More epic battles against the Striders


Sep 12, 2003
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I loved the epic battles against the Striders in half life 2. They were brilliant. Is anyone else hoping they will feature a lot in the first expansion pack? I also hope they improve the enemy and friendly A.I.
they were kind of boring after a while - you saw them follow the same path, stop in the same place to shoot, take rpg hits and then continue like nothing had happened
AI would have to be so much better
Fast striders (smaller, less powerfull, but more agile) would be sweet. I'm talking about half the size of normal striders.

Usually used by the combine to protect the large striders from resistance fighers who hole themselfes up in a small room unaccessible by the large strider with an RPG and a shitload of ammo.
nah the big strider whould onely need to use the blue pwn beem it got.
stfu Riomhaar!

Striders are awesome, but the following variants are required:
- Striders with spotlights
- Striders at night
- Striders on the beach
- Striders in rain
- Striders in fog
- Striders acting more like animals and less like machines
- Striders screaming War of the Worlds style
The Striders were pretty...meh. I only found their battles annoying in a "wow, I get to shoot rockets at things that move 2 miles per hour. not fun."
Sulkdodds said:
stfu Riomhaar!

Striders are awesome, but the following variants are required:
- Striders with spotlights
- Striders at night
- Striders on the beach
- Striders in rain
- Striders in fog
- Strider mating rituals
- Striders acting more like animals and less like machines
- Striders screaming War of the Worlds style

Shame :P;)

Anyway, I would love more strider battles...but I want variations on how you fight them. Blasting them to hell isn't much fun after a while (well, maybe a little bit), so when it got to the part where you had to "hide" from the strider in that ruined building I found it awesome. It was pretty damn intense when at one point you had to sprint across those skinny edges trying to get to the rockets.
Less ammo crates. The little ammo-box on the back of the buggy was fine, but the ammo crates in the strider battles took alot away from the experience. Sprinkle around some rockets, but don't give us unlimited ammo.
Darksabre said:
Shame :P;)

Anyway, I would love more strider battles...but I want variations on how you fight them. Blasting them to hell isn't much fun after a while (well, maybe a little bit), so when it got to the part where you had to "hide" from the strider in that ruined building I found it awesome. It was pretty damn intense when at one point you had to sprint across those skinny edges trying to get to the rockets.

Don't put words in people's mouths! D:

Hiding was fun. Leaving your comrades to die was fun. EVERYTHING about Striders were fun.
bigburpco said:
Don't put words in people's mouths! D:

Hiding was fun. Leaving your comrades to die was fun. EVERYTHING about Striders were fun.

I would have rather fighted them on Highway 17 (dreams of the possibilities, then puts words in bigburpco's mouth)
bigburpco said:
Don't put words in people's mouths! D:

Hiding was fun. Leaving your comrades to die was fun. EVERYTHING about Striders were fun.
I was desperatly trying to keep my girl alive.
Yeah... I want to hear a huge strider scream, all of a sudden a huge part of a building is destroyed beside me due to a particle weapon from the strider, it comes charging and you have to run and fight.
Darksabre said:
I would have rather fighted them on Highway 17 (dreams of the possibilities, then puts words in bigburpco's mouth)

Wouldn't have made much sense though, to have Striders traversing the wastes.
But why not? The dropships carry over a few Striders at a time and the rebels are fu*ked.

Although I seriously doubt this will happen, or if we will evan SEE the Highway 17/ Beach area (we don't know wether we escape or where we escape to) With Aftermath being a 1/3 of Half Life in size, I just don't know.

(When I say he might not escape I mean G-Man gets Gordon again after Gordon does some other thing that the G-Man wants him to do, if thats the case.)
How bout striders with platforms on top of them. And of the platform is 2-3 combine with RPGs.:D
Since we're talking about Striders..... you remember when you come from a door into a tunnel that has collapsed at one end, then you look at the other end and a Strider is coming at you? Then you'llproceed into a wrecked building and start climbing until you finally reach the roof, etc. Anyways, in the tunnel, the Strider walks ontop of it, and its legs come through the ceiling! Is it a bug, or can they really pierce concrete with their legs??? This has happened at least twice in when I've played this part of the game.
its clipping errors ingame - i think they had to allow it or else the strider would have gotten stuck in so many places :(, I know the part you mean - if you dont die in that section it will charge at you properly crouched in the tunnel -bloody intense - but if you have to reload it will stroll with its head moving through concrete....
i really wish it had decent AI - scripted paths only do so much
Same with me. In fact, didn't happen once.

