Modern Day Combat Mod.....


Apr 20, 2004
Reaction score
What are peoples opinians on a Modern Day combat mod using the source engine. Do you think it would be realistic to have fighter and bomber aircraft?, or do you think it should just be helos, troops and ground vehicles.

:LOL: Cause lets face it lol, the average private can't fly an F-16 lol. :LOL:
Ummm, no. HL2 isn't built for high scale warfare. The maps are big, I agree, but the Source engine is more about quality, not quantity. (No WW2 sims have cool bumpmapping and shaders and such)
BF1942 has horrible hit boxes, the top of someones head could be showing and you won't be able to hit him.
Foxtrot said:
BF1942 has horrible hit boxes, the top of someones head could be showing and you won't be able to hit him.
Is this relevant? :sleep:
Well, OP:COIN is a mod and it looks very good, prob the best Half Life2 mod i seen so far, and that is a modern day combat mod.
Scunna said:
Well, OP:COIN is a mod and it looks very good, prob the best Half Life2 mod i seen so far, and that is a modern day combat mod.
Yes but not on a larger scale like BF...
And what is with your other topic about this same thing?
sorry about the 2 posts the same lol, the post reply knacked up
i think vehicles will make a cool addition to the great action HL2 will provide. for example, it will be fun for you and your team to have to take out a tank with explosives before it blows up your base. not necessarily giant bf1942 style vehicle fights. i love bf, but come on, you dont feel like a soldier just sitting in a huge open field and driving 10 different vehicles
I know you CAN make a BF mod, but it's not BUILT for it. Making that big of maps with the all the detail Source has to offer would kill your machine. (Plus huge map file sizes)
Modern day combat isn't just about big open maps with planes and tanks and stuff, what about stuff that you do in counterstrike? Isn't that modern day combat? Except, with SWAT and stuff besides military?
Foxtrot said:
BF1942 has horrible hit boxes, the top of someones head could be showing and you won't be able to hit him.

Take into acount the leading and drop players 10 to the dozen with a sniper rifle.

Not to mention the "horrible hit boxes" are the sole reason BF isnt aimbot heaven like Half life and COD etc......

In short no, source cant hope to recreate a large vehicular mod with big maps and ground sea and airiel combat with up to 64 people without lag.

EDIT: just so the fanboys amongst you know, im not "dissing" Half life or source, im just saying Source cannot do what the refractor 2 engine does just like BF's refractor engine cant do the highly detailed close combat stuff source does.