Monopoly? The Game!


  • Is heaps of fun - I love it!

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • It's OK.

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • Fun at first but gets boring.

    Votes: 16 36.4%
  • Boring and/or I don't like it.

    Votes: 4 9.1%

  • Total voters


Aug 17, 2006
Reaction score
What do you think of the game Monopoly? I liked it a lot when I was a kid, but I find its endgame boring and repetitive now. We never played with the "if you decline to buy a property it goes up for auction" rule so maybe it changes the game a bit but I still think the endgame, when everything has been bought, would be boring.

What kind of house rules did/do you use, we rarely used the "taxes and fines go under free parking" but we would, on the "pay $250 or 10%" square, disallow paying 10% because it would be annoying to count out exactly how much money you had.

Edit: oh and there seems to be a ridiculous number of editions available for it.
Well I will just quote from the thread you got your idea from:
In Monopoly you can let your inner world dominator out and try to screw people over and generally own everybody. This one time I was playing with my uncle, dad, mom, grandma, and myself. I needed like this one property for domination and asked my grandma for a deal. She gave me the property dirt cheap because "I was her best grandson" (and only). You know what happened? I earned so much money I felt like Bill Gates. In fact my mom who was the banker was asking me for loans for the bank! I had so much money that the bank ran out of money! What's even cooler are these competitions that last days or even weeks with real money in Monopoly. You can't say Monopoly is boring once people own the entire side of the board and you are coming around Parking Place to that side of the board.
I wish there was a multiplayer version for free because that would rock. Also my family has a few rules too. Free parking is free, my mom must be the dog, my dad must be the boot (the better to kick my ass with he always says), and I'm always the hat. On your third roll in jail you get out for free. If you don't ask for your money if somebody lands on your property you lose the money. You snooze, you loose is the idea bhind that. That rule also goes with GO.
I remember the DOS and SEGA version. Fukken win. One of my favourite games, moreso when you're under the influence of something :D
Only ever finished a few games myself... Take too long.

Should try to get a game going with a few mates, over a couple of drinks - see the night end in bloodshed!
I love it, it's the best board game in existence.

We don't have that "taxes and fines go under free parking" crap, but I knows lots of people do. If the all the streets haven't been sold after every player has made three rounds they are auctioned out. Trading streets with one another can only be done after the auction and then never again.

When you have lots of money it's great to loan it out, but instead of taking interest, I instead make a deal that I don't have to pay anything if I end up on their streets.
Always good fun for a half an hour to an hour, but it drags on if you're still going after that (it's no Risk, though). We try and simplify the rules as much as we can. Also, we chuck about 5 grand into the free parking each time to mix things up. :P
I allways hated monopoly

is ****ing infinite or what cuz if the point is to own everything what if someone decide to not sell his stuff and that someone is everyone?

and how do you get a focking house or hotel? if is supposed that you can have one if you own all properties of one color then what if someone dont sell one?
I have never see someone whit houses
after all at 3 hours after we all just decide to screw this and stop playing

they should add tanks and soldiers in it
It was fun when I was a kid. Now it's dull. Dull dull dull.
Monopoly is amazing, it is a known fact. When I moved house I forgot my Monopoly, and am going to Hamleys to buy another one soon. Then I will force anyone coming into my house to play it with me.
Incredible game. I was always the battleship, it was clearly the best player piece.
I played an awesome game of Monopoly in 1990.

I'm still playing it.
I've never lost a game, but only because I usually outlast my friends and they give up before I do.

The only time I ever won by making the other people go bankrupt was a game I played where my friends all just got incredibly unlucky with their rolls and the chance and community chest cards they picked up. I think all 3 of the other players spent 80% of their time in jail while I just bought every property I could like an asshole while they were in there.

They should just change the name of the game to "Be a complete ****ing asshole" >_>
Monopoly is amazing, it is a known fact. When I moved house I forgot my Monopoly, and am going to Hamleys to buy another one soon. Then I will force anyone coming into my house to play it with me.
Give me two hours and I'll be there :D

Or we could both go to Brighton and hold a Monopoly Tournament with some other members
Man that would be AWESOME. SO AWESOME. SO MANY CAPS. Seriously though, Monopoly tournie. I'd lose, but that's OK.

I hide 500s under the board >.<
i love it. I remember back when i was a little kid and spent those dreadfull summers with my family far from civilisation in a small house, which my dad thought was heaven. Me and my sister and the neighboors kid use to play endless games of Monopoly, and sometimes some super mario on the 8bit nintendo.

It keept us alive during those horrible times....
Monopoly is brilliant :D

The snooze you lose rule is the best! Don't ask for the money then you don't get it :p

So want to play it again :O
I loved it, but I could never get my family to play since they said it was boring. ;(
I once played oen games 12 hours straight, from 9 pm to 9 am. That was awesome.
We used to sometimes give out double money at the start of the game if there were only two or three playing. It speeds things up a treat.

Monopoly is brilliant :D

The snooze you lose rule is the best! Don't ask for the money then you don't get it :p

So want to play it again :O
Haha. We used to have that rule too. If you don't ask for your money before the next dice role, you lose it. It was hilarious because it led to people trying to roll the dice as fast as possible before someone realised that they were on their property.
I love it cos I (almost) always win! I've only ever lost once, and I think I was a pretty good loser. Whenever i play against my mum i sometimes make of ?10 (in Monopoly money, of course) that I'll win, and so that money ensures that i do win!! If we've got a good game going then I could quite happily sit there for a few hours just playing on my own, and NO I DON'T CHEAT!!! We've got the Star Wars Episode One version at home (I always play as Darth Maul) and the original version at the Lake District.