Model Animations? How are they done?

Jan 11, 2005
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I was just wondering where model animations are done, within the 3d modeler or elsewhere?

+ i was hoping to see some tutorials maybe? heh
SoftImage XSI, Milkshape 3D, 3D Studio Max
its ****ing hell dude don't get into it. First I couldnt get the progs to work, then when i fixed that I couldn't get the models to import, then when I fixed that I could get them to export and here I am with a waste of time and unexportable models. DONT DO IT MAN, like drugs just SAY NO.
Bones, keyframes, magic and a butt-load of luck!
Well there are tutorials for importing exporting over the net... As to how to animate its more art than science :) I mean with modelling you could write in text how to do it, but with animation it takes a lot of work, only video can show approximately how to do it, but you can't follow video exactly or the animation won't look right...

Just read up on H L (remove spaces) on their wiki on how to import/export :)
alright, I was just wondering if Source might of had some sort of streamlined way of doing animations that ignored the actual model making programs.