

Oct 28, 2004
Reaction score
Ive made so many posts here trying to get into mods. I do then they die or lack in updates.
I need a mod that wont "die" and will get the stuff done.
I usually make a gun then they dont even use it cause they either die or they dont know what they are doing. Some mods ive been in have been ok , its just i had no time then. So if there are any mods that need a modeler .... pick me :D .

Here are some examples of work.


m16 "vietnam"

Sniper Rifle

Thompson m1
All i can do is model sorry to say .. cant animate or anything..... but i can model :p ..
well, i dont know if we have anything that can be modelled fully, but i can make some things. This is a mod that needs people like you to keep it alive. Message me if interested.
can you model players models or just weapons but we do have some gun models that are in need of modeling ill pm you.
We need you for weapons modelling! We dont need so many models for the first release, but you're the perfect guy! I'm coder, but still I can get models ingame, and we have a guy that can texture. Join us and I'll give you 100mb to upload models, screenies, what so ever. (Do I sound desperate? :p)

But, we need a old shotgun, and a hand model for the players (each team) after that we need a revolver. That isnt much, huh? ;)

That is for the Pre-Alpha release, after that release you can decide if you want to leave or not.
Hi Akuma, you interested in doing some differant types of weapon modeling? Afflicted needs a weapons modeler, and I think youd have alot of fun making futuristic weaponry :)
i must say very nice weapons, im impressed, my mod however does not use weapons, so if you model vehicles let me know, but gl with your search, very nice models We have a ton of weapons planned for the mod and currently have only 2 weapons modelers. Swing by and check us out, if you are interested contact me in irc #dead on gamesurge, or post in our "join the dead" forum.
Hollywood said:
If you need more information about the mod, email me at [email protected] or catch me on MSN at [email protected]

I'll also tell you some of the weaponry that will be included in the mod.

I, personally, could never take someone with that email address seriously. :LOL:

Also, do you have the polycounts for those models?
thanks for the replies guys.
The poly count ... well the carbine is 1500 , the sniper is around 1700 , the m16 is about 3000 and the thompson is about the same as the m16 :)
Don't take me seriously if you don't want to, I'm just trying to get help for my mod, really don't need unneccecary comments like that.
He joined me, just so you guys know.

(I think its because the job he has on my team isnt really much for the first release, and after the first release he can decide to leave or stay)
Akuma said:
thanks for the replies guys.
The poly count ... well the carbine is 1500 , the sniper is around 1700 , the m16 is about 3000 and the thompson is about the same as the m16 :)

:eek: That's pretty high for world models, which I assume these will be, as you can't animate.
No , i doubt it ... i think that an animater would get hold of them for first person. Like all my other mods did.
Ah, for the better I suppose. I prefer to have people who can stick around and work through something :) Good work ethic is always a great attribute :)
I'd loved to animate so good models! Setting up bones might be a small problem, but I learn fast, I know a little bit about it in 3dsmax. BTW: Have you read the Mod Des. Akuma?
Jorg40 said:
He joined me, just so you guys know.

(I think its because the job he has on my team isnt really much for the first release, and after the first release he can decide to leave or stay)

Didnt anyone read that? :rolling:
Yeah, because it's completely impossible to work on more than one mod at a time.
well yeah it pretty much is if your actualy doing an important job on it and are dedicated.