More indepth Halo 3 knowledge


Jul 21, 2006
Reaction score
Ok I'm back from dinner and a magazine, and I may say,... OMG! There is just so much to go over but I'll try to summarize it as much as I can in somewhat of a list, new stuff first:

New "New" Info:

The New Needler:
IT IS NO LONGER DUAL-WIELDABLE!!! Not much is explained but they do say that it is going to be made more powerful, balanced, and "usable".

The Brute Ghost:
The only details on the Brute Ghost were seen in the 20-second Single-Player Video (more on that later). It is summarized in the magazine as a "bulkier version of the classic hover bike" shown in the vid with a Brute climbing into it.

Single Player:
The guys at EGM got a 20-second video of the MC "tearing" around a huge industrial compound with gunfire coming from all types of Covenant crafts including a hulking wraith and "what looks to be a new Brute Ghost". There were "ships flying overhead, lasers everywhere, multiple enemies all around etc". Again, EGM rejects us much info on the stuff that no one else has...(More details to be revealed on Nov. 20 on the Mini-Site)

One of the things I am most excited about is being able to record gameplay onto your hardrive or memory card. The best way to describe this is as an example: Late one night you go into matchmaking and have the best game of your life. You rack up 95% of your teams kills and attain little deaths. You were playing like a GOD. The problem is, none of yours friends were with you. Don't fear, as long as you chose to save the temporarily stored video of the match, you can share your glory! Start up a party and get all of your friends in it, then bring up your saved video and launch it! The video will automatically come up on everyone's screen and the host will be able to control play, pause, slow, rewind, etc. while everyone else can choose how they want to see it, be it First Person, Third Person, or from a "fly-it-yourself bird's eye view". All I can say about this is, WOW.

Game Settings:
No longer are certain things such as speed reserved for either one person. That's right you can give all special traits to everyone!!! And for even more fun, you can even give them to the leading/losing teams in a match! But along with the old traits come a line of new ones. My favorite is being able to make characters more visible, BY SETTING THEM ON FIRE!!! You can even turn down gravity to allow people to jump twice as high, and prevent certain people from picking up weapons. That was all that was specofied in the mag but they say there is more...

Have you ever been in a party and the host is putting a gametype that no-one wants to play? Well vote against it! This can allow people to override the host's power. Whatever happened to the good ol' x button?

Advertising Customs:
Now you can put your custom gametype or even your custom game lobby out there for everyone to see! This was Bungie's answer to custom matchmaking...

Now you will have an actual "military" rank in Halo 3. This will be seperate from your matchmaking ranks and will include your overall stats, ranked, unranked, and even customs.

The X Button:
Still a mystery...

Ok Now More Info on the Older New Stuff:

The Brute Spiker:
I doesn't launch orange needle. It launches two foot superheated metal spike which resmble orange needles.

The Spike Grenade:
This thing latches onto ANYTHING. Covered with spikes, it will kill a Spartan if it you hit one on the head with it, but will stay embedded into it until it explodes: The explosions send out a conical volley of spikes, conical being so that if you are in a certain blind spot near the grenade, you won't be damaged.

Spartan Laser:
Can penetrate through multiple targets...

Grenades in General:
You can now only carry two of each...thats wack...

Yes you can drive anything into these "cannons" but heavier things, such as the Warthog, won't go nearly as far...

I personally don't think it is another Coag or BG, it IS a large map but it is balanced so snipers and heavy rockets don't rule it...

There is a lot more to this map than there looks. The bases seem to be pretty large undergound and there are also linking tunnels and pathways. Energy shields (more on that lower down) protect many entrances and if you get too far out into the barren winter tundra, sentry turrets will shoot you down...

My favorite map, the battle revolves aroung the main base with openable/closeable front gates. There are numerous entrances and hiding place inside the structure such as a blown out bunker or a small "crouch" pipe.

Energy Shields:
This IS old new stuff, just less known I guess. Anyways these energy barriers won't let some grenades through the mag doesn't explain but apparently spike grenades stick to them. I'm not going to go to into these things because most of the info is already out there...

Ummmm, if I remember anything else, I'll tell but for now, this is it...

How will the X button really "change the way the game is played" or whatever they said?

Oh BTW, good write up.
How will the X button really "change the way the game is played" or whatever they said?

Oh BTW, good write up.
Maybe it spawns a woman out of the X360 who will have sex with us.

Or it's probably going to be an over-hyped, under-revealed letdown which doesn't do anything we haven't seen before and, more than likely, will actually take gaming a step backwards.
Maybe it spawns a woman out of the X360 who will have sex with us.

Or it's probably going to be an over-hyped, under-revealed letdown which doesn't do anything we haven't seen before and, more than likely, will actually take gaming a step backwards.
Its going to be Slo-Mo like in Max Payne and the Matrix.

Mark my words.

