Monitor Clipping Errors


The Freeman
Jun 12, 2009
Reaction score
I have some seriously bad horizontal tearing problems with my monitor. It's become so detrimental in games that I either have to risk the eyesore of watching it (and later, headaches as a result), or enable vertical sync and sacrifice framerate. Obviously neither of these are preferable so if anyone has any ideas on how to fix the horrible, horrible tearing that I experience, I'm open to suggestions--aside from "Buy a new monitor." :p Believe me, I am going to dump this thing as soon as I can unless the problem can be fixed.

My setup:

P4 3GHz
1GB DDR400
9800 Pro 128MB
19" Viewsonic E90

Desktop size is 1024x768, 32bit, 75Hz (can go up to 85).
Games are played in fullscreen, mostly at 1280x1024, 32bit, 75Hz.

As a sidenote that might be of some importance to understanding the problem, I experience clipping even when not in game. I get clipping errors on websites if I scroll using mouse 3 (hitting mouse 3 then using the mouse to scroll at a slow speed will result in visible tearing).
By the way, everyone has that effect if they do not enable Vsync.
It's not as visable on LCDs as on CRTs but they still have it.

Use Vsync. If you drop in performance too much with Vsync then lower your monitor's refreshrate to 60Hz while ingame. You will only want to increase the refresh rate if your card can maintain that high FPS with Vsync on.

This way if your card can only manage 35FPS in a scene, with Vsync it will cut 60Hz in half for 30FPS (playable) but for 75Hz it will cut it in half for 37.5 and then again to 18.75FPS to maintain sync. Ouch.
Bleh, I guess I have no choice then. I shouldn't have said it's really bad with vsync; with vsync on it usually does 75fps, and the lowest I've seen it go was in the mid-30s. I just don't like having it enabled.

Thanks for the info, Asus. BTW, is there any way I could force my monitor's refresh rate higher? Say like 85Hz at 1280x1024?
try running monitor @ 100 or 85hz its probaly running 60hz

btw if you got 19 inch monitor it should be able to run 100hz @ 1024x768 or 85hz @ 1280x1024

i should't run higher then 1024x768 more aa and af are much better ^__^

if you have ati you can force 100hz ingame in ccc
or with ati tray tools :)