Modding resources?


Oct 15, 2003
Reaction score
Can anyone recommend some good web sites that contain HL2/CS/Source modding guides & resources? I found a really good site some time ago but I can't remember what it was called now. Always wanted to have a go at modding even if it's just building a simple map. I've got some good ideas but no idea about what I need & how to go about creating stuff.

cant really remember any sites, sorry - check your Privat Messages though
Cheers for the PM. I've definitely seen a HL site for modders before. I'm pretty sure it was named after those annoying bug things from the first game (The ones you carried around). Sark's or something? Can't find the site in any case. Maybe it's not up anymore.
I was just about to download the SDK but it's quite a bit bigger than I thought it would be! (220MB in total). I'll probably leave it downloading overnight but I was wondering if I could back it up once downloaded? I wouldn't want to download it again if I needed to re-install Steam or re-format my HD or something.