Your mother sounds like an incompetent bitch, I hope she doesn't treat you the same way.
I have been stern with my dog before, he had a nasty habit of eating shit, I had to show some physical force, but never something as violent as punching him in the stomach, thats just wrong.
ooh - a sensitive spot for me. I really have a dislike of animal owners (?) that haven't a clue. I have some rules that will be very violently enforced when I take over the world.
1) Never ever say that your dog won't bite. Ever. I don't care if your dog weighs a half a pound and hasn't bitten anything in the last 20 years - don't even mutter that sh!t under your breath.
1.5) If you say that and your dog proceeds to bite somebody, you will be shot on site.
2) Never get mad at your dog for not being trained. If your dog has never been properly trained and you are mad or upset about it, you go to the psychiatric unit for a week, where you will be trained in the finer points of animal husbandry.
3) If your dog is not friendly towards other animals or people and it's wandering around freely, both of you are immediately impounded. If it (or you) are wandering around freely and become aggressive towards other animals or people, both of you are immediately impounded in a Siberian gulag.
Seriously, though, I have a serious beef with people who don't handle their pets well. It's so easy and rewarding to have a cool pet too! You don't have to hit them - take the time to learn how to do it well. Remember, someday these people may have children and I can almost guarantee that their discipline won't be much better.
whoever thinks hitting a dog is right is ****ing isane. My family has trained tons of dogs, never have used violence once. It's always using a firm voice and body language. I caught a guy abusing his dog while they were walking bye my place, i ran outside and **** tore him a new asshole. (verbally) i think i scared him... but good. They are suppose to be your next best friend, and respect you... NOT FEAR YOU. So if u think beating a dog is the way to train them, GO **** YOURSElf.
Sorry bout the anger in this reply. I am very passionate about this topic..