Mod Weapons Screenshots


Sep 23, 2003
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K seems like eveyrtime a new mod is announced, or an update given, screenshots of a couple of rendered weapons is posted. I just don't get it. I mean, yeah, their kinda cool, but isn't there more to the mods than a couple of weapons renders?

I don't even think that the weapons actually end up looking like that in the game anyway.

Am I smoking crack here? I've just never been able to figure out why posting weapons renders was paramount to getting a good mod produced.
In HL²'s case it's special, all we see are weapon renders because you can't really work on anything else besides that and player models for the most part since there's no SDK yet.
i dunno, a lot of people seem to think the visuals are 100% of the game. then when it actually comes out people will be let down.

i see this alot, tis happened to myself.
The flash model renders do create a lot of interest. Making them is also what got the designers into creating a mod in the first place -- which brings us to Mac's point; the majority don't bother (or get bored with) making the rest of the game from then on... but shee-oot! - don't those damn guns look sexy...

At this point in time though it's all they can do for any planned HL2 mods. until they get their grubby hands on the SDK they're pretty much limited to producing player and weapon models. Best off sticking the semi-pro teams like the guys doing Insurgency -- you know that they just won't stop with the models like a lot of modders do.
Yes, I agree that the guns are nice-looking. I'm usually very impressed with the models created, but my point is that this doesn't seem to have anything to do with the actual game, and it seems like a lot of time wasted to create what amounts to an advertisement which doesn't relate to the game anyway.

I guess I feel that when a new mod is announced and is a big enough deal to post on a poular game site, then I'd like to know what the game is going to be like, and I'd expect to see a representation of how the game is coming along, if anything.

Otherwise, it seems as though the person is just displaying his modelling skills. (And even though I am not opposed to guns in general, and I find the weapons models very cool, a lot of them really do look alike.)

I'd prefer to see rendered models of some original weapons, rather than perfect replicas of weapons for which there are already plenty of information about. I think it would show more imagination and possibly a bit more of a clue as to what the game is going to be like.

In the end I think that fantasic reders of "real life" weapons is great if they are going to be used as marketing material, as in a picture in the manual, or on the box.