More BR:FC news with new vids!


Jun 20, 2004
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Ok first off we may need a sub-forum. :D Second off in the other thread I listed 2 areas that the movie is coming to Austraila. Also it's coming to various states here in the US. They are in movie theatres everywhere including Seatle, Boston, North Carolina, etc. For the full listing go here: Ok now we are on the meat and potatoes of this thread! It was said that there would be viral ads and other stuff and just having a blast teasing the fans. Well here is a deleted scene and no, it's a piece of tissue paper:
The other official movie is a new trailer of the FC only it contains new scenes compressed into 60sec:
There was also a conference much more formal than Comic-Con and has vids with pics: (it's in the Final Cut Section under: The VENICE Relese - pictures & VIDEOS!) I'm also going to see the FC again this weekend in Boston! There will be more and more tid bits to the release but wow, that's amazing quality for a deleted scene! Also in the FInal Cut it seems that Tyrell is a replicant himself. In fact he stated that he filmed a scene in which Roy split his head and mechanical parts popped out. So that may be in the deleted scenes. It's understood in BR lore that Tyrell died and was put on ice with cryogenics. The fake Tyrell is still on Earth performing the dutires of the real dead Tyrell. So now you have no excuse to not see BR! :E
A new clip is up and it's being argued if it's the workprint or the true original version:
"Gaff: "But are you sure you are a man? It's hard to tell who's who around here." I wonder who is real now? ;)
VERY different from the original including the whacky blue sky:
Also go here: Then do this: Go to Gallery, Video, then select the green screen at the bottom and select "Film clips." Bunch of new things. The original ending that I remember from my Betamax tape is also on youtube:
Basically shots not used in "The Shining" actually.