Moon size compated to the sun...

Allready posted Timmy. But please don't argue with each other. Specially over something I said. Just get on with the thread and neither of you say Anything else on the subject, I for one don't like to see people argue over things so small as a post that was interpreted different on an internet forum.

Is that ok?
Lil' Timmy said:
hello murray_h, yeah, eclipses are cool.. it makes me sad that the dinosaurs didn't get to see them though *sniffle*

waedoe.. sigh.. i'm really trying to ignore you..

sorry if i make you sick, but i was simply pointing out what i percieved to be a logical error in marksmans analysis of hybridm's statement. i'm hardly picking people apart. could you plz stop acting your age? don't get all mad cuz i pwned you in another thread.. hate the game, not the player.

i'm eager to see if marksman felt i was picking him apart though.

EDIT: i don't actually know whether the moon's distance was significantly different at any time during the reign of the dinosaurs, i was just trying to bring dinosaurs into the picture since hitler, god and elvis have already come to the party.

Umm you PWNED me? right, anyhow i remeber me and GH0ST shutting u down. hehehhe u think ur a player, if ur such a player get off these forums.

Don't start it again. I don't wana see another perfectly good thread closed!

Anyway, my opinion on the subject at hand is that I reckon its just a freaky coinsidence, But it seems more freaky than coinsidence. :p
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Is that ok?
no. no it's not. :)

umm, yeah, i see what you mean about the statement that god doesn't exist. personally i've always fallen on the "prove the positive" side of the fence with arguments like that (i'm a non-practicing agnostic). so i'm more apt to let the statement that god doesn't exist slide, since, experientially at least, i know of no god as well.

waedoe.. i'm not a player, i just crush a lot.
well, an interesting way to take this discussion regards waedoes suppostion about both statistics and 'perfectness'.

waedoe, you state that you think it is statistically improbable that the world (in general?) should should be so 'perfect'. myself, i'm not clear on what you mean by perfection, for one thing. how do you measure the perfectness of the world? what is your basis for comparison? are there 'less perfect' worlds out there? in what way is the world perfect anyway? let me know so i can pick you ap.. uhh.. i mean so we can "discuss".
i tried.....

anyway interesting posts waedoes and timmy. One thing though Timmy; Try not to use big words like "suppostion" that I never heard before :p

Nar only jokin. I can guess what it means anyway....
I would dispute the statement that no other planet in the solar system causes eclipses. This is likely hogwash, since I've never seen an article spend the time to examine the ratios. The total eclipse can only be seen if you are standing in the umbra of the Moon's shadow. This is the darkest part of the shadow and it actually casts a shadow on the Earth. I have seen pictures of other planet's in the Solar System and they point out the shadow of moons on the visible surface of the planet. WHich means a total eclipse is occuring... whether or not it is a close match depends on other factors.

For those that question WHY... Why is the earth this distance, why are most of the planets revolving in a flat disc of space around the Sun, why are the largest gas giants further out. Maybe.. there are scientific principles at work. Perhaps the mass of the dust determines how far it will spin from the sun, causing more smaller planets near the sun and fewer larger planets far away. Perhaps the competition of a planet and the sun's gravity determine the orbital distance of a satellite/moon. This ratio would probably be realted to the mass involved, so many moons might naturally fall into a range that causes eclipses.

And for those who find the denial of God insulting, some would find advocates of specific religions, such as Christianity/Catholicism insulting since it damns most of the world to suffer in hell for all eternity because they weren't born into a Western/European-based culture. Remember, you don't pick your religion. You are brainwashed to believe in it from birth.
Mr.Reak said:
Ha, I think it is the only ONE thing that Ghost and I have in common :D We both love FLCL.

Hey I like FLCL too :)

But I'm (almost) thru watching Neon Genesis Evangelion and I have to say I liked it a lot more .. the story gets really deep towards the end
LoneDeranger said:
Hey I like FLCL too :)

But I'm (almost) thru watching Neon Genesis Evangelion and I have to say I liked it a lot more .. the story gets really deep towards the end

Yeah, people say that NGE to anime is like 2001: Space Odyssey to movies, a lot of philosophy and so on. Never seen NGE, but I need to check it out sometime. Is NGE translated to English? Because I HATE subtitles.
Mr.Reak said:
Yeah, people say that NGE to anime is like 2001: Space Odyssey to movies, a lot of philosophy and so on. Never seen NGE, but I need to check it out sometime. Is NGE translated to English? Because I HATE subtitles.

Yeah I'm pretty sure there is a dub version of it.

The only thing is that I didn't really like any of the endings .. all 3 of them. The original one is confusing and kinda boring, Death and Rebirth .. uh .. I'm not even sure WTF .., and The End of Evangelion well that one's starts off really good but then gets into weirdo religious stuff.

But I don't wanna spoil it for you .. go check it out :)
Mr.Reak said:
So how many episodes are there?

There are 26 (26 being the orginal ending)

Then there are two more endings Death and Rebirth and the End of Evangelion. Not that they are totally different endings, I think they are meant to be chronological.