Money for the Blind

That's annoying. I don't want a bunch of different-sized bills in my wallet.
Couldn't they just thread something into the bill?
.....wait, vending machines wouldn't like that.
That could also be interpreted as:

If I was some extreme PC idiot. :P
Heh, I wasn't really trying to avoid sounding callous. Maybe they could make alternative money for them or something; I'd just prefer to keep my uniform sized bill folds.
I thought this was some sort of chairty thread.
This is really really stupid.

Something else to waste our tax dollars on.
Vending machines can hardly recognize my normal dollar bills... I doubt it can take the pressure of having to interpret different sized bills as well.
What's wrong with the kindness of strangers?
I can understand if you live in New York, but cmon now.
How do blind peeps deal with this atm? I've never heard of it being an issue. Seeing as they can't really use vending machines, I'd guess most use just credit cards?

Anyone have a very blind relative?
I think it's a good idea. Other countries have different bill sizes, so it's not impossible or implausible. Really the only argument against it is that it's annoying to non-blind people, which isn't a very good one.

What's wrong with the kindness of strangers?
I can understand if you live in New York, but cmon now.

Unfortunately, It's not something you can always count on.
You people are dumb. I have 2 people who go to my college who are blind but I never thought about this. All you have to do is put braille on it and you're fine. Little paper bumps on it or something. C'mon people think! :hmph:
You people are dumb. I have 2 people who go to my college who are blind but I never thought about this. All you have to do is put braille on it and you're fine. Little paper bumps on it or something. C'mon people think! :hmph:

QFT this isn't that bad. if they do something extreme ill be pissed.
You people are dumb. I have 2 people who go to my college who are blind but I never thought about this. All you have to do is put braille on it and you're fine. Little paper bumps on it or something. C'mon people think! :hmph:
I was thinking the same. Numbers in Braille are simple too, just place the Braille in the top left corner, or in George Washington's face or something.
I can see it now...

Scam artists scamming blind people by indenting extra braille dots on the money to fool them into thinking it was a different dollar bill.
I think the braille on paper money would wear off very quickly. Money changes hands alot.
I think we should all switch over to "credits" like Deus Ex.
Weird thinking about it, money will eventually just be numbers on a computer.
What happened to gold nuggets & sand dollars?
You people are dumb. I have 2 people who go to my college who are blind but I never thought about this. All you have to do is put braille on it and you're fine. Little paper bumps on it or something. C'mon people think! :hmph:

Wears out after a while....
C'mon people think! :hmph:
What about making the bills have different ph levels so blind people can just lick the money? Its genius!

That or have the numbers on the bills be woven differently so they feel different and you can feel the numbers.
What about making the bills have different ph levels so blind people can just lick the money? Its genius!

That or have the numbers on the bills be woven differently so they feel different and you can feel the numbers.

Tasty, nothing like receiving a freshly licked 20 from the visually impaired. I heard it brings you luck, kinda like rubbing a blackman's head.
Waste of time. I say we focus on internets braille to give the gift of the internets to the blind.

But seriously, I've never really thought of that. I'm surprised it only now is getting taken care of.
I can see it now...

Scam artists scamming blind people by indenting extra braille dots on the money to fool them into thinking it was a different dollar bill.

"You sold my dead bird to a blind kid?......Lloyd, Petey didn't even have a head.............Harry...I took care of it......"

I think we should all switch over to "credits" like Deus Ex.

Its the same as debit cards are now. And eventually it will be like that.

Blind people are starting to piss me off. With them sueing target because they cant see the website, trying to change our currency etc. Im really starting to hate the crap people get away with in this country.
My blind roommate read this story and screamed "ONE POINT FOR THE BLIND TEAM!!" and did a little dance.
Wouldn't it be easier to just punch a few holes in the corner of the bill?
Oh for Gods sake. How typical of Americans to not only be one of the only countries NOT to accomodate the blind by having different sized / coloured currency, but to then complain about it when they finally decide to do it. What an arrogant country.

It's not a new concept people. NZ has had different sized and coloured currency for at least three decades. Get your heads out of your asses, and get with the times.
Australia's Currency is differently sized and coloured to each other as well, no one really has a problem with it.
You could always weave some plastic into the bill.
Australia's Currency is differently sized and coloured to each other as well, no one really has a problem with it.
Not only are they plastic therefore more resilient but come in different colours and shapes - what could be simpler? Compared to

And to those who say it would be "annoying" - are you out of your minds?! How is changing the size going to be "annoying".
I can see no rational reason why changing the notes would be a bad idea - of course its a moot point since we all know nothing is going to happen.
Oh for Gods sake. How typical of Americans to not only be one of the only countries to accomodate the blind by having different sized / coloured currency, but to then complain about it when they finally decide to do it. What an arrogant country.

It's not a new concept people. NZ has had different sized and coloured currency for at least three decades. Get your heads out of your asses, and get with the times.

Its our way of making sure that everyone is satisfied, by complaining about concepts and then resolving them even before actions are taken. Hell, thats why they took down the OJ Simpson show even before it aired :D
This is really really stupid.

Something else to waste our tax dollars on.
Why is it stupid? I really don't see what you're all bitching about.
If they can't tell what notes they're handing, then they could be tricked into paying much more than they need to.
But it's ok for blind people to be swindled because it'd be a real effort on your part for the notes to be changed - is that it? To be perfectly blunt, that's pretty selfish.
Maybe not change the size (after all, we wouldn't want your wallet to be asymmetrical - Heaven forbid!) but maybe emboss the Braille numbers onto the notes. That way you wouldn't need to print loads and loads of new notes and make sure that old, redundant notes were taken out of circulation.
What about making the bills have different ph levels so blind people can just lick the money? Its genius!

That or have the numbers on the bills be woven differently so they feel different and you can feel the numbers.
Now that's stupid.
Not the propositions as such, just the entire post in general.
On a side note, *I once heard that Hellen Keller fell down a well.... she screamed her hands off.

*Taken from the Daily Show with John Stewart
Its our way of making sure that everyone is satisfied, by complaining about concepts and then resolving them even before actions are taken. Hell, thats why they took down the OJ Simpson show even before it aired :D
So your way of keeping everyone satisfied is by only realising in 2006 that there are a buttload of blind people in your country, and that almost every other country in the world has taken steps to accomodate them with their currency decades ago, and decide only now to do something about it. And of course complain about it. What an awsome country.
I think that Braille on the notes would probably be a better idea.