Palestinian civil war

So, you see something that you disagree with and you want it banned. Your better then this CptStern. I know you are.

reading comprehension ftl kerberos:

CptStern said:
another reason why you should be permenantly banned for trolling, pushing bigoted ideology

what? are you saying racist/bigoted pov are to be tolerated? it's against forum rules so

I wonder how quick you'd jump at condemning Nemesis if he bigoted tirade was against jews ..why is this not ok?

"I guess it's redundant to point out the fact that they wouldn't be in this situation if the Jews weren't a sick and depraved society"

would you have remained silent had someone said the above?
Stern, you've accused me of racism against Arabs. That might have been at least a half-assed theory if you hadn't already accused me of racism against black people. And notice the time at which you want me banned: When I post in detail about a bloodbath in the Palestinian territories. At that time, I am, in your eyes, racist.
Stern, you've accused me of racism against Arabs.

nope, palestinians ..and I said bigoted

That might have been at least a half-assed theory if you hadn't already accused me of racism against black people.

look you dumb ass even though I proved to you by pointing out that nowhere in my quote did I say you were racist you still accuse me of's like you're blind, deaf but unforetunately not dumb ..and I dont mean stupid

..not that you're not stupid

And notice the time at which you want me banned: When I post in detail about a bloodbath in the Palestinian territories. At that time, I am, in your eyes, racist.

are you suggesting I want you banned because I dont want you to post information on supposed palestinian bloodbaths? :O are you out of your ****ing mind? to what end? why would I care what you post? you're a half wit, no one takes you seriously why would I fact I have even less reason to take you seriously because i repeatedly mop the floor with you in debate after debate are in no way a challenge ..I mean you could probably beat me to unconsciousness and I'd still win the debate simply by not saying anything...jeez ..if I wasnt so taken aback from your accusation that I purposefully want you silenced because of the information you supposedly have I'd be laughing my ass off ..seriously, out of all the rediculous idiotic alarmist conclusions you've jumped to since you became active in the politics forum, this is by far is the dumbest of them all

btw I'm watching you ..the palestinian authority has identified you as a dangerous ....

Don't you feel better now, Stern? Get your attention elsewhere.

Latest news:

10:05PM: According to two indectments served Monday, millions of shekels have been transferred from a Saudi organization to Hamas operatives in Jerusalem. The money was received as charity although, in reality, it was earmarked for terrorist activities.

9:30PM: Jimmy Carter has said that the US, Israel and EU must end their policy of favoring Fatah over Hamas, an action which he called "criminal." He also stated that Hamas had proven itself to be far more organized than Fatah.

...Ah yes, Jimmy Carter: Senile or just plain evil? Which one this time?

9:18PM: The words of one of the palestinians injured at the Erez Crossing and evacuated to an Israeli hospital:

"We were there for four days. Hamas gunmen shot me? we had nothing to eat, nothing to drink? they killed one of my friends, who was right next to me. They're butchering people."

Despite this clear statement of who was trying to kill these palestinians, the palestinian Ma'an News Agency is reporting something else entirely.

One Palestinian was killed and three wounded on Monday night as they attempted to flee the Gaza Strip through Erez Crossing. The Israeli forces opened fire on the crowds that were trying to escape Hamas-controlled Gaza into Israel.
The Israeli soldiers opened fire on the Palestinian civilians while they were waiting in an area known as the 'sleeve' at Erez Crossing. The Gazans were trying to leave through Israel and take up residence in the Palestinian West Bank.

Bear this in mind next time you hear of conflicting reports from IDF and palestinian sources, and have to decide which one to believe.

8:58PM: Ha'aretz reports that an aide to Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said that intensive negotiations are underway for BBC reporter Alan Johnston's release. Yesterday Hamas issued an ultimatum threatening to free him by force if the group holding him captive did not release him by the end of the day.

Perhaps Hamas haven't quite gotten the kidnapping thing down yet? Oh well, plenty of time for them to practice that now.