That ain't me.
I know, but thank you for writing it onto the internets for me to read instead of purchasing the lame mag.
Game Settings:
No longer are certain things such as speed reserved for either one person. That's right you can give all special traits to everyone!!! And for even more fun, you can even give them to the leading/losing teams in a match! But along with the old traits come a line of new ones. My favorite is being able to make characters more visible, BY SETTING THEM ON FIRE!!! You can even turn down gravity to allow people to jump twice as high, and prevent certain people from picking up weapons. That was all that was specofied in the mag but they say there is more...
Is this something along the lines of Unreal Tournament's mutators? I always loved playing slow-mo games :p
One of the things I am most excited about is being able to record gameplay onto your hardrive or memory card. The best way to describe this is as an example: Late one night you go into matchmaking and have the best game of your life. You rack up 95% of your teams kills and attain little deaths. You were playing like a GOD. The problem is, none of yours friends were with you. Don't fear, as long as you chose to save the temporarily stored video of the match, you can share your glory! Start up a party and get all of your friends in it, then bring up your saved video and launch it! The video will automatically come up on everyone's screen and the host will be able to control play, pause, slow, rewind, etc. while everyone else can choose how they want to see it, be it First Person, Third Person, or from a "fly-it-yourself bird's eye view". All I can say about this is, WOW.

More like, Red vs Blue.

Looks designed for mechanima. Which can only be a good thing. (or a bad thing... teabagging with better graphics. Eeeearaaarrghh.)
everything sounds decent except for the man cannons, that sounds so lame. D:
everything sounds decent except for the man cannons, that sounds so lame. D:

Sounds like a corny phallic reference...

"[Guy 1] killed [Guy 2] with his man-cannon!"

Hell no. The man cannon will be hours of fun. Launch yourself, Launch your friends, launch everyone! You know any map that has it all your gonna see is people flying all over the place.
Theres no turning back now. I just caught the hype. :(

SWEET! information. :D Liking the sound of those new maps more than anything though.
Its too bad this game is gonna take another year, can you really see it coming out soon in 07?
Its too bad this game is gonna take another year, can you really see it coming out soon in 07?

Bungie says they'll release it "when it's done" so don't hold your breath.
Nope, not at all, but theres going to be plenty of 360 games to keep me occupied until it eventually does come out. :D
I just got a news update about Halo 3.
....It's gonna suck, just like the first two.

For every dumbass that complains about Halo there's 3 people playing it and having fun. You could argue that they're dumbasses too, but at least they're enjoying a game while you're still writing crap :)
It wasn't a complaint, it was an opinion.....dumbass.
To be honest Uriel is right. While the first one was good, the fact that the second one did nothing to remove the faults of the first game, kinda puts me off this one.

I'll still play it anyway. I'm a sucker for hype.
To be honest Uriel is right. While the first one was good, the fact that the second one did nothing to remove the faults of the first game, kinda puts me off this one.

I'll still play it anyway. I'm a sucker for hype.
His "..... dumbass" comment wasn't warranted, however.

I half-agree with you, though. While Halo 2's singleplayer was pretty much atrocious, the multiplayer was great, and far more balanced than the original's. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
It wasn't a complaint, it was an opinion.....dumbass.

Splitting hairs. It's still the same old rubbish that gets written every time a Halo appears in a thread. It doesn't matter what the context, some genius comes along and says 'blah blah blah, Halo sucks.'
To be honest Uriel is right. While the first one was good, the fact that the second one did nothing to remove the faults of the first game, kinda puts me off this one.

I'll still play it anyway. I'm a sucker for hype.

They've already said Halo 3 will be better than Halo 2.
Next, hopefully.

According to the 1up vid they're at pre-alpha stage at the mo, which means there's LOADS more to do.
It's weird, I found Halo to be good, I didn't like Halo 2, but I'm still kinda excited about Halo 3. I have no idea why, though.
I feel the same, Halo 2 was a bit of a let down. It was still a solid game, difficult with fun co-op and decent multiplayer.

I'm hoping Bungie really go to town in Halo 3's single player - HUGE scale battles with vehicles driving/flying around and rockets/lasers/bullets flying everywhere. Even if that's all they do, it would be a blast to play, especially on a big screen with a friend (online co-op has to happen).
I pretty much feel the same way I did before Halo 2, which is very excited, hyped and hungry for more information. I remember when the first Halo 2 MP video was released. Christ, that really hit me. And the old video of the battle in the streets of the city. The Pelican descent, the medical area, the ruined buildings, calling in the air strike, manning the Warthog gun, the Brutes and then the cliffhanger ending which has still today never been answered. Just a shame that was all scrapped really, and if not scrapped then dumbed down and changed.

I know for a fact the same will happen with Halo 3, but I'm still very much excited for the game. Halo 2, costing me 30 quid, has kept me occupied for over a year on X-Box Live. I think that says something, and I cannot imagine Halo 3's MP will be like as it was obviously take Halo 2's MP and only improve on it.