But that's what I'm talking about. There need to be more intensive and interesting set-pieces with striders. All ya'll saying 'meh they were just boring walking gun towers to shoot rockets at' - sure, in the bits where you fight them in big open spaces. The square, for example. But the strider ducking to walk through the tunnel, and being in that building with no rockets trying to stay away from the windows were brilliant. You could do other things with striders, like having to avoid one hunting you through a deserted trainyard with its spotlight and not being able to take it out, or one standing on a bridge blocking the way and needing to do some sort of crazy physics puzzle to knock its legs out from under it, then running up to it and shooting it with a shotgun in its soft fleshy parts as it writhes on the ground, throwing a grenade in the hole you make like it's starship troopers or something.
Sulkdodds said:
Same with me. In fact, didn't happen once.

But that's what I'm talking about. There need to be more intensive and interesting set-pieces with striders. All ya'll saying 'meh they were just boring walking gun towers to shoot rockets at' - sure, in the bits where you fight them in big open spaces. The square, for example. But the strider ducking to walk through the tunnel, and being in that building with no rockets trying to stay away from the windows were brilliant. You could do other things with striders, like having to avoid one hunting you through a deserted trainyard with its spotlight and not being able to take it out, or one standing on a bridge blocking the way and needing to do some sort of crazy physics puzzle to knock its legs out from under it, then running up to it and shooting it with a shotgun in its soft fleshy parts as it writhes on the ground, throwing a grenade in the hole you make like it's starship troopers or something.

He he, I like your ideas, it would be great if they did all of those things.
I liked the part in the tunnel and inside the building too, there should be much
more situations like that, it would be awesome.
The thing I don't like is that they are just too scripted, the cannon destroying
walls for instance, it would be good if they could do those special functions
like ducking knocking down walls etc. freely not just at specific points.
Since I'm guessing that's not possible they could make many different scripts for the same area with different actions that would be used randomly, that would give at least the feal of non scripted striders.
Striders were good but they needed to provide us with more unique ways of killing them. Really they were just like every other large vehicle/mini-boss if all you can do to take them out is fire rockets at them.

Those long spindly legs just beg allowing us to trip them. Maybe allow us to cause half-ruined buildings to collapse onto them. Also they seem to be partially mechanical as well, maybe allow us to somehow disrupt the controll mechanisms they have and watch them stumble around blindly destroying things and sending combine and rebels fleeing for cover.
Personally, I would love to see mini-striders. What I mean by this is remember the robots on F.E.A.R that were strong as hell? They could walk around, inside the buildings.. Thats what made it so freaky, they could go most places you could. I think a miniature strider, able to go through doorways and actually inside the building would be very fun and very very freaky. Exspecially if a big strider is gaurding the outside of the building, and a bunch of mini ones are chasing you inside.. ;)
At that courtyard, where all those rebels where shooting those striders; that was awsome. One of my favorite moments of the game.
I just wish they were faster, fired stronger yet shorter bursts. Would let you utilize cover better...
Gunships > Striders

Sure Striders look cool, but gunships get all the set pieces and the way they shot your rockets down made it all rather more intense :)

I almost get the feeling valve felt the same. What is the last actual enemy you fight in the game? Clue: It ain't a strider ;p
And of course one of the most awesome moments in the game was the Nova Prospekt courtyard, taking down the two gunships. Shame the awesome battle was never repeated - I'm sure the Nexus roof could have done with another one or two.
Samon said:
And of course one of the most awesome moments in the game was the Nova Prospekt courtyard, taking down the two gunships. Shame the awesome battle was never repeated - I'm sure the Nexus roof could have done with another one or two.

I liked the whole ant-lion sequence. I dunno, I'm not a fan of actually doing shit, I'd prefer to watch it all unfold and just be free to walk around.
kupoartist said:
Gunships > Striders

Sure Striders look cool, but gunships get all the set pieces and the way they shot your rockets down made it all rather more intense :);p

I agree, the Gunships are more challenging to defeat, but if they would put some point defense lasers on the strider well it would be almost impossible to defeat. The lasers would shoot down rockets and grenades, the only weapon you could actually do some damage with would be the pulse rifle with it's orb thing.
Using the gravity gun on its legs whould be cool.

Edit: On the striders i mean.
Everything about a strider screams PWNAGE IN VERY ANNOYING CAPITAL LETTERS.