nothing wrong with staying faithful to the original designs in a remake, but posting what amounts to nothing more than fanart as a 'media release' is ridiculous. And if it wasn't already obvious that this is a mod on route to eventual failure, we have the litmus test for the obscenely mundane: unskinned weapons renders. This mod is not notable, and I will eat Werner Herzog's second shoe if it ever gets released.

By comparison, 'Barney's Tales' is a lot more interesting, showing evidence of slightly more substantial work, and considering the bitesize nature of Blue Shift, it actually could see the light of day sometime. That said, the whole thing raises my eyebrow on two counts:

1) Creating all this nice looking content just seems pointless when Blue Shift is such a short, mundane expansion pack (why not use it to tell a story we don't know? One that is more than two lines long, and not even based on that story?)

2)You always wonder how far these source remakes are remaking their respective games rather than remaking Black Mesa. Yes that's paradoxical when you consider BM has not been released, but you can't deny that visual cues are being taken from BM media releases. That's good from a gamer perspective if both get released, since they'll give us a coherent duo of Source remakes, but some flair and originality are really needed when we're talking about projects that are restricting their creativity by remaking what has already been done and been experienced before.
I'm amazed to see that Fortress Forever was excluded. I am sure a lot of people didn't enjoy the game, but it was a very quality mod in general. Either way, good watch.
I almost puked when I heard why Insurgency was voted first. Original and innovative? Puh-fucking-lease.
I didnt think we would make #1 but thanks to all who voted. Empires and Minerva did just as good of a just as us i think! lots of work when into those mods!

As well a shoutout to Fortress forever and Fistfull of frags ! 2 great mods :]!
Just to make this very clear: This is what the public have voted for, hence the award names being "Player's Choice". The Editor's Choice awards are due to be announced in the next few days/weeks.

Player's Choice is essentially a popularity vote, although that doesn't mean you're unlikely to find a mod you like among the winners. The Editor's Choice is likely to be a far more objective and critical listing. It may try to look at mods that aren't getting the attention they deserve, e.g. mods like Mind for Doom3, E.Y.E. for HL2, The Chosen One for UT, Underworld: The Legend of Nepthys for WC3, The Nameless Mod for Deux Ex, First Strike for BF2142, etc.
Odds on the Unreleased being released?

Crispy... where was ND? : /

This is what happens when you don't hype your mod for 12 months. We've kinda deliberately fallen off the radar while the mod is being worked on.
This is what happens when you don't hype your mod for 12 months. We've kinda deliberately fallen off the radar while the mod is being worked on.

At least you get work done. Rather than constantly working for MOTY.
Odds on the Unreleased being released?


Although prolly true, it'd be a damn shame, as the unreleased look WAAAAAY better than the released. Also, I didn't know Zombie Panic was so popular, didn't have much fun playing it, mainly coz the servers are dominated by mic-abusing 12-year old whores.
its probably those same 12 yr olds who are voting for that mod thinking its so great.

personally that mod leaves allot to be desired, sure it looks nice, but the gameplay, i thought, needs to be majourly reworked, as well as maps. So all in all i hated that mod

I agree! where the hell was neclear dawn?!! that looks like a awesome mod and not even 5th?

minerva in my honest opinion deserved better. that mod owned so hard
This is what happens when you don't hype your mod for 12 months. We've kinda deliberately fallen off the radar while the mod is being worked on.
Wasn't Nuclear Dawn king of hype back in the day? Just goes to show how fickle mod watchers are.
its probably those same 12 yr olds who are voting for that mod thinking its so great.

personally that mod leaves allot to be desired, sure it looks nice, but the gameplay, i thought, needs to be majourly reworked, as well as maps.

I agree. I mean, the visual design looked great, but the gameplay wasn't too fun for me and the maps had lot of parts that could be exploited (some asswipe found a way to stay on a ledge outside some house, where virtually noone could get him, while annoying everyone by shouting lame shit thru his mic)
Although prolly true, it'd be a damn shame, as the unreleased look WAAAAAY better than the released.

That's always the case. You can hype up a mod that's not been released, because no-one's really seen it. Everyone knows how bad a released mod actually is :p

And in the case for the unreleased that look good and are actually good, they never come out, anyway :hmph:
The half-life 2 mod world is in dire ****ing trouble if shit like insurgency can win.

Though, yes, everything else is crap too...
Operation Black Mesa's "About" section said:
Immersive scenes that make you really feel for the employees of the Facility.
Why would you want to feel for them? You're there to wipe them all out...

Also, I'm not against the idea of the mod but how has it won an award when it's shown so little off?
Also, I'm not against the idea of the mod but how has it won an award when it's shown so little off?
Just to make this very clear: This is what the public have voted for, hence the award names being "Player's Choice". The Editor's Choice awards are due to be announced in the next few days/weeks.

Player's Choice is essentially a popularity vote, although that doesn't mean you're unlikely to find a mod you like among the winners. The Editor's Choice is likely to be a far more objective and critical listing. It may try to look at mods that aren't getting the attention they deserve, e.g. mods like Mind for Doom3, E.Y.E. for HL2, The Chosen One for UT, Underworld: The Legend of Nepthys for WC3, The Nameless Mod for Deux Ex, First Strike for BF2142, etc.
I'm just gonna link that every time until the threadstarter gets amended to display more accurate information.
I hope the editor's recommendations mention Zombie Master, still up there high with the other mods being played, sitting between Insurgency, Zombie Panic and Empires & Hidden.
That would be nice, especially given that we released 10 months ago.
Well done mod community, well done.

This is bullshit. Operation Black Mesa and Barney's Tales? I must be dreaming.

That was the same for me when I've seen that we were in TOP 5, couldn't believe it...

Operation Black Mesa's inclusion is frankly a farce: it's clear that interest has been generated solely on what the project aims to do, since there is no actual work there. We've got 'concept' sketches that basically take the original gearbox / valve concept art and err... reproduce them. Nothing wrong with staying faithful to the original designs in a remake, but posting what amounts to nothing more than fanart as a 'media release' is ridiculous. And if it wasn't already obvious that this is a mod on route to eventual failure, we have the litmus test for the obscenely mundane: unskinned weapons renders. This mod is not notable, and I will eat Werner Herzog's second shoe if it ever gets released.

As I know, we didn't copied gearbox and valve concept, don't say thing without any proof... And as I mentioned when we release these kind of media, it was a "PREPRODUCTION" Media Realease and what kind of media do you make in preproduction? You make concept art :o For the unskined models, as I know we aren't the first mod that show unskined things... And on route for eventual failure? :o Don't underestimate our skills ;), I've already made everything to be sure we won't die again^^

But I agree that it is a totally surprise for my mod to be in TOP 5.


/taps glass

The 2007 Editor's Choice awards are now up. And, once again, the Source engine cleared up big time!

Congrats to all the winners, but especially to HL/HL2 winners Paranoia, Eternal Silence, Age of Chivalry, E.Y.E. and Flipside.