ModDB - Jailbreak 0.4 Preview


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
The following comes from a new ModDB Preview of the Jailbreak mod.

My entire team was ambushed just outside our HQ, dragged off to this damp heavily fortified jail. There has been rumors circulating of an execution for the current prisoners - we don’t have much time. Given the circumstances, our only option is to escape and the only possible exit is a small air vent just big enough for one. I take it upon myself to free my teammates from the Combine. I was not ready for the challenge ahead of me, looks like they thought that we would try escape. The entire exit is obstructed by a laser grid; I will have to tread carefully. One false step and I’ll lose my life and those of my teammates. The countdown begins for the execution - can I make it out in time?


<div align="center">[url='' ]' alt='Hologram' />[/url] [url='' ][img]' alt='Plague' />[/url]</div>



Version 0.4 of the mighty impressive [url=]Jailbreak mod[/url] is scheduled for release later this month, and boy does it look good judging from the [url=]ModDB Preview[/url] and those new images.


Keep your eyes on the [url=]Jailbreak home page[/url] for all the latest and a trailer for the new version of the mod.
i see dead people... or atleast a girl using otacon's cloaking device... looks kinda cool though.
But they have to keep there art direction more focused i think, to much non HL2 stuff in there to use the HL2 univurse as a "background story i'd say.

I've tried downloading the various versions of source jailbreak, and there were always only 3 servers tops..
But they have to keep there art direction more focused i think, to much non HL2 stuff in there to use the HL2 univurse as a "background story i'd say.


Our version of Jailbreak is barely sitting in the HL2 universe anymore, the only real scraps of evidence that it is, is in the player models, which we will be replacing for version 0.5. Once this is done we will be removing any reference to the combine/rebel's and thus be totally removed from HL2.

To Soulslicer, unfortunately a Steam update a fair few months back completely borked up version 0.3.1, which made it difficult to join game's. Couple this with the fact that 0.3.1 release was largely ignored, meant that it was never very popular, despite how well (in our eyes at least) it played.

Regardless 0.4 is almost a completely different mod now and i'm glad everyone is getting so excited about it's imminent release.

Thanks guys!
Impressive to see how this mod evolved.

I remember the jailbreake events we did with Stoom, those where fun!
I for one prefered when it was entirely HL2 themed.
I tried one of the earlier versions, didn't really liked it because it was lagging a lot for me, and I had no idea what I was doing. :p
I will, however, definitely try out 0.4 when it gets released.
Well that was confusing. I thought I had replied to this thread without even knowing it. :(
It looks interesting, I'll give it a try when it comes out