Mod Tutorials


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
Hi all moders ......

I know all you guys are busy with your mods but was wondering if any of you would be kind enough to write me a mod tutorial for each aspect of the moding proccess i.e. 3D rendering, moddeling, skins and so on. ( not too sure what that entails, but I do know it's quite extensive. )

Not asking any one of you to do all as this would take some time which I know you don't have, ( and is a lil cheaky ;) ) just simply a couple of guys to cover one each.

Any help with this will be greatly appreciated, and if you decide you can help please pm me for any further details thanks.


there be hundreds out there. try Valve ERC aswell, tons of useful tutorials there aswell

just don't assume following a bunch of tutorials will make you a good modder though, doesn't work that way, it takes a lot of practice and experience, tutorials are there only to help out in some area's, they wont make you good

but good luck anyway
Originally posted by BoNfiRe
Hi all moders ......

I know all you guys are busy with your mods but was wondering if any of you would be kind enough to write me a mod tutorial for each aspect of the moding proccess i.e. 3D rendering, moddeling, skins and so on. ( not too sure what that entails, but I do know it's quite extensive. )

Not asking any one of you to do all as this would take some time which I know you don't have, ( and is a lil cheaky ;) ) just simply a couple of guys to cover one each.

Any help with this will be greatly appreciated, and if you decide you can help please pm me for any further details thanks.


Me and a couple of m8s have already started writing a tutorial from start to finish how to create your own mod with your own maps and some significant gun atributes etc... Its obviasly gunna take us AGES! and they will be loads of books, but we will just upload it to the internet and give everyone it for free. We are doing to be able to let somone make a hl2 mod within 10hours.
Re: Re: Mod Tutorials

Originally posted by IchI
Me and a couple of m8s have already started writing a tutorial from start to finish how to create your own mod with your own maps and some significant gun atributes etc... Its obviasly gunna take us AGES! and they will be loads of books, but we will just upload it to the internet and give everyone it for free. We are doing to be able to let somone make a hl2 mod within 10hours.

Coooooolll.... I cant wait!
Me and a couple of m8s have already started writing a tutorial from start to finish how to create your own mod with your own maps and some significant gun atributes etc... Its obviasly gunna take us AGES! and they will be loads of books, but we will just upload it to the internet and give everyone it for free. We are doing to be able to let somone make a hl2 mod within 10hours.

Wow sounds kool.....
... even those who are limited in there moding skills such as myself ? :D
well ye, we are planning to make it so u can make a mod within 10hours. I mean obviasly its not going to look very good at all. But thats what we are planning. I am working on the whole of tokyo city mapping atm and having to map basiclly a about 36 kilometers of buildings, people would say this is impossible but me and a m8 have found out how to do it, with good r_speeds. I am also now with corporate anarchy and need to get some models done for them as well. Then we have to do the tutorial. So as u can see I am going to be a busy be. But o well I love doing it so not like its never gunna happen. Its just u will have to wait :p
Yes, you'll have to wait until Valve release the SDK, just like everyone else. Right, Ichi?
Thanks for that Dux. :)
Yes, you'll have to wait until Valve release the SDK, just like everyone else. Right, Ichi?
When is the SDK release ? I know nobody know the exact date but are they planning on bringing it out when the game is released, or will it continue being developed like in some games. So we have to wait even longer ?
Originally posted by PiMuRho
Yes, you'll have to wait until Valve release the SDK, just like everyone else. Right, Ichi?

yep :D *crys for SDK*