Modding HL2 for a game without guns?


Nov 8, 2003
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Ok im sure your all pretty trigger happy, so this might not be to everyone's taste.

But the main point is,, not many first person action/adventure games have the material in them to beable to justify not using weapons of some kind..
and I was thinking after seeing the effects and atmosphere an engine like source can create, about the ability to create a really erie spooky realistic atmosphere.

for what reason...? well In the uk theres a tv program called mosthaunted. hosted by Evette Fielding, and I had an idea that might or might not work...

its basically creating haunted locations and a realistic system , based on realistic paranormal phenomenon, so basically the game would be aimed at scaring you in a realistic way. You would go around with a team of people at night time (althought you could check out the place in the day), split up check out the rooms, hear things.? maybe even see something , even though if its realistic that rarely happens. but I find hearing things and seeing things move by an unseen force the most frightening thing, and it is only apparent for a few minutes in a dark room or lightly lit room, a 'ghost'?.

people would react to a sound, like 'did you hear that' then they would go.. 'shh shh, quiet' and you would all be quite, but as an aim of the game you would be wanting to set out to record paranormal activity on camera, record sounds etc, or you would hear a door bang down the hall and, everyone would react accordingly, maybe if a woman was with you, she would scream a bit.. not sure how this would be done. but its just a thought.

If it can be made half as scary as the Televised program, who needs a gun, I think if it could be pulled off it would be great fun.. :thumbs:
whoa, now if you aiming for a coop kinda thing then that would so 0wn!

Source can basicly do anything you tell it to really, except make my tost ;(, so yeah you can make it without guns
seeing that cavern at the start of the techdemo level, with the floodlights on the cave walls, sparked the idea. and watching Mosthaunted alot. some of the locations they visit are underground jails,, and tunnels. :p
I LOVE the idea! :D

be hard though, takes a special talent to know how to scare people without using the old worn out methods.
thanks Fenric, well maybe ill sit down and run it through on some paper, or create some 3d studio images for ideas on locations, and try to light it like source for some insight. hmm any ideas ,keeping to realisim of paranormal phenomena, poltergeist. etc ., are very welcome, :D

dunno maybe you could carry, and EMF meter, or a digital camera. or set up trigger object experiments before the walk around the location at night.

but importantly the character system can have a direct influence on your experience if they appeared scared aswell, that would be key to the effect. lucky source has realistic characters. ;)
Ya that's a pretty cool idea clarky. I'm wondering if you might have to have some sort of objective besides just recording paranormal activity tho. I'm not sure what exactly, but perhaps something to make people compete.

Also, if you are really wanting to scare people, have you thought about the D3 engine? I think it would actually be a better choice than source for that sort of thing.
A haunted house to wander around in? Sounds like it'd be very cool... if you could pull it off...

I've been thinking that Source might be a good platform for a first-person version of those old non-violent point and click adventure games... instead of weapons, you'd have tools, senses and interactions (like in the old Sierra games)...
Couldn't you make an NPC that would be invisible and make freaky sounds and close doors and stuff like that?
I considered a mod kinda like this a few months ago. I definitly thought it would be cool. It had guns though. It also had phychic powers and secret cults and some other wild wacky stuff also.

I'm just thinking... what exactly is the game's purpose? What is going to encourage the player to keep playing? Also, without guns, it seems that there would be nothing to fear from (since you don't need to fight back directly).

I've played games before with an invulnurability hack, and never got freaked out or spooked by anything. I've played half-life, and I know that if I run into a situation, I could die, like really fast. So I sneak around, go slow, especially in the dark when I don't know what to expect... I think it would be good to have some threat to the player (if not health-wise, than objective-wise), so that they have something riding on the game. That could keep them tense. ...And when you spring some wild scary stuff at them, it'll scare them more...

Maybe. Good luck with it it you ever do get something going.

I considered a mod kinda like this a few months ago. I definitly thought it would be cool. It had guns though. It also had phychic powers and secret cults and some other wild wacky stuff also.

my idea is more realistic, modern world, reality based, not really similar, but still a kool idea

Couldn't you make an NPC that would be invisible and make freaky sounds and close doors and stuff like that?

if your saying include a poltergeist entity, then maybe it could be an npc, depends on what effect you wish to accomplish, id rather have the paranormal phenomena as a direct influence of you and your team being there. like the spirits know your there, as for seeing stuff. alot of the time they are only seen for seconds, sometimes you see their feet, and feet only. hear footsteps when no ones around. or someone whistles or shouts, and it sounds like people from the past... with old english accent if you ever hear them. afterall ghosts are supposed to be past people. the idea would have to be looked into. as id be gunning for something like, ' you and your mates going to visit a real life haunted location kinda thing, not some freak show where blue ghost fly through walls all the time.. the realisim aspect is far scarier
clarky003 said:
my idea is more realistic, modern world, reality based, not really similar, but still a kool idea
But will you have Yvette Fielding in it?

