More Hamas Insanity!

Jul 17, 2003
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Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar said from Gaza that Israel must change its flag.

"Israel must remove the two blue stripes from its national flag", said Zahar. “The stripes on the flag are symbols of occupation. They signify Israel's borders stretching from the River Euphrates to the River Nile."

Israel’s national flag, a blue Star of David set between two blue stripes was designed to resemble a Jewish prayer shawl which traditionally has stripes.

I wonder what crazy demands we can expect in the future. This is in indicator of what's to come, and how insane these people are to truly believe these things. Same type of people who believe there are worldwide conspiracies and illuminati.
Well that's what their country wanted so now the rest of the surrounding area and nations must deal with this new situation.

You want insanity? How about electing Bush for a second term? That's insane.

I just had to. :)
I propose that the United states remove all the stars from their flag and replace them with a big picture of chuck norris.....see how stupid that sounds?

I feel a big war coming on in the middle east.

Well, I think-


But you must admit they-


Nope, I got nothing.
That sounds almost just as rediculous as the Iranian president saying the Holocaust was a myth, he wanted Israel be whiped of the face of the earth and then goes to the UN saying he wants Nuclear technology for "peacefull" uses.
Yeah right, and im Luke Skywalker.

As for the Hamas, dont they have like, a more important job to do? Like care for their country, and invest in the future growth of Palestina? Pump up the economy rather than focus states income in crap like this.

I think a nice % of the Palestinian state will now officially go to war @ Israel.

Well, at least thats changed from a wealthy Wife in Paris looting Palestinian funds to terrorists buying weapons, as for the regular everyday Palestinian not much changes: his money still gets wasted and his life is still miserable and filled with fresh hatred.
Hahaha! Yeah, this is fargin ridiculous. This isn't even something that might be up for interpretation, much like the stars on the American flag. They mean one thing and one thing only and to try to convince your people otherwise, you are doing your country a grave disservice. Way to make your country seem crazier than Iran (at the moment at least)....
Yeah, Bush jokes are seriously in place here! If only the fabulously intellegent and responsible Kerry won, then things like this wouldn't happen!


I hope this crazy shiznit doesn't lead to World War III. :-/
Wow, I was kind of hoping having Hamas in ther might lead to a lasting peace... and now they're just acting like dumbasses
i think the elections of Bush and Kerry were like an election of : "who do you choose? : dumb or dumberder"
If you ask me, Dumberer may have been the dumbest of dumb, but he wasn't going to screw up so badly in Iraq as Dumb would have. Sure, he'd screw up.. a lot. And hopefully he wouldn't start any more unjust wars. But Dumb would have screwed the country more than dumberester would.

This isn't a discussion about Dumberester Bush and Pretty Effing Dumb Kerry, though. :p
yeah, but i agree that the dumb would be worse for iraq... at least the dumbereder knows the dumb things he's done, but the dumb could do dumber things...
I think this is exactly what Palestine needed, a leader crazy enough to make an occupation of their country by a foreign power seem reasonable.
Icarusintel said:
Wow, I was kind of hoping having Hamas in ther might lead to a lasting peace....

I hope you're being sarcastic. This terrorist group teaches little else except religious fanatacism. I'd be surprised if this group brought peace to the region.
jerkasaur said:
yeah, but i agree that the dumb would be worse for iraq... at least the dumbereder knows the dumb things he's done, but the dumb could do dumber things...

haha, good one, thats one to remember :p Cheers!
satch919 said:
I hope you're being sarcastic. This terrorist group teaches little else except religious fanatacism. I'd be surprised if this group brought peace to the region.

Actually, I was discussing this in my Global Studies: Terrorism class and one thing that was brought up was the moderating influence that being in power has. After all, who has screwed up the last two peace processes? Hamas has, through car bombs, bus bombs, and kick-starting a new intifadeh.

The thing is, now that they are in charge, their first obligation is to be the people of Palestine - and that means getting services running and rebuilding their economy. The best way to do that would be through better relations with Israel. They need to protect their citizens, collect taxes, pave roads, write laws, etc.

