Mod Story Idea!!! World War 4


Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Mod idea is World War 4, in every war there is a massive increase in our technology because of the desperation of more advanced weapons.
Anyway In this thing, World War 3 is in th year lets make it 2300 basically because of the earth overcrowding, Anyway theres alot of technological breakthroughs and American astronauts populaton on mars is now 170 (they live in little space stations with wind power provided by mars's dust storms. Anyway lots of people are lost, i mean billions. Anyway, its 200 yrs into future population on earth is now 7 billion the population on mars is 50,000, and pop on moon is about lets say 100,000, Power from oil in da moon, if there is now oil in the moon scratch that idea. Anyway, another 400 yrs mars is starting to become breathable because of humans putting gases into it's atmosphere. The population on mars now is 1 million. Another 200 years, 4 million. Now the year is now, lemme work this out, 3100, damn i didnt no i was saying random stuff for that long.
Anyway now people have heaps good spaceship type of stuff, and they go in search of liveable planets, people they find the perfect planet 8 times as big a earth and just as close to a sun, and its breathable just like earth... no sh**, it is a little colder but they dont care. Anyway this expodition takes 70 years, people start forming small colonies on the planet. Then aproximatley 1/4 of Earths population are shipped to this place, within 10 years. One thing they didnt realize however is at the aleins have already been living there for like 40 years, about from france to england distance away, with a population of about 2 billion. Humans with a population living on the planet of about pretty much all been military 1 billion pretty much all been military. Now the other alien race use another race they took over kinda like them vorganaut things, they are the slave race and they have this massive kind of whats the word, damn i cant think of it, rebellion that maight be it. They flee the Aliens camps and forts etc. They begin a long journey, with hijacked vechicles and stuff, they end up coming to the humans front doorstep, although the humans knew they were coming because of a scout in the area, they humans make and ambush and get them surrounded by the way theres like 100,000 of these slave aliens, they are able to surround them because the go through like a canyon kind of thing. The aleins think humans are their masters so they just drop dead and surrender. By da way its at night so they cant see dat well, but they figure out they arnt masters when they get close. The humans usher them to a nearby fort, where they are imprisioned. Scientists take liek 5 and experiment, try talking and they cant understand each other.
Anyway the masters send out a army of around 200,000 troops, the humans get slaughtered at this particular camp, other humans get radio tranmission, about 20,000 humans and 10,000 aliens get out alive and make it to a main fort. The humans get pissed, as do the aliens, and we start killing each other.

What you think of my mod story i kind of made it up as i went along, sorry bout spelling mistakes.

Did you like idea

Reckon this is a good idea anything it needs improving, apart from the hole thing.

It wasnt very well explained.

p.s i couldnt be bothered writing what happens next in the story cause thered be more, but if u dont like it so far wats da point.

Steal my idea and i swear i will k*** you. Not literally of course.

Thanks :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Yeah um.. It's not very well thought through, and it's very random.

I also fail to see how (enjoyable) gameplay fits into the story.

Yeah. Main issue is this isn't very well thought through. Kinda sounds like you just sat down with a piece of paper, wrote down whatever the hell popped into your mind, and then posted it here.

First off, you don't even know what year you want it to be in. You just said "ok, WW IV, umm... let's just say that it's 2300 ok!". Without a proper timeframe, you can't really have any ideas for weaponry and vehicles, nor maps.

Overcrowding? Again, the way you speak of this, it seems like you just pulled some reason to fight out of your ass.

Allot of your ideas and sentences go like the following "they just like kill aliens and um lol kill people and capture buildings and stuff, and howbout they kinda um the aliens all die and like lol kthxbai".

Seems like the idea could work, if you really took the time to think about it.

My advice would be to leave the computer, and go outside for a while. Fresh air is a great way to get your brain cells going, and i'm surprised at how many people spend all day inside (I confess, every so often i'm one of those people).
Ok in 2300 theres is world war 3, in 3100 they find planet, the perfect planet, except for the fact that its already been found. Aliens and humans come into contact, this is the first encounter people have had with aliens. There is a massive war between the aliens and the humans, o and there are also animals on the planet, not very intelligent ones though, maybe i should through some ewok like cahracters in ay?
Wouldn't be a world war though, as it isn't humans fighting over the world where several countries get involved.

