modern civil rights


Apr 27, 2005
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i have to paint a window about the past and the modern civil rights

and for past i wanna paint faces of lincoln, jfk, king jr., and malcom x

for modern i wanna paint faces of harold ford(repabican from tennessie), oj simpson, dave chappell and eminem

what do you guys think, if i made the right choice of people and recommend somebody else modern,

seriosness is welcome
What does OJ Simpson have to do with modern civil rights? Or Eminem? I'd equate modern civil rights more to do with the gay marriage movement.
What does OJ Simpson have to do with modern civil rights? Or Eminem? I'd equate modern civil rights more to do with the gay marriage movement.

civil rights is not a very good description(my bet), it's just about the relationship between white and black america

oj showed us that money are colorblind

eminem: i saw so many black and white kids get together due to him, he unintetionally united youth and made them overlook the color difference
For modern times use: Al Sharpton, Barack Obama, Bill Cosby and
good good, thanks, but explain more about bill cosby, he is more on the childrens issues not the civil rights, or is he?

The Cosby Show was IMHO the pinnacle of black comedy. Before that, they tried...lackluster I think...but Cosby pulled it off wonders.

That and jello puddin'
The Cosby Show was IMHO the pinnacle of black comedy. Before that, they tried...lackluster I think...but Cosby pulled it off wonders.

That and jello puddin'
reason why i chose dave chappell is because he made fun of both black and white (remember the joke about his white friend being high?) anyway how did cosby connected white and black america? i haven't seen a lot of him so i'm probobly missing something
reason why i chose dave chappell is because he made fun of both black and white (remember the joke about his white friend being high?) anyway how did cosby connected white and black america? i haven't seen a lot of him so i'm probobly missing something

He lived in what brooklyn? New York? New Jersey? Something. Anyway, they talked about being a respectable black family *Cosby was a doctor* and living with the white community and not rob them...