Mods - what do you want?

What we really need is a simple voice chat mod: something that allows us to launch voice/avatar chat servers right off the messageboards. Wouldn't be that hard, and it would be pretty neat. We could even have panels in game that hook up with the IRC chatrooms. :)
for sure the most fun way to play was on quake 2 we would play as a model of an in-game object, ie a crate, and fight in a room full of crates. You can then only go by people's movement to tell if that barrel, for example, is indeed someone. Great for ambushing...

chaos and hilarity ensues...
lol cheers for the link, i'me sure that it will come in handy ;)
1 ) HL2 Deathmatch
2 ) TFC2
3 ) Tactical Ops 2 :p
Some kind of mod based in the ocean. I absolutely LOVE the water in HL2. Maybe with sharks or something :D
An Opposing Forces expansion/mod where you play a CP (since they are human, and volunteer)

Things could get really interesting when the rebellion starts...
Sadako said:
Some kind of mod based in the ocean. I absolutely LOVE the water in HL2. Maybe with sharks or something :D

Yeah that would be pretty cool,

PS. were r u from the UK?

on other notes mabye a word war 2 modification, tanks. these are becomming common tho.
team fortress classic: source... now that will kickass :sniper:
A fantasticaly original mod.

Or a great game of another genre cunning converted into first person n looking sexy on the source engine. I'd love to know if there are plans to make a thief related one, like thievery was on the unreal engine
burner69 i think your correct. mods that usaly work are original
does anyone remember the Weapons Factory Arena mod for Quake III? one of the best "team fortress" style multiplayer mods I've ever played. I hope those guys can mod the source engine to bring back WFA.

also, They Hunger would be alot more scary/spooky now with the updated graphics and physics...

just my two cents

btw, I just finished HL2
I can't believe how easy the final levels were with the super gravity gun... but I gotta say, my favorite part is barney yelling "hey gordon! if you see Dr. Breen, tell him I say **** you!!"
They Hunger1/2/3 : Source for SP
and BOX WAR : Source for MP
yea id love to see box war back with new boxs and stuff better designed levels and stuff :)
A real futuristic mod would be sweet with guns like starwars but more like medal of honour; Anyting with large scale battles with large teams like 16 people would be sweet. I'm waiting for anything on the source engine that has bots
Any competent new Single-Player content would be awesome.
Any new content would be apreciated.

CS is getting real boring, real quick.

-Junkyard battles, with gravity guns, baseball bat, golf club, chainsaw and everything melee, no guns or swords, just construction tools, sports stuff and household utilities. Throw tires, kitchen sinks, kabinets chairs etc etc towards the others.

- cs weapons in sp

- gravity gun soccer, throw the ball or catch it from the air and score.

- combine vs resistance ala battlefield/battlefront

- hldm

-deus-ex style mod, if you know the game you know what i'm talking about. Implants, stealth etc. Multiple ways to reach your goals, guns blazing or stealth. Dropping a table on someone is not guns blazing but if its stealth?

-something with miniguns and water, armed boat races, 2 players per boat, 1 steering 1 shooting. Would be nice to see the bullets "walk" towards your boat. All that splashing. Could be intense.

Well that's what I could come up with, hopefully I have inspired someone.
Does anyone remember Speedball 2 on the mega drive? That would make an amazing mod . You could use the gravity gun to handle the ball.
Sucky Ducky said:
Natural-Selection 2 / Source

And errr, grav gun matches would kick so much ass... But right now, I'm just looking forward to ANY mod that comes out first (hint hint).. Because CS: S is boring

NS:Source... that's all I want for the next 5 years of mod fun for HL2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NS is THE game of the century. :E
oh, i thought this was about you getting pissed off at the mods of
I want a Mod Where Everyone gets putin a level and 100's of types of headcrabs get released from a gate and picking up health and infinit ammo of shotgun and machine gun only...and 1 grenade
Like someony above mentioned, The Specialists: Source, it would kick ass.
I would like to see online war mod, set in ww2 or modern era, with tanks artilery apc and jeeps. To keep it from everyone doing once certain thing you should have a character you make that can only do certain stuff and you have to go through training for it like on Americas army. With more detailed weapons operations for the artilery and etc, like you have to grab a round from a crate and load it into the howitzer and fire.

For voice chat you should only hear other people voices coming from the characters in the game, not having the whole server hear it, so it would make teamwork more better so you don't have to wonder if the guy talking on the server is near you or not.

I don't know if this should be added or not, but for more realsim to add screaming when people die.intense firefights with rounds flying everywhere and debris flying around with the occasional screaming would make the combat really imersive.

this is all i have thought so far, any more ideas from anyone else on this would be helpfull :smoking:
Singleplayer content. Just some more situations in which I can experience the beautiful combat from this game!
sven coop II
or some kind of coop