More HL2 release date stuff

amneziac85 said:
Why must you follow me in every thread I am in with a post insulting me with insinuating words? Prove you are above a typing monkey and ignore me. :cheers:
Hi Pseudonym.
It's not Pseudonym.

Sorry. Anyway.

Comeon, let's bring something new to the table.

Valve don't owe you shit. They are making the game for you, what ****ing right do you have to make any demands on them? Thats the same kid of spoilt kid arrogance that demands for bigger presents.
I think Valve is more careful in selecting a date this time around. They're gonna make the next date (I hope...)
Rupertvdb said:
Dude ffs stop being such a drag, you are literally ruining my high, every post is like the whinings of the bullied kid who doesn't get the fact people hate him because he starts shit for no reason. If you could just chill out and make reasonable posts that didn't insult anybody and engaged decent debate then it would be great.

We have no reason to tear into you, why the **** would anyone want to waste their breath? Just sit back and have a little look see at where the source of the problem is.

Talk about starting for no reason, who was even talking to you? Look in the mirror. And if im that much of a buzz kill, I'll shut up if you can show me _one_ case of me giving an "insult" to someone else without them doing it to me first. It amazes me how anyone thats seems to be the slightest bit "anti-valve" is pumled here, why dont we all agree with each other and pick roses together. I wouldnt like that very much, but i think some people here lets do it! :cat:
Actaully these forums are for people to express there thoughts , good or bad. We want to talk about it..... we do not however like every other idiot coming here with NO PROOF or even any good referances ...OR good arguments. Trying to say there opinions are facts.

giving you shit has little to do with us attacking "anti-valve" people .
dude if you think i'm going to look through ****ing threads for hours to find a cases of your cockiness causing grief then you're sadly mistaken. It's a public forum so unless you pm the people you have shit with then i can comment as i feel is necessary.

I don't give two craps about anti valve sentiment but it's a mother****ing HL2 Fan Site why the Hell don't people realise that people coming here regularly aren't looking for a place to be told the product ehy are waiting for is made by morons, they want to discuss nt get in bullshit flame wars with dead beats and shit brickers.
ComradeBadger said:
It's not Pseudonym.

Sorry. Anyway.

Comeon, let's bring something new to the table.

Valve don't owe you shit. They are making the game for you, what ****ing right do you have to make any demands on them? Thats the same kid of spoilt kid arrogance that demands for bigger presents.

I already gave the instruction manual metaphor, you dont buy a TV with no customer service and no manual. You dont give someone your money if their insinuating a "**** off" attitude which Valve has been pushing lately with their lies.

Funny thing is, I am being confused with Pseudonym just because he seems to be the only other person that doesnt feel Valve has been truthful. Shows the views on this site, not good for open discussion.
amneziac85 said:
I already gave the instruction manual metaphor, you dont buy a TV with no customer service and no manual. You dont give someone your money if their insinuating a "**** off" attitude which Valve has been pushing lately with their lies.

Funny thing is, I am being confused with Pseudonym just because he seems to be the only other person that doesnt feel Valve has been truthful. Shows the views on this site, not good for open discussion.

To use your stupid metaphor. Do you buy a TV with a manual and customer service, and technical support when it goes wrong (Half Life) and then expect a better model FOR LESS money in 6 years time? No.
[[LuCkY]] said:
I cant believe people still believe Gabe, take his words with a grain of salt. Lmao, summer 2004, good luck with that hope. 2005 at the earliest.
Stop the presses, for [[LuCkY]] has spoken, and verily the news en't good. :hmph:
Right here's my theory: Half-Life 2 will never come out. I base that on no evidence whatsoever, nor do I back it up with any potential "facts"

Amneziac, the reason people do. not. like. you. is because you act like a moron on a high horse making unfounded declarations like you were the f*cking gospel. As was proven in more than one thread, you don't know what you're talking about. It would seem you are merely here to cause problems.

"I already gave the instruction manual metaphor, you dont buy a TV with no customer service and no manual. You dont give someone your money if their insinuating a "**** off" attitude which Valve has been pushing lately with their lies"
That's one of the least effective analogies I have ever heard.
You have purchased nothing. You have given Valve none of your hard-earned cash with regards to HL2. They are not insinuating a "f*ck off" mentality (although with people like you insulting them left, right and centre, it surprises me) - they are one of the most community-friendly developers I have ever seen. They made mistakes, and there are some hings they don't want to disclose. They will have their reasons. For Christ's sake just get over yourself.
Point. Counterpoint. Point. Counterpoint.

That's how a discussion works. However, when amneziac85 is involved, it's more like this:

Point made by amneziac85. Counterpoint made by hl2.netters. Complaints about being attacked made by amneziac85.

If you're incapable of having a reasoned discussion, why bother posting at all?
/me points at the topic

Good discussions peeps but arn't we a little off the beaten track? I've got nothing new regarding HL2's release date although I am one of the optimistic people and I believe IN MY OWN HUMBLE OPINION that it'll be out in the summer (this year :P).

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you have to expect to have that opinion challenged, that's what happens on 'net forums. Just be ready to defend your opinion or expect to look like an idiot.

[EDIT: Typos! Meh]
amneziac85 said:
People think if you say anything bad about Valve or Gabe you are implying that they in some way ARENT HUMAN! :O But they would rather have you believe Gabe is half man half amazing! :borg: Some people jump on my back because I dont think Valve is run by the 'Angels in the outfield' but instead by humans. Great at making games...horrible at supporting the people that support them. I can only be won by action, not words and empty promise. Valve, want to win me over? (which I doubt they do) Release HL2 at $20 for the first day, to award the people who have been patient and following every step, for I would not be here if I did not care.
Do you have an example of someone who is any better? This is the game design business and it has alot of politics involved.

