Monitor is crapping up. Help needed!


Oct 7, 2003
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My monitor has this wierd habit of going black for a second or two and then returning to normal. It happens often, and I hate it. HATE it. Does anyone know what might be wrong, and what the cure is? New monitor?
yup, probably a dying monitor, or it could possibly be the video card. little more info?
What do ye want? I have a Geforce 4 MX420. Pretty crap, and that's why I'm upgrading this very week. Getting an AMD 3400+ and a 6800 GT.
well. fairly recent card. How old is the monitor? (looks like that's the problem) But i've also seen this happen when the refresh rate is set too high/low. what is it set to currently and what is the model of the monitor?
I changed my refresh rate from 75 to 70. Also tried 60hz. No change, still blacks out regulary for a second or two. The Geforce 4 MX420 is an old card! It runs the games I want it to run fairly well, but I'm looking forward to playing games on highest settings with AA on. The monitor is 2½ year old now.
my monitor does that as well, although my gfx card (9700Pro) overheats quite a bit... im guessing its the gfx card... and the monitor is also fairly new.
fairly recent as in it's not a RIVA128. I'm not concerned for the age of the card. But perhaps we should pursue that a bit. Is the fan on the card (if there is one) still spinning? Is the heatsink covered in dust? how long has this problem been going on?
I'll check up on these things tommorow, as it's getting pretty late here. Thanks!
Card doesn't have a fan. heatsink isn't covered in dust. Problem has been going on for a couple of months. I reckon it's your first theory. It's a dying monitor.
How old is the monitor....could just be dusty or loose connector, funny how simple things like that can do annoying bits
I have a problem with my monitor also:

The screen of my monitor is all f*cked up. The colors are not good ( i tryed to change it ), my screen looks all yellow! And small letters are hard to read. After a while it kinda hurts your eyes, sometimes it can give a pretty headache o_O Its 5 years old. I know, i should buy a new one.

But maybe i can do something, for these 2 months, and then im buying a new pc.
If you're upgrading to a new video card you might as well wait until you get the new card before you go get a new monitor. That way you can be sure it's the montior and not the Geforce4. 2 1/2 years isn't very old for a monitor. I've had monitors last well over 8 years before dying. If that one is actually dying already I would have second thoughts about getting that brand again.
a friends monitor did the same thing some days ago...i was in teamspeak with him when his monitor started dying ^^ it got faster and faster and i just heard *clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick* "wahhh get out! ITS GOIN TO EXPLODE!!"

but id did just clicked on and on he baught a crappy flatscreen :E
Thanks for your input everyone. I'll upgrade my rig and if the problem continues I'll just have to buy a new monitor.