Models Galore


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
triangle counts:

UMP .45 wip: 1700
AK-47: 2300
AK-74U: 2389
GALIL: 2600
CAR-15: 2400 Texture(s): 1 x 1024x1024 uvw map






i think i have seen most of these before because im a fan of waedoe :) but these are still awesome! hey waedoe we gotta talk sometime i havent talked to you for awhile, next time u see me on aim message me

waedoe said:
how do you like the skins?

I'm usually not a camo-skin fan, but your camo-skin actually looks hot. The other skin is sexy :D Again, good work!
bah, we've seen all of these before :p

the camo skin looks like a cheap photoskin to me, and the standard one looks better. The magazine looks very photo-skinned.
sidewinder all i can say is they are definatly not photo skineed, and no they arent my skins for who ever was askin. salvo did them
the magazine looks like a photoskin because there is little shading on the groves in it. Tell him to burn/dodge it a bit to make it looks less photoy

the standard skin has grown on me, I like it alot, although the [faked] speculars need to be adjusted on the foregrip. currently they're in the middle of the foregrip, but to be inline with the rest of the gun, they should be about 3/4s up. And the barrel looks a bit too bright, 'specially compared to the rest of the gun.

The camo one looks like a bad photoskin for a few reasons.
a)it seems to have a "fade/grain" layer on it that makes it look like it came from a lowish quality jpeg.
b)It's not sharp. the edeges of the camo should be distinct and in focus, not softened like they are.
c)all of the camo parts, in general, don't seem to be in focus.

Other things that might need looking at on the camo one:
same barrel thing
same specular thing, although it's not as noticible.
just noticed this hear, but it goes for the other skin as well. The pistol grip is rounded in real life, and even though the model isn't, the specular highlists would extend or bleed around to the back parts of the grip. not a big deal though.

It's nice to see models starting to get skinned, regarless of how they look. Just pass these comments onto the skinner :)

[note: I don't mean faked speculars as a dig or anything, that's just how they're most easily descriped as, and that's what they are.]
waedoe dude youve come a llong way ..i love those models they look realy well done ..only think i could point out without refering to any refs is that the mag on the ak74u is uneven ...i know its a pain to model curved mags ....