More info on "Doom" Movie.

WaterMelon34 said:

Uhmm, this is going to be crap. If you look at the link above, they say they made "minor" changes to the concept. The monsters are NOT from hell but as in most piece of crap Hollywood productions it's a nasty super-virus. And marines are no longer "space marines" but SWAT team members. This