Stupid idea anyway, I'm sure you have the talent to think of something better, no offence. :)
My advice would be to leave the computer, and go outside for a while. Fresh air is a great way to get your brain cells going, and i'm surprised at how many people spend all day inside (I confess, every so often i'm one of those people).
You know what i've done before, for about 3 weeks, just about every day(maybe missed 3 days tops), I would walk around 2 blocks. This is out in the country, the 2 blocks that I walked around equaled 5 1/2 miles.

It's very suprising what that does to you.
you know there is an edit button right? buddy?

and the story isn't fully thought out, and it seems that you don't know how to tie all the ends together, if you did make a mod out of this story, many people would be critisizing the story for all the things not explained, and how things tie together
Im just kind of giving it a basic frame for the story, the actual story begins where i left of, but i was ust giving you guys breif history.

Do you guys think mod could be good?

Maybe i should make it that there are like a few alien races fighting over this planet and ones near it, because they have all come looking in the same place.

Thanks for your help

Please tell me if even if i didnt make a mod this would make a good story for somthing. Thanks for your help.:cheers: :cheers:
Story has nothing to do with how good a mod is.

Sorry but if you feel like writing backstories, mods aren't really your answer. Either way it's all going to boil down to something that has been done before, humans versus aliens.

Really maybe if you sat down for a day and brainstormed all these ideas you have, then used them to make an organised story so we don't have to read through your "o and then this and this, o and there are animals, o an its the year 3000" etc.

Really you have to have a creative mind with lots of inspiration, and writing skills, to come up with a good story. But I say again, it's not going to get you anywhere.
yow kuwl idea!

but make the humans the bad guys for ones (wich we are!)
so the year is 3100 (orwhatever) and they find this perfect planet to live on and they just start killing all that they encounter! (check out this link some where on there is a nice presentation video of nasa's plan on finding life in the universe) i would piss my pants if you could get some sientific corectness in the story. for example read einstein to see that its impossible to travel over great distance in the universe... read the new portugees guy pâo something (forgot the name) about how it would all be possible if we change the only thing einstein was sure bout, that is the constant speed of light (300 000 km/sec) in to a variable speed of light (look for VSL theorie on google) how we then could change space in time and visa versa. anyway also if the planet the human find is perfect for live why aren't there natural inhabitants on the planet... but surly it woudl be a cool mod
take your time to work it out in depth on every level, story, gameplay, ect... it is possible to realise your mod i've seen it happen! guys with loose ideas now having almost half they're mod finnished!! so go!!! the more mods the better!!!
finally someone saying its good and yeh there would be animals on the planet i said it before somewhere i think. Thanks Jister, and Sulkdodds.
7 Races wouldn't be too good, though. You'll have to model, skin and animate each and every one of them. Someone else will probably do it, but it's still a hell of a lot of work.

And you do have writing skills. Keep on brainstorming, especially on technology (weaponry, vehicles) and draw a rough form of them. Then ask someone (or do it yourself if you're great at drawing) to make a detailed scetch of the object. Now present it to a modeller you have asked to join your mod if he will model this object.

But first, write the ideas, story, ... and then continue with your mod team assembly.
vegeta897 said:
Story has nothing to do with how good a mod is.

Sorry but if you feel like writing backstories, mods aren't really your answer. Either way it's all going to boil down to something that has been done before, humans versus aliens.

I think that's pretty small minded of you. I think one of the best ways a person could start telling stories that they've obviously put time and effort into would be to start modding. Hammer and other tools are effectively the brushes of painters, and I think you're simply thinking down the line of multiplayer modification somehow equalling the entire modification scape.
Story plays a huge part in anything with a user base- and that even applies to works of art, as often knowledge of the artist's intentions widens the experience.

But with all that out of the way, it doesn't matter how creative you are is or how well you can form a believable world- even with a fantastic concept under your belt, you need people who can make ideas a reality.

So I think vegeta has a point- belittling back story is a pointless exercise, but it ranks up there with concept art- necessary, but it alone does not a game make. I should know, I've been part of more naive, short-lived mod efforts than you can shake a newbie stick at :x

But anything with space and epic warfare gets my vote!
Thank god... I've been getting sick of all these WWIII mods.