Mods - what do you want?


Sep 11, 2004
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Hi I just thought i would set up this thread to see what ideas people had in mind for half-life 2 mods, they can be as mad as you want them to be or as simple. I'me not going to make them i just it would be well cool to see what everything thought.

A online mod which allow the use of only the gravity gun would be kewl.

And remember they can be gun mods, character mods etc etc,

a web net gun, shooting nets at the enemies, mabye...

keep them comming, i intrested to see what people like, besides a mod maker might get a kewl idea. ;) more posts the better. Lets have a laugh :thumbs:
hummm, thought this was ganna be a intresting topic (3hrs on)
Natural-Selection 2 / Source

And errr, grav gun matches would kick so much ass... But right now, I'm just looking forward to ANY mod that comes out first (hint hint).. Because CS: S is boring
lol surely a star wars one has gatta come out. just shame modders can never make them well, actualy battle fronts not that much better either. :p

i am expecting some good mods, valve has made it easy to create the physics, i think you just create the object and then apply it with the correct physic, such as if you made a a chair it would be classed as light wood etc. modders should be excited about the source engine.

whatt about a grabbling hook, come on guys think of some kewl stuff before i shoot a bullet through that afro and into you head :sniper: :afro: :hmph:
Tribes2 mod.

It's my favorite game. Didn't buy T:V.

The game concept is great with the jet pack, capping the flag, and vehicles. Just that many couldn't get the game to work on their computers when it first came out. And then it was plagued with UE crashes.

Ps i like the chav scum piccy :p :p i a fan of that site
I would like to see something World War II but better than DOD if thats possible. Really team based and new weapons,
I would like a single player mod, which incorporated the physics of HL2 well (preferably set in the HL2 universe a al the 7 hours or City 13 mods which have been discussed here). I can't wait for either of those to come out.
I'd love to see a rapid-fire cross bow.. I don't care that it's unrealistic, I just think it would be awesome to pin a soldier to a war with loads of arrows in a second or 2 :p
I'd like to see a MOD where there are 2 teams and each team is given 5/10 minutes at the start to create a base out of materials using a manipulator type gun, maybe have some fixed walls to build around... this could provide lots of varied gameplay as each team will have a different set up. capture the flag style, would obviously encourage team ploay to set up a base.

In my head i can imagine a 2fort style map but with only a few walls and a flag room set up out of barrels.. obviously this is only an idea with not too much thought put in but sounds fun

Also id like to see some "fun" maps including physics like the concmaps for TFC, high walls u have to build structures to get over/accross etc in a race type thing.


me and my houssemate made a map which had lines of hostages, u start with a knife at one end and have to mow through the hostages to get a gun at the other, first one to knife all the hostages to get to the gun has an advantage on killing the other :p

NoGodForMe said:
Tribes2 mod.

It's my favorite game. Didn't buy T:V.

The game concept is great with the jet pack, capping the flag, and vehicles. Just that many couldn't get the game to work on their computers when it first came out. And then it was plagued with UE crashes.

How could I forget Tribes 2? Omg Tribes 2 kicks so much ass.. But I lost my cd-key and the free download thingy from Fileplanet is cancelled ;(
lol best one so far deadeh, love the idea of using the gravity gun to biuld your own base, i'll visit other fourms and places and makes sure the link of the topic spreads around the web. GET POSTING!
For starters, all I want is a simple modification. If I knew how, I'd do it myself, it's so small.

Dual USP Matches (the pistol) and dual MP7's (the SMG) in single-player HL2. That's it.

Yeah yeah, I'm easy to please, at least, this soon into the saga of HL2 mods.
I like Deadeh's idea but mabey there could be a system where you could buy stuff like turrets and barrels. Hrm include a commander and weapon upgrades and stuff like that and do a TF meets NS meets source type thing would be cool.
I like Deadeh's idea but mabey there could be a system where you could buy stuff like turrets and barrels. Hrm include a commander and weapon upgrades and stuff like that and do a TF meets NS meets source type thing would be cool.

aye sounds good to buy stuff/credit system per team or something :)
Yeah I'd love to see NS:S too, my favorite HL1 mod. Too bad I lost my cd-key! I'm really looking forward to Eternal-Silence 2 though.
nice, lol.

2 or more teams start off in a scrap yard, possibly 2-4 players a team. using the gravity gun you have to search through the junk yard (its massive) and find wheels, batteries (like single player), sterring wheels, chairs, connect it together, and race. Not only are you racing, but racing to biuld the car. in the scrap yard you can find wepons, mbaye a gravity dispenser so when racing you can knock the opponant off track, a lazer to blow out tiers.

If you raced through a junkyard, the damaged sustained you could repair via your gravity gun, ie take off wheels and find a new one. The possabilities are endless, and this is just somthing i have thought off from the top of my head.