Besides its obvious you don't actually care much about HL2 since if you did you would realize that just maybe the delay is resulting in the game being made better. Have fun trolling.
Personally, at this point when I hear, "It's Gold"....THAT's when I will get excited.

But I also don't really care if it's delayed or's a GAME. I'd rather they get it "right" and fix things that need to be fix, and finish it up the best they can.

As for the past inconsistencies on Valve's part as to when things will be released...who cares. It's done when it's done and only Valve can control that. Is it frustrating, sure it is, but it's still just a game and really not worth getting all worked up least for me.

People over react like this is some life and death situation when it's just a game. If valve were replacing my liver, than I would be concerned with what has happened. Otherwise, I'd rather have them delay it as long as they need to and have a the best game I can play.

It WILL come out sooner or later and the more time that passes, the closer that day comes. That's all that we can control....patience.
*Throws in 2 cents*

Lets look at some facts.

- Any game released by Valve does not appear to go as smoothly as other games.
- Valve has a time/project management problem
- HL2 appears to be an awesome game.
- Valve's method of communicating to the community could be better.
- Valve has alienated some of its fans.
- Some people think game companies should provided different things (customer service, community feedback, etc)
- People had perceived that Valve made certain promises on which they did not fulfill.
- Other games (Doom3, Stalker, etc) can be just as good as HL2. There is a difference between not liking a game and needlessly bashing it.
- This forum is generally friendly, but man, this site can turn vile in just a few posts.

Some people expect different things from Valve (and HL2), and to say one view is better than another view is pretty narrowminded.
blahblahblah said:
- Any game released by Valve does not appear to go as smoothly as other games.

uhh... say what? :monkee:
figge said:
uhh... say what? :monkee:

Look at it this way, both Doom3 and Half-Life2 have been delayed for an extended period of time. Yet, people are not accusing Doom3 of having a rough developement. Yes, there are other factors involved, but for the most part, you can compare the two.
I am supprised there is another one of these threads....

Meh, don't have time to repost opinions... again.....
I really, really don't get why people seem to be so annoyed with Valve all the time... they are one of the most community minded developers out there.

Look at the facts:

Half-Life has been continuously supported for years. Things like HLTV, Voice comms, VGUI, these are things added by Valve over the years, not to mention the total netcode re-write roundabouts the time of CS beta 6, and the constant bug-fixing and other tweaks.

They have released new and updated versions of their SDK for modders, and there's an official Valve site for them too.

TFC, DMC, and Ricochet. Free mods all made by Valve.

They've even taken on board mods like Counter-Strike and DoD and funded their continued support and development.

Sure, they had problems with CZ. Shit happens. It's not like they purposely delay things to piss people off. That doesn't even make business sense. Not only does it cost more money to keep the game in development, but it annoys the consumer. If they were money-grabbing bastards, they would have released something shit to make a quick buck off the CS name. But they at least tried to make it as good as possible.

And it's not exactly like HL2 has had the roughest of developments, it's been delayed once, and people are already calling it vapourware. Why? It's crazy.
I don't really put much stock into release dates given out by any developer. I guess I'm jaded, after all I don't think there has been one game that I have followed that hasn't been delayed. It's not that valve is alone in this, many games are delayed for one reason or another. I usually look for announcements of a game going gold, before I get excited about being able to play it. I would have preferred if Valve had not given out a firm release date like they did when they first announced the game. I would have preferred, they said something like "it'll be out when it's done" from the very start.
Epsi said:
Sure, they had problems with CZ. Shit happens. It's not like they purposely delay things to piss people off. That doesn't even make business sense. Not only does it cost more money to keep the game in development, but it annoys the consumer. If they were money-grabbing bastards, they would have released something shit to make a quick buck off the CS name. But they at least tried to make it as good as possible.

Well said... and something people don't seem to notice is that HL was made by Valve themselves... as is HL2. Condition Zero is published under the Valve name but they didn't actually create much if anything for the game, it was produced by other developers, CZ give no indication as to the dedication or talent that is being put into HL2. They aren't releasing it until its a good game, it sucks that we thought it would be out sooner but the wait will be worth it, if they were happy with the status of the game it would have been released by now.
Frost said:
Well said... and something people don't seem to notice is that HL was made by Valve themselves... as is HL2. Condition Zero is published under the Valve name but they didn't actually create much if anything for the game, it was produced by other developers, CZ give no indication as to the dedication or talent that is being put into HL2. They aren't releasing it until its a good game, it sucks that we thought it would be out sooner but the wait will be worth it, if they were happy with the status of the game it would have been released by now.

CZ was developed by Turtle Rock Studios, in conjunction with Valve. Valve may have helped with a few models, maps, and the like, but I don't think its a staple of what Valve is capable of. Also, HL2 was delayed ONE time. Almost every game has missed its "projected" release date. Sure, they confirmed that it would ship a week before the delay, but it happened once, not twice or three times, but once. Yet there is so much pessimissm. I'm looking forward to e3 to see what they have accomplished since sept 30. If they say won't release it to 2005, hey thats their business. There are other games to keep me occupied. Besides, who wants another DX: IW situation?.
PC.Gamer came out, and the release dates are always submited by the companies. It said, " Half-Life 2 - 6.28.04", but i dont believe them.