No really, why don't you ask them. I know the producer I think it is was on Knightmare as a kid, and is a friendly enough chap.

Would be way more fun if you could make it official like that. Since they haven't much money on their shows I bet they'd listen, if you could prove its a worthwhile idea. Might even be the foothold you need to get into the industry too perhaps?

Hey, worse that can happen is they say no. Wont hurt to try will it. And it would be cool :)
great idea Fenric.. i dont see why i wont try that. see what they say.. id say to them id be trying to reflect the true feel and nature of their program in the game. as I would want to do this for experiance value. Never thought the idea would go down so well with you guys, I guess this might be a possible Game, rather than a mod.
clarky003 said:
great idea Fenric.. i dont see why i wont try that. see what they say.. id say to them id be trying to reflect the true feel and nature of their program in the game. as I would want to do this for experiance value. Never thought the idea would go down so well with you guys, I guess this might be a possible Game, rather than a mod.
You'd have to do more than just say stuff

For you to stand a chance of proving its a good idea to them, you'd want to knock up example footage, models etc. Let them play around in a demo map that shows off most of the stuff, write up tons of interesting info, show you've done your homework and prove to them they'd be mad to pass it up. Otherwise they'll probably just ignore it, I'm guessing it wouldn't be the first time someone has suggested something similar to them.
hmm, i may get a few of my Uni mates on this one then, we can put some artwork together, and who knows see how it goes, but I know for a fact Source is perfect for the job, just got to put some accurate interior design together :).

I might go and find some pics of certain locations, and post them to see what you think . Mosthaunted fans should get a kick out of it if this idea becomes more than an idea.
Very interesting. I'm particularly interested in the Source Films side of things, since the facial system should lend itself well to the accurate portrayal of believable and emotable characters :)
Neutrino said:
Ya that's a pretty cool idea clarky. I'm wondering if you might have to have some sort of objective besides just recording paranormal activity tho. I'm not sure what exactly, but perhaps something to make people compete.

Also, if you are really wanting to scare people, have you thought about the D3 engine? I think it would actually be a better choice than source for that sort of thing.

well it would really be aimed at a Mosthaunted fanbase, which is why it wouldnt be everyones kinda thing. but as for the Doom 3 engine, im not sure, the shdowing is too heavey , I dont think it could pull off the realistic factor aswell as Source.
clarky003 said:
well it would really be aimed at a Mosthaunted fanbase, which is why it wouldnt be everyones kinda thing. but as for the Doom 3 engine, im not sure, the shdowing is too heavey , I dont think it could pull off the realistic factor aswell as Source.

Hmm, well I'll have to check out this Mosthaunted thing sometime then. Sounds pretty neat.

As for D3, I imagine that the heavy shadowing it purely due to the style the D3 level designers were trying to achieve. I think it will be much more versitile than it might at first seem.
hire the sound people from silent hill....scariest games ever.
If this was done like silent hill where the things freaking you out will be the atmosphere...not the sudden jumping ot will own
where the things freaking you out will be the atmosphere

you got it, thats what im thinking of, you dont need big scary mosters and gore to scare you alot. infact it proven your more scared when your anxious of whats going to happen, and this game would keep you anxious mostley all the way through with little pockets of release every now and then, depending on which location your exploring.
interaction with characters and enviroment realistically influencing the player to be nervous and freightened, also you will want something to happen as much as you dont. and being unsure of what will happen next is a key aspect . aswell as the paranormal 'hunt' if you will. it would be intresting to see how close you could get to inducing certain feelings that may occur when you do it in real life.
I wish i could answer that question right now, but unfortunately ive just brushed the surface on the idea. id need to have a jog of the old noggin to put some clarity into it or figure it out.. but one things for sure. the idea certainly isnt cliche. :D
Myst was pretty bad, this is nothing like it. I've seen the show and its quite different :)
Fenric said:
Myst was pretty bad, this is nothing like it. I've seen the show and its quite different :)
Myst wasn't a game. T'was a crime.

I haven't seen the show as I don't have UK Living ;(
a game with swords and such would be classified as a game without guns..
or a fighting game..

