Modification Creation - Guide For New Modders.


Aug 9, 2005
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This is a very simple and straight to the point lesson on how to start your very own modification.

Generally everyone has a great idea for a new game - And there is only a selected few that have something unique and possibly highly succesful.

But it's great to always see new names and ideas being popped out into the open nearly every day :)

A little info i estimated myself.

There is currently 3,376 mods listed on moddb.

2,500 - Will just be a idea.
500 - Will not reach an alpha/beta.
250 - Will have one release.
120 - Will have regular updates and patches.
6 - Will become retail.

And that's covering all games. So before you think of working on any mod or starting one! Make sure you have a little think realisticly of what you think you can achieve...

Read On ( Download the rest of the article here )
Ah finally we are back online :D

I hope this helps guys! - And i'm here to answer any questions.
Six become retail? Being a little generous, aren't we? At most, two will go retail.

A couple more probably true statistics:

90% of mod team leaders have no skills beyond "Ideas" - 99% of these mods fall in the first and second category.

For every 500 modders, 200 will be concept artists, 90 will have no useful talent, 100 will be mappers, 80 will be modellers, 20 will be texture artists, 5 will be animators, and 5 will be coders.

-Angry Lawyer
As a subset of those, only a percentage will be good mappers and good modellers. You can't throw a stone without hitting a mapper/modeller these days, but good ones are few and far between.
One of the things most people should know before thinking of before starting something.

Generally the best people to start mods are ones who have exceptional skills in something themselves.

Very good points both of you.

Unless you have a coder, you're not getting very far. Get a coder as early as possible, and get him/her to lay the groundwork as soon as possible - i.e. a round system, the new control interface, etc. Can't find a coder? Pick up a book and learn it yourself - you won't get anywhere unless you're willing to put a little of your own blood into the mod.

Also, chicks dig coders.

-Angry Lawyer