Monsters Trailer

This actually looks pretty good. Though if they're making it with only $15k then there's a lot of people doing charity work.
I'm guessing that everyone is paid on percentage of the profits which could be quite large. Probably most of the money went into camera, sound equipment, a good computer, and plane tickets/hotels.
my god why can't more movie trailers be as misleading as these. $15,000? there's no way it's gonna be any good...but if it IS and i eat my words then I'll be really happy I was wrong.

Honestly I really liked District 9, dunno bout you guys
F*ck yes. I love monster movies. I'm glad they're doing monsters instead of another stupid "oh no area with infected people/mutants" movies.
Looks great for a 15K budget.

Comes out on my birthday too :D

guess i'm interested
I doubt that the monsters will ever be revealed.
Yeah I'm guessing that myself, I expect only wee bit here and a wee bit there. Shadows, tips of the tentacles.
I doubt that the monsters will ever be revealed.
Yeah, but I like that. Most movies reveal full on shitastic looking monsters. The creepiness of seeing silhouettes and parts of something you can't quite see creeps me out and I love it.
if the creatures are on such a scale that they can swat planes out of the sky, hurl boats, lay waste to buildings generally cause a disaster on a global scale then i kind of expect to see the monster because, you know, it's gotta be pretty big to do all of that. for films like the first alien i'm all for the creepiness and an eerie atmosphere created by not seeing it for a good portion of the film as it's just one creature aboard a relatively (speaking) small environment. however, there's always the element that when you do see the creature it's ****ing horrendously designed and on a budget this small, you either have to think that they haven't the money to create and animate something so big so instead they'll just avoid showing it - or maybe they won't? perhaps for teasers sake it'll remain unseen much akin to the cloverfield viral. after all, it's something that intriques so it'll garner sales through that alone.
I was reading off wiki *spoiler maybe*

That the larges creatures only attack when threatened by the army
I think just a little bit more monster reveal than Cloverfield had would be perfect.
I think just a little bit less monster reveal than Cloverfield had would be perfect.


Cloverfield would have been so much better had the monster not been shown in full, imo. That said, I'm a sucker for monster movies, so this will probably be a theater view for me. Early reviews are warning viewers not to expect the same type of movie as Cloverfield though. Seems it's much more character driven.
a monster reveal that didn't have the monsters conveniently sticking their heads right up to where the main characters just happen to be would be just right. i loved cloverfield, but too many times does the monster show up all dramatic just to get some camera time. it was perfect at the start where you see it's hind leg moving through the rubble of a building, and then fleeting glimpses of it on tv channels, but everything else... eh.
it's really nice to see the DIY ethic making it's way into film with all it's technicalities. i'm really quite looking forward to this if just to see how well it all came together. of course, it might not be great at all, but i'm optimistic.
am quite excited for this now. some of the spectacles look really really impressive, and anything involving giant, over the top militant structures taking up hundreds of square miles is always a bonus. that wall looked amazing.
double post/bump

saw this today and very much enjoyed it. if you'll bare with me for a few sentences...

my thoughts regarding monster movies of the last 5 or so years: i enjoyed cloverfield's shaky, first-person on the ground look at scenes of chaos but disliked how coincidental it was that the characters kept running into the monster; i enjoyed district 9's post-alien occupation environments and how dystopian the scenary and feelings towards the ''prawns'' was documented as well as designed (propaganda, graphic design, the general feel and atmosphere of the movie) but disliked the fact that it turned into a blood n' guts action film at the end where a ton of money was thrown at cgi just for a wow factor; i liked the claustrophobia and mystery surrounding the creatures in the mist but didn't enjoy the rest of the film; the road portrays a very well made bleak backdrop and is obvious throughout that the world is in turmoil, it's just too bad it could never work as well as the book; war of the worlds (remake, tom cruise) shows the world before it gets to a wasteland of brown and grey and focuses instead on shit getting ****ed up and with that comes some wonderful set pieces and a real great scale of emergency and disaster, but other than that... it had annoying bratty kids and what was already a disappointing end in the original is only made moreso here.

monsters takes all of the things i enjoyed most about those films and blends them all together to make a amazing monster movie concoction. obviously that's a very personal opinion, and i'll get this out there now by saying that in no way is it a very original film. there is definite influence from all of the above, but it doesn't necessarily feel the same. on the contrary, it's a very bland film, but that's what i like so much about it. there are no heroics, no over the top action sequences, no real end in sight or a much larger story to tell embedded within the lives of the two people the film follows - it's just simply them travelling across an infected south american/mexican border that holds refuge to these creatures and at no point are they ever victim to the center of something groundbreaking, instead it's a beautifully shot, edited and atmospheric journey of fleeting sights, eerie noises, overheard radio and television broadcasts and conversations between folk they meet a long the way.

i cannot emphasize how much the way this was filmed and edited together makes it a much better movie for me, especially after following it's DIY progress since this thread a few months back now. 15, 000 dollar budget, everything filmed on location with no extras and a bare minimum amount of actors, a tiny crew, most if not all of the film shot on the fly and improvised there and then to fit the surroundings and people around and the most impressive parts of CGI and graphics all rendered and edited in from the directors bedroom, and let me tell you this: ruined military hardware upturned in streets and trees never looked so good! ''the wall'' border separating the US from mexico is an especially impressive looking bit of design. the monster designs... eh, not so much, but they really weren't what made the film for me. the two characters themselves have so much chemistry going on between them (possibly helped by the fact they are actually a married couple now) is pretty special, to a point where i didn't want the film to end... i wanted to keep seeing them journey, i wanted to just sit and watch their travels through the beautifully imagined post-alien infection and military quarantined landscapes for hours afterwards.

eurgh, probably a pretty rambly post filled with big words of amazement but whatever, i loved this film. i can see this guy going far and i can't wait to see what happens next with him if he can get some proper backing, or maybe not? maybe the beauty in this was that it was in-house and with his own creative control? i'd like to think so.
I'll give it a chance, but I'm worried it will be boring. I guess it will depend if they manage to make me care about the main characters or not.
As an indie movie, I guess it was impressive for it's high production values and low cost. But as a regular movie, it was kinda lame. The plot moves very slowly. Most of it is character driven. There are very few actually important events that matter. The sum of these could probably be edited together into 25 minutes or less. There are a lot of slow scenes of landscapes and peoples' faces with one or two words. The problem with this is that the characters are both really boring and unlikable and we don't learn much at all about them. It's like watching a movie about two strangers you see on the street without learning any more about who they are as people than when you first saw them. The dialog is mostly superficial elevator chatter.
At least it covered some new ground, ecological devastation is pretty chilling but they should have shown large scale poisoning attempts and how they impact the local wildlife(they do this all the time with asian crap)

I like the chatting type of dialog though, use actual human dialog and let the situation make them interesting.