I'm pretty sure those can be made with source..
Fenric said:
Myst was pretty bad, this is nothing like it. I've seen the show and its quite different :)

I loved that game. Differant strokes for differant folks. :p
to get the general angle of the dangle im still thinking hard about this idea. heres the kind of atmosphere I think source would be suitable for, light , or dark

the Edinburgh Vaults, recorded bangs and tappings, people walking around, who arnt to be seen. light anomalies everything, but If you can imagine this place in the dark, im sure you wouldnt be too fond of a night, with all but a flashlight and a nightvision Digi cam in your hands. . as you can imagine the sounds would echo a little too. :O ,

brown pants, when I watch the most haunted episode , :LOL:
clarky003 said:
to get the general angle of the dangle im still thinking hard about this idea. heres the kind of atmosphere I think source would be suitable for, light , or dark

the Edinburgh Vaults, recorded bangs and tappings, people walking around, who arnt to be seen. light anomalies everything, but If you can imagine this place in the dark, im sure you wouldnt be too fond of a night, with all but a flashlight and a nightvision Digi cam in your hands. . as you can imagine the sounds would echo a little too. :O ,

brown pants, when I watch the most haunted episode , :LOL:
Didn't some team make a virtual walkthrough of those vaults and find they gave the same or similar effect to people trying it in a VR simulation when cut off from outside noise and distractions?

I think at one point you could download it or something.
oh yeh Fenric, sorry for the double post, but I managed to do a quick concept image on 3DS,
What would also be interesting is the "Clock Tower" type of game. (Granted I've never played Clock Tower but the idea needs hardly any explaining.)

Source could probably create a mod where you are "hunted" by something (Fast evil thing perhaps, or the Clock Tower serial killer idea.) and of course because it can't be stopped (Or just you don't have a weapon.) you must escape gory death by using your head and the environment around you.

I mean that could be both a mixture of suspence and horror. Depending on how you make the "hunter" look of course. It also makes the character feel increasingly defenseless. Which is good. And with Source's AI it should make it even more menacing.
Venmoch, wouldn't that idea be a smidge more scarey if there wasn't actually a physical hunter ? Something like Final Destination where death just seems to happen, but with a hint of something controlling it would be better in my opinion... once you've seen something it takes away some of the fear. :)

God knows how you'd be able to do that though, bar a load of scripted sequences which would only be scarey the first time you played. :(
Think back to when you were kids and would dare each other to go stay in some old "haunted" house for the night. Obviously there was never any haunting, no ghosts or ghouls. But the whole fear of it was overwhelming and great fun. Thats the kind of thing Clarky is after, the kind of thing the show has. There's no bad guy except your own imagination and fear.
Wouldn't that just be a load of empty maps, then ? :)

*avoids starting an argument about Most Haunted being staged*
Fluffy Kitten said:
Wouldn't that just be a load of empty maps, then ? :)

*avoids starting an argument about Most Haunted being staged*
shoosh! :p nobody is supposed to know its fake, next you'll be telling us WWE is faked too hehe ;)

Yeah most haunted is likely staged though I agree, but their heart is in the right place heh.

I get the kind of thing Clarky is wanting to do. And it would be cool if he pulls it off, nice scary locations. Granted it would have a short shelf life, but it would be fun to play with late at night. He should get Vic Reeves in it too and have him go crazy like he did in that one episode ;)
Think back to when you were kids and would dare each other to go stay in some old "haunted" house for the night. Obviously there was never any haunting, no ghosts or ghouls. But the whole fear of it was overwhelming and great fun. Thats the kind of thing Clarky is after, the kind of thing the show has. There's no bad guy except your own imagination and fear.

you know it Fenric ;). im not looking for much violence, maybe if you encounter a very active poltergeist at one location lots of stuff may happen. but no maimings or beheadings. just good old scare tactics

it wouldnt be empty maps ,no lol, tables, and kitchen utensels, and all the stuff you would find in a house, or the particular area your designing. after all, realistically eveything would have to look natural. but like I said it wouldnt be everyones cup of tea. So sources physics would come very much in handy.. if you wanted to piss the spirits off, you could mess the house up a bit if you decided too.. or you may hear an object fall to the floor down a poorly lit corridor, go to the end, and see a glass on the floor, that was origionally on the table, then hear a door shut behind you, or a ghostly giggle.... and everything goes quiet. most of the impact would come from your team mates. looking scared. figgiting. staring into the dark areas. nervously talking to you.. etc

as for Most haunted being fake, well. its clear that the program gets edited for viewing, but some of stuff they catch most certainly isnt worth dicrediting themselves and their careers by 'faking it'.. its very simple, they equip themselves with digital camera's. and spend 24 hours in a reported haunted location that has paranormal history, and they sit it out.. not tricks. just the realisation that Ghost just may be as real a phenomena as you or I
Must... resist... having... this... argument... again !!!!

Anyway, it may just be years of mindless TV and video game violence desensitising me, but I don't see how you could really pull of fear in a video game environment. All I can really imagine you being able to do is anticipation and surprise.
At the press of 6 keys (`quit and enter) anything in the game can be made to go away, so there's nothing to be frightened of.

I'm not saying the idea is bad... in fact I quite like the sound of it; I just don't think it would really work. :(
I guess im the only one who thought Clive Barker's Undying SCARED THE LIVING POOPY OUTTA PEOPLE (including me)