More Blizzard Garbage

The fact there would be no LAN support for Starcraft 2 was first posted on here several month(s) ago I think?

But yeah, still sucks, yet another reason to hate Activision-Blizzard, removing features that existed in prior games all in order to combat 'piracy', failing to realize that pirates will regardless find a way around this problem.

The ****?

Oh, and I don't care about starcraft 2.

Will diablo 3 have lan support?
No game will have LAN support from now on. It's all a bunch of pay to play titles, get ritch or die trying.
There will be pseudo-LAN support in battlenet

"We are working on solutions with regard to things we can do to maintain connectivity to in some way, but also provide a great quality connection between players," said Canessa.

I asked Canessa whether the solution his team is working on might include a pseudo-LAN connection, where the game would only check in with to authenticate before reverting to typical LAN behavior.

"Something like that," he replied. "Maintaining a connection with, I don't know if it's once or periodically, but then also having a peer-to-peer connection between players to facilitate a very low-ping, high-bandwidth connection.. those are the things that we're working on."

Diablo III lead designer Jay Wilson also confirmed that Diablo III will treat LAN in the same way that StarCraft II does, meaning that while traditional offline LAN will not be included in that game, it should support any solution developed for the RTS.

Milk me pleaseee ...
What's the point of 'psuedo-LAN'? The whole point of LAN gaming for me is being able to game without needing to have a connection to the worldwide web.
Yeah i know, it sucks balls. I hope there will be a "patch" for us.
I gess they want to cut hamachi outcry. But it is the same as steam, you must authenticate once then you can switch to offline, so it is not so bad..
But definitely LAN gaming as we know it is dying breed :(
I coulda sworn this thread was already discussed a crap ton a month ago?

We already knew my stance then :p
ehm, OLD?? This information was released a long time ago
err post about pseudo lan is new, so read all posts first ...
err post about pseudo lan is new, so read all posts first ...

Not with a virus warning I won't.

Although I do know that Blizzard is doing some "Offline" mode thing with 2.0 *Steam?* and curious if that will include just SP or possible MP....*shrug*
Not with a virus warning I won't.

Although I do know that Blizzard is doing some "Offline" mode thing with 2.0 *Steam?* and curious if that will include just SP or possible MP....*shrug*

The offline, or "guest" mode as they're calling it is only for the campaign.

To access anything in multiplayer, you need to be connected to

Give it time till people find workarounds and such like that.

Here's the thread I already made, though it's worth bringing up the supposed controversy surrounding Pardo's nonchalance when confronted with the issue.

I'm pretty sure they'll win in the end. If you want real LAN play, people will obviously find a work around.

Rob Pardo said:
"Everyone is going to give us flack until it's out. None of us is going to know how big a deal it is until it's out. We believe that it's really not that big of a deal - that most people are not really going to notice that it's missing. There's a lot of people out there I think that are just afraid that they're suddenly not going to be able to connect to the internet tonight and they won't be able to play. I actually think that case is extremely rare, and I think we're going to be okay."

teh linkzorz
Oh yeah, I bet within the first week there will be a wannabe "LAN" type thing working for it. No doubt about it.

They are still holding really strong on the "No LAN" stance, though. Even with the petition breaking over 100k sigs, they aren't budging. Wonder if when the game goes on sale they will change their mind? I doubt it, but only time will tell!
They've obviously done the number crunching, from a marketing perspective it will probably make them a good bit of money. It also ensures people will know about the latest expansion/DLC/game from Blizzard via
They've obviously done the number crunching, from a marketing perspective it will probably make them a good bit of money. It also ensures people will know about the latest expansion/DLC/game from Blizzard via

Hmmm, I've definitely never thought of it that way. That will make some since from a marketing perspective.
The new battlenet will be reverse engineered eventually. Heck I have to use one of the Australian PvPGN groups as it stands because it lags to hell otherwise. Once that's done I'm sure we'll see LAN play as a possibility.
Anyone wanna bet there will be a way to play Starcraft 2 properly via LAN only a month or three after its release?
Anyone wanna bet there will be a way to play Starcraft 2 properly via LAN only a month or three after its release?

I'll take that bet against. If they were going to back off on their idea, they probably would have done it already.

Activision probably has a nice grip around their testicles on this piece.
I don't mean going back, I mean as in fans make a proper sever emulator that lets you play MP games without having to use the real
I bet that will be done before the game is released during Beta.
Kinda funny??? That video is INSANELY HILARIOUS!! I had to stop watching at work because I was laughing so hard. Thanks!! :P

I guess we didn't find it as funny as most is because we've already seem a million of these things.

Hell, I'm starting to memorize what Hitler is saying!
I guess we didn't find it as funny as most is because we've already seem a million of these things.

Hell, I'm starting to memorize what Hitler is saying!
Yeah same here, I've seen Downfall resubs based around video games for like at least 1.5 years now, latest one I saw was about Paradox and their game Hearts Of Iron 3 and the shoddy state it was released in, it was quite funny because they made 6 huge episodes using actual characters and developers from the official forums, we all had a huge laugh at it, the main programmer was given the role of Hitler.
I simply fail to understand why...

Blizzard makes a crap-load of cash off of World of Warcraft each month. As in more money than most game developers have to spend on an entire game over it's development cycle. It's not like Blizzard has to rush the game out & so cannot afford to add an OFFLINE LAN option. Why do game companies continue to not listen to us gamers? We want local LAN & have made that quite clear for many years now. When game companies refuse to listen to the gaming community, they in turn will only get screwed themselves due to people getting pissed off & thus pirating the game instead of paying for it. Sure some people are going to do that regardless, but more will do it if they feel like their are getting the short end of the shaft. We spend $35+ on a game, only to be "told" how we can play it. Those with the savvy know-how will go one step further & write a program that circumvents their limitations all together, such as with Hamachi & Grandia.

Not everyone has a fast Internet connection. You would be surprised at just how many people there are that are still on dial-up due to their location & so playing online is just not an option or it is an option, but being forced to play on servers that are infested with under-aged, immature little wankers ( Like 95% of the STEAM community seems to be made up of ) does not appeal to them & so they have to jump through hoops just to be able to meet a few friends online for a little game time.

I hope to be able to buy Diablo 3 the day it's released in my area, but the fact that I'll be forced to connect to Battlenet sucks big time. I went down that path for many years while playing Diablo & then Diablo 2.

Things like this are allowed to happen becouse people will continue to buy their game titles, no matter how much crap they add, or good stuff they remove.
Things like this are allowed to happen becouse people will continue to buy their game titles, no matter how much crap they add, or good stuff they remove.
Exactly, it's a problem with modern society overall, modern consumers are pushovers, this leads to shoddy products.
Things like this are allowed to happen becouse people will continue to buy their game titles, no matter how much crap they add, or good stuff they remove.

precisely! that's the point i've been making for the last few years.

i really don't understand people who go "yeah...i'm definitely preordering this!"
Blizzard also broke Warcraft 3 with their newest patch.
Almost none of the custom maps work any more, there's an outrage about it on the forums.
Things like this are allowed to happen becouse people will continue to buy their game titles, no matter how much crap they add, or good stuff they remove.

Or the people who buy it are buying what they are wanting. Not all people are just sheep.
Or the people who buy it are buying what they are wanting. Not all people are just sheep.

Yeah but seeing all the complaints, and how many actually buys the game, I'd say there are more people complaining about it, signing petitions, and then go and buys it anyway becouse it's a star craft game.
I ****ing loved star craft. But I have no intrest in buying star craft II.