Modeler looking for mod

Sent you a PM ;) good luck on whatever team you choose (if you have not chosen one already)
Sending a PM. We could always do with more modellers :D
Don't choose yet.

Sending PM.
Has any one recieved a PM back from this guy? :eek: Or did he just ignore me hehe
when you learn to model in hl2 format and know how to smd and mdl for hl2 please drop me a line dave. Good work so far!
I made him an offer he couldn't refuse.
I'm allergic to cookies :(


and yes, ennui's offer sounded best to me, so I went with it.. sorry everyone else
CommandoSR said:
1 million dollars and free lifetime insurance? :p
nah, combination of man sechs, coder, and aliens.
Yes, but I checked out your website, and you don't even need me
*hates Ennui*

Just because I don't give man sechs I dont get a modeler? :eek: I just wont do it >_<
00dave said:
Yes, but I checked out your website, and you don't even need me

How so?

We have a character modeller and 2 weapon/prop modellers. We'd kinda like more...