More horse armor shenanigans


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Gamers with jobs said:
"Press Pass: Oblivion is a victim of its own success in many ways, every move you guys make is going to be scrutinized. Do you think it’s because few games have tried this model for pay-for-addons in the next-gen market and Oblivion is the first high profile game to do it?

Pete Hines: I would imagine it’s exactly it. Lots of people have done themes, so nobody flinches when we put out a theme for 150 points. They download it like crazy, but nobody else is doing premium content like this, so we’re out front on it."

horse armor is premium content? no matter how much they try to justify it the horse armor thing was just a case of bad PR ..if they had released the Tower or the Ornery before horse armor they wouldnt have so many people complaining

oh they had this interesting bit of news:

Gamers with jobs said:
Press Pass: Like the next two you have listed, Orrery and Wizard’s Tower. Any idea what kind of release schedule you’re on for them? The official page has both listed as “Coming Soon”

Pete Hines: They’re still being finished and tested, so hopefully one next week and one the week after, if everything goes right. They have to go through the same QA cycle as the game itself.

so that probably means new content will be released on a semi regular schedule a year or so there could be dozens of mini add ons to the game ..the game could very well cost consumers hundreds of dollars in the long run with all the mini mods, expansions etc's a good business plan meant to pad their wallet long after Oblivion tapers off in retail sales
Yup, and that is my big problem with microtransactions. Full-on expansions I have no problem paying for, but little downloads that inevitably add-upp to cost as much as the game if not more but only yield a small fraction of the gameplay doesn't do it for me.

I don't think I am going to be doing any of these official ones. Fans are more than capable of making amazingly detailed and fun additions to the game and that is who I will support. My pennies are too important right now!
meh i could care less about these add-ons tbh, mostly coz Oblivion is an Sp game only, if it was Mp and everywhere was getting them then i might(all though i'd haveto have a major good reason to) just to keep up with everyone but cant be arsed buying things like horse armour, i hardly ever use my horse since i'm faster without him and lose no stamina when sprinting.