8:37PM: Channel 10 (Israeli TV) has reported that Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Efraim Sneh, together with Givati Brigade troops, crossed into the Gaza Strip overnight Monday in order to rescue several Fatah operatives.

Which begs the question: WHY?

8:15PM: Today it was revealed that another terror plot was uncovered by the Shin Bet. It seems like the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) - who are only popular because of their nefarious activities - planned to carry out several attacks, including bombing a Modi'in synagogue and kidnapping US citizens in the West Bank.

One of the cell members was an illegal worker at a construction site located near the synagogue in Modi'in.

8:07PM: In his meeting with Israeli PM Olmert, US President Bush reaffirmed his two-state vision and his support of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

Bush also stated that "all options are on the table" in terms of dealing with Iran to ensure to they do not develop a nuclear weapon.

6:25PM: MDA ambulances have evacuated 7 palestinians who were wounded in Monday's shooting attack at the Erez crossing to Israel's Assaf Harofeh and Ichilov hospitals. As mentioned in the last update, the IDF initially prevented this, due to security concerns.

Yeah, the Israelis are evil to the Palestinians, and this is just the latest example of that. Taking the poor Palestinians who are just lying there, dying, and bringing them into their Zionist hospitals where they, according to Arab Media(Google "Zahra's blue eyes") steal the Organs,
including eyes of course, of innocent Palestinians.

# Fatah's Central Committee decided to cut off all contacts with Hamas.(link found in previous post)
# Labor Party Chairman Ehud Barak took over as Defense Minister from Amir Peretz.
# The IDF prevented Magen David Adom medics from reaching the palestinian side of the Erez crossing, since palestinians could take advantage of the situation and try to infiltrate into Israel. Yes, palestinians have been known to use ambulances for their terrorist ends.
# The Iranians blamed Israel for the civil war that they themselves were clearly instrumental in causing.
# Prime Minister Olmert was said to be set to urge US President Bush to focus on supporting PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and isolating Hamas.

4:10PM: Remember how Hamas stated that the cultural life of Gaza would remain intact?

Christians can only continue living safely in the Gaza Strip if they accept Islamic law, including a ban on alcohol and on women roaming publicly without proper head coverings, an Islamist militant leader in Gaza told WND in an exclusive interview.

The militant leader said Christians in Gaza who engage in "missionary activity" will be "dealt with harshly."

The threats come two days after a church and Christian school in Gaza was attacked following the seizure of power in the territory by the Hamas terror group.

"I expect our Christian neighbors to understand the new Hamas rule means real changes. They must be ready for Islamic rule if they want to live in peace in Gaza," said Sheik Abu Saqer, leader of Jihadia Salafiya, an Islamic outreach movement that recently announced the opening of a "military wing" to enforce Muslim law in Gaza.
"The situation has now changed 180 degrees in Gaza," said Abu Saqer, speaking from Gaza yesterday.

"Jihadia Salafiya and other Islamic movements will ensure Christian schools and institutions show publicly what they are teaching to be sure they are not carrying out missionary activity. No more alcohol on the streets. All women, including non-Muslims, need to understand they must be covered at all times while in public," Abu Asqer told WND.

"Also the activities of Internet cafes, pool halls and bars must be stopped," he said. "If it goes on, we'll attack these things very harshly."

In other news,

Hamas kills two peace demonstrators

Before noon, two civilians were killed during a protest held in Gaza City under the banner "Stop the Killing." Some 1,000 Palestinians marched in the city, calling for an end to the fighting, but when they approached a Hamas position, militants fired at the protesters, killing two.

Two employees of UNRWA, which provides Palestinian refugees with assistance, were also killed yesterday. The organization announced that it was suspending its operations in the Strip.

Several hours later, Hamas fighters detonated a tunnel bomb - they dug under the headquarters of the Preventing Security and General Intelligence organizations in Khan Yunis - to destroy the buildings. At least 14 were killed in that attack.
you guys have to admit that Israel really is restraining them selfs right now.If the U.S was being hassled (sp?) like this,I doubt the conflict would have gone so long as it is right now,remember Israel has alot of nukes they aren't using them though.If Iran or other nations that want Israel wiped off the map,there is no doubt in my mind that they would use nukes to "wipe Israel off the map."
none the less, what Israel did last Summer was wrong and only added fuel to the fire of this conflict.
Latest news:

9:48PM: Jordan's King Hussein has reportedly told President-elect Shimon Peres that he hopes he keeps his vision for peace.

