More Gordon Freeman Costume Pics!

I sent out an e-mail. Havent heard anything yet...
My friend was going to be Alyx from HL2 for Halloween, but it pretty much fell though as we spent so many hours finishing up Gordon. Sigh.. maybe next year =)
Did people recognize that you were wearing the HEV Suit from HL(2)?
Well... Out of the hundred thousand or so people in at the SF Castro St. party... I got about 15 people yell out Half-Life! or Gordon! Also, a few DODs! and CS! =)

I think the Lambda and the Glasses/gotee and crowbar gives it away the most.
Good job man, amazing piece of work for a homemade job with limited tools. Looks very good, is it hard to get in and out of? :thumbs:
nice ..... but hte sweats look like a really dark brown, not black, whats up with tat?
silverstealth89 said:
i was wondering how you made the costume
i think he meant to say
ohh so thats how you made it
i always wondered how you made that because i never knew
except less akwardly
btw nice costume :D
Well done Gordon.. Hey, you could try it in some nuclear waste and see if it protects you next time you run into some! Did you grow the goatie specially?
I like.

I dunno if I would have the patience to finish something like that, though.
Sunspotprod said:
The blood is Photoshop'ed thanks to my friend Emily =)

The full suit is a bit tricky to walk around in. The lower leg peices dig into my foot bridges, and the thigh peices tened to want to slide down a bit. Butt, on Halloween, I just wore the upper costume, without the legs, and some nice combat boots. It worked out well, and I was mobile enough to walk 2-3 miles.

you shoulda built the thigh pieces in connected like a tactical pistol holster. you know, attach it to holster type thing where it snaps around your thigh, then connects up to your belt at teh side of your leg, that would stop them from sliding down.
Most impressive!
I am amazed at just how skilled some people are in making things.

you should be in the Half-life movie :rolling:
how did you make the crowbar? you should have put a condom foll of fake blood in there with a pin next to it so you could smack someone with it and it would burst the condom that would be sweet! usually i dont like when condoms break but this i would make an exception for
Yes, I started growing my gotee oct 1st... I have shaved it since though. ;) Too annoying.
Damn nice halloween costume.... when is/was halloween btw?
Excellent job m8 and a very very lucrative moneyspinner - think how much the HL-junkies on here would pay for one of those ;-)

I made costumes like that for Cosplay events (I live in Asia. :E), my avatar is from my last costume (2002 though)... trust me, you're fairly immobile in any sort of costume like that. heh...

By the by, great job. Wish I had time to do those now...