Monkey Island 2 Gets Special Edition

The animation better be improved this time. There's little point in photoshopping over all the old art if you're not going to make it live in any meaningful way.
Loved their re-do of the original. MI:2 with Domonic Armarto, **** Yeah!
Monkey Island 2, one of the best graphic adventures ever. It deserves a special edition.
Awesome. I just want to be able to play the original on my iPhone. The SE is just gravy and it looks and sounds SWEET.
The Iphone version of this is just 59p for today.
Haven't had a chance to play this yet, will defo take up this deal. Cheers Stemot.
Both games in a 50% off bundle offer on Steam now. Also 50% off single purchases too.
its like 99cents for Monkey Island 2 on the iPod Touch/App store I bought it. still need to play it
Just made my way to the third chapter (thanks for the heads-up stemot, i'd been waiting to get this at a discount. Yeah, I'm a tight-wad). The game looks fabulous, even more detailed than the first (The establishing shot of Le Chuck's Fortress is absolutely stunning). The animation is a step-up too, but it's far from being a living canvas.

Rather fearful for the Lucasarts Workshop team though. There was talk of a major staff cull recently, and if I'm unimaginative enough to guess what they'd be going onto, you can bet on executives not really getting what they're doing as well. Can't imagine sales of Lucidity made a great case for them doing original work :/