More Concepts


Sep 15, 2003
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Here we go:

Alien Race Concept

A human character, just a practice drawing using markers.
great stuff.. would love to see the alien one in 3D. Reminds me a little bit of the aliens in Fifth Element, looks good :D
I agree, these are good.

I can't for the life of me figure out what's on the alien's back though, and the guy is somewhat skinny proportionally, bu I everything else is neat-o. I need to get me some of those markers. :P

What are they concepts for, BTW?
Mechagodzilla said:
I agree, these are good.

I can't for the life of me figure out what's on the alien's back though, and the guy is somewhat skinny proportionally, bu I everything else is neat-o. I need to get me some of those markers. :P

What are they concepts for, BTW?
looks like some mining machinary of some sort on his back.. i think.
Nice stuff, but I agree with the comments about proportions. Also with that heavy machinery on his/its back, the alien is going to need more powerful legs to support itself. When designing, think within the creation as to how it moves then once you have the mass, you can consider the externals.
The proportions are a bit off on the seconth one, the head is to big, and the leggs are a bit to long. I like alien machinery thingy tho!
The thing on his back (The two objects on his left) is a filtering/breathing apperatus and the thing on his right is a mechanical arm with a monitoring device attachd to it.

Now I see that I should make the legs a bit bigger.
Got another one:

Here is the pic of the one alien race I did-

Now here are two brothers, twins, of the same race. They have been living here on earth for the past few decades and have become plagued by American Society. Og is the quiet reserved brother. He spends most his time reading and studying. Tog on the other hand is the wreckloose. He listens to heavy metal music and makes everyone else's life a living hell.
Og and Tog deserve their own comic :E. They look just like the sort of characters you'd find in one of those... oh, what's the term? "Slice of Life", I think... that sort of comic...
Here is a quick one I did tonight. I hate how the hair on the top of his head turned out though, oh well.