Happy thinking
*slight spoilers*
I would like to see a mod about the 7 hours war, you know, the war between combine and humans. Just imagine the sight, tanks, helicopters, airplanes, all of humans army slowly processing towards the Citadel, while the Striders, Gunships and crab-synths (whatever those are) just eat away the mankind. Yeah, it could be a nice mod.

Other mods than that, would be nice to see some little HL2-singleplayer mods, like the Dual USP mod or something. And some singleplayer mod about Ravenholm, seeing the bombardment of crabcapsules and then when all hell is set loose.

I have these ideas, but no skills to do a mod. Sucks.
I'd like to see a mod semi-themed on the background story, set in another city that everyone has deserted, leaving only zombies etc. For some reason you need to travel (back?) there. I really think the game / engine is perfectly suited to a post-apocalyptic setting. It would be nice to see what happened to the rest of the world. Maybe some major cities such as London, Paris, New York etc.
A destruction derby style game with the vehicles. Prefereably some new ones tho. As well as the buggy...
I love the idea of building your own base by hand; I think that could have tons of possibilities. Maybe medium boxes could be free (because they're destroyable), and explosive barrels could be cheap (use to knock down enemy walls), normal barrels slightly more expensive, then have several different weights of barrels, the heavier the more expensive, because they'd be much harder to knock over. There's a bit of a problem with the gravity gun making it easy to knock down the opponent's base, but perhaps it could be confiscated after the base building time is over, and replaced with a crowbar. More later, gtg now. (also a demo derby sounds cool)
Combine versus Resistance objective based, classes like medic/ammo man/fighter/..maybe engineer..maybe with gravity gun. Pistols/ar/smg/rpg/magnum/shotgun only. No Gordon Alyx Barney models running around. Combine types and resistance fighters only.

As little non-Valve made content as possible. Use netcode from CS, import all maps and models and soundfiles from HL2 single player.
Make the maps in Hammer with HL2 single player textures/environements. If I had any computing skills, I'd make it mahself.
(1) modern warfare mod (think DC) ... i would explain my entire idea but that would take like a whole post .... and a half

(2) Half-Life 2 Deathmatch mod.
A Mechwarrior mod. You start out as an infantry-man equipped with a rocket launcher. You work your way up to piloting vehicles and eventually mechs in an urban environment.
I dont know if any of you saw the prima stuff with story line regarding teh surrender of humanity and the fall of the worlds armies in 7 hours. But i think a Mp mod based around these exerts would be cool. pitting combine forces from HL2 against conventional world forces.

Just imagine fighting in city 17, with t72 tanks attempting to down a strider - i think that would be cool! Or a blackhawk trying to take a combine gunship! And militia fighting side by side with marines.

I think it would be fun.
I'd like to see a mod in a cold location, like Syberia, yes, Syberia sounds interesting, also, have MP and SP, yes that sounds good, also have a a never played before gameplay, yeah, that sounds good, and I'd like to see models like this :
As many ideas as we all have for modifications (that's the beauty of imagination- I just wish I had enough skills to actually implement stuff) I think most would agree that some sort of Combine vs The World MP modification would be great. And considering what people have made for SP HL, I have great hopes for the HL2 singleplayer mod scene :naughty:

Not sure what would be better though... Combine vs Resistance or Combine vs Earth in the Seven Hours War?

"Seventh Hour"... heh... mod name right there. 'Spose you could set up a scenario by having a neighbouring city defending against the Combine forces (this is with me presuming that City 17 was the first city to fall, hence the main base, the Citadel, being present there). Thing is, because of the nature of the Combine troops, what would they actually send to face humanity before the occupation? Unless you took major liberties with the storyline for the sake of enjoyment...

Man, vehicles, equipment... class based semi-strategy team game would rock. Engineer types having the ability to place and relocate sentry guns and the heavy machine guns and all the other mines and drones... vehicles blowing the crap out of each other...

You could try and be original by having the resistance respawn after a round as 10-health headcrabs (ala the rats in the UT Thief mod or the civillians in HL's Existence mod) and the Combine as scanners or manhacks ;)
The sex mod, with intense ragdoll action baby!
r5a said:
The sex mod, with intense ragdoll action baby!


szeriously tho, some fantastic thoughts comming up. now all we need is a skiled modder.....

if you can post this thread around the web, it might lead to somthing.... any one else signed up to any fourms?
i think someone should really learn how to put the hl2 physics online, cuz imagine how in depth the mods (mainly cs for me) would be if u could press e and pick up a box and stack it so u can get into higher windows, but only before the t's come and shoot the box so u cant get in anymore. or a team stacking a bunch of ruble so it makes it more difficult to get to, it would help cover bsites more. iono i just think if they knew how to do it they would of, thats why im praying someone learns how :)