When you are the party-in-opposition, ideology is the most important thing. When you are the party-in-power, however, it's amazing how fast pragmatism can come to trump ideology.
I wonder what crazy demands we can expect in the future. This is in indicator of what's to come, and how insane these people are to truly believe these things. Same type of people who believe there are worldwide conspiracies and illuminati.

Its only a matter of time really. Puh! They've already made worse demands!

they dont like israel's flag? let's nuke em!

How not to be constructive, a sentence by, CptStern.
How not to be constructive, a sentence by, CptStern.
hehe, :) be carefull or you'll unleash his fury in this thread... :p

Hamas will continue with its rediculous demands, probably as a media-campaign to keep the world-media focussed on the palestinian cause.
K e r b e r o s said:
Its only a matter of time really. Puh! They've already made worse demands!

How not to be constructive, a sentence by, CptStern.

heh this coming from a person who was almost banned for posting a video of a US soldier being beheaded
I was posting what Islamic Facists do to they're prisoners, Herr Stern. Don't hope to capitalize on the momentum of raw suprise, though few are new here in the Politics section, most remember my reason for doing this.

[It was a counter-protest against those who rant and rave only about Abu Gharib without realizing first assholes are everywhere, and anyone is capable of commiting acts of attrocities.]

But I don't need to rejustify myself. :D You knew all along! I have no guilt in doing what I did, and if the intent reads like your sentence, how come I never once was chewed out by the Conservative Elite on this forum? How you and I are'nt butt-buddies of a pullout operation from Iraq?

Explain those to me! :D

heh this coming from a person who was almost banned for posting a video of a US soldier being beheaded

How to take the thread off topic, a sentence by, CptStern.
that was funny the first time not so much after subsequent use :)

oh and I'd explain it if I knew what you were talking, so no explanations will be forthcoming until you have either explained your post or have re-written it so that it's comprehensible
CptStern said:
that was funny the first time not so much after subsequent use :)
I disagree, I thought it was pretty funny both times.

If he were to do it a third time, though...
CptStern said:
they dont like israel's flag? let's nuke em!
It's not something trivial, you KNOW it isn't boiled down to silly things like this. Hamas is still engaged in a continual murder of Israelis wherever possible.
yet the same can be said about the israeli security forces
CptStern said:
yet the same can be said about the israeli security forces
No, it can't be. The IDF is not engaged in continual murder of Palestinians wherever possible. Perhaps it has happened in a few incidents, but by criminals who are prosecuted when found and convicted. There is no intentional targetting of Palestinian civilians and innocents. To compare the IDF to Hamas is sickening. I happen to know an IDF member, won't tolerate the comparison.
RakuraiTenjin said:
No, it can't be. The IDF is not engaged in continual murder of Palestinians wherever possible. Perhaps it has happened in a few incidents, but by criminals who are prosecuted when found and convicted. There is no intentional targetting of Palestinian civilians and innocents. To compare the IDF to Hamas is sickening. I happen to know an IDF member, won't tolerate the comparison.

indiscriminate bombing of heavily populated areas is murder in my book. The very fact that there's more palestinian children who die than israeli is a testament to this
-Palestinians have no regular army. Its armed civilians and militia fighting the IDF and israeli people-> hence civies die...
-Hamas deliberatly mingles/hides amongst the crowd for tactical "media" advantage.

However this moral talk is pointless. If we really want to have this discussion, then we need a mutual startingpoint. Do we all accept the Geneva convention as start?

Because in that case its a quick debate:
-Hamas organisation scores an amazing highscore on its illegalness and is therefor branded by the UN as a terrorist organisation.
-IDF organisation score is average for example 1 of the rules they blow: "area bombardment". Although apache attacks are hardly considered area bombardment, in this case it gets civies killed so.
CptStern said:
yet the same can be said about the israeli security forces
How does that have any ****ing relation to this thread whatsoever, Stern? Rajjukii Tangerine, too.

This thread is about how Hamas is being goddamn ridiculous with its "demands." For god's sake, they are misinterpreting a friggin' flag, and lying down ultimatums about it!

It should have nothing to do with the Isreali/Palestinian war, only the simple fact that there is loads of tension between them. Its supposed to show how RIDICULOUS Hamas is being. There is no possible way to rationalize it, especially by throwing useless comments about suicide bombers and Isreali security forces around.