9:20PM: Palestinian terrorists have fired 5 Qassams at Sderot, bringing today's tally to 8. So far, it seems that one person was lightly hurt, and 8 treated for shock in this latest attack.

9:05PM: Hamas are claiming that they have documents proving that Fatah's Mohammed Dahlan assassinated Yasser Arafat.

Interesting... last year, they accused Israel of doing it. Those Palestinians must be Dadaists because they wallow in contradiction.

8:46PM: PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has criticized Hamas, saying that "there is no dialogue with those murderous terrorists."

Pot, meet kettle? If only the West was smart enough to wonder if that statement might fit both of the groups?

5:28PM: From the Ha'aretz news ticker:

Believed Hamas Gaza leader: Hamas is able to halt rocket attacks on Israel (AP)

"So, yahud, you prefer suicide bombings? Fine with us."

3:58PM: Israel has opened its border with the Gaza Strip to allow passage for trapped foreigners and Palestinians needing urgent medical treatment, pursuant to orders from new Defense Minister Ehud Barak.

1:40PM: In the past hour, the terrorists managed to fire a Qassam at Israel. In response, the IAF struck a Qassam rocket launcher.
Latest news:

6:05PM: After earlier today stating their peaceful intentions (see 11:43AM update), Syria is now saying that peace with Israel is not possible with the current Hamas-Fatah split.

Which is interesting, considering the fact that the Syrians themselves contributed to this split via their support of Hamas.

3:10PM: While Israel intends to strengthen "Moderate" Mahmoud Abbas and his merry men, one of the armed wings of his party has made clear their intentions.

The Yasser Arafat Brigades, an armed wing of Fatah in the West Bank, has reaffirmed its continued resistance against Israel, while accusing the "weak" Israeli government of intensifying its actions against the Palestinian people in order to divert attention away from its "moral and financial corruption."

In doing so, Israel is destroying the Palestinian people, the brigades warned.


In a statement that Ma'an received, Abu Mahmoud considered the Israeli government responsible for the deterioration in the situation. He also threatened that the resistance would continue.

At least they're saying one probably senseful thing:

He added that Israel's military intensification comes at a time when the Israeli government is at its weakest and is suffering from "moral and financial corruption among its ministers". He described the Israeli government "as the weakest one Israel has ever had."

11:43AM: As Syria continues to support terror against Israel, their Foreign Minister (an Ariel Sharon lookalike) Walid Moallem has been quoted as saying that they are "more than ready to renew peace talks with Israel, without preconditions by either side."

10:33AM: Egyptian President Mubarak has invited Israeli PM Olmert, PA Chairman Abbas, and Jordanian King Abdullah to meet next week at the Sinai resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.

Saeb "It was a massacre" Erekat is playing the "gives us a state or Hamas will win" card:

We need to deliver the end of occupation, a Palestinian state. If we don't have hope, Hamas will export despair to the people.

Misc. News: The Israeli government wants to give Fatah 400 Millions. I guess the Prime Minister has learned absolutely nothing?,7340,L-3416098,00.html
Israel is expected to release withheld tax funds to the Palestinian Authority just in time for a four-way Middle East summit in Sharm el-Sheikh next Monday. The issue will be discussed and decided on during the weekly Knesset meeting on Sunday.

Israel is currently in control of about $400 million in Palestinian taxes, which have not been transferred to the PA as of yet due to Hamas’ rise to power.

However, following the establishment of a new emergency government headed by Salam Fayyad, the United States and Europe have resumed financial aid to the Palestinians, prompting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to allow the flow of funds into the Authority.
Can you say 'retarded'? The U.S is doing the same thing.

A nice summing-up of what has happened during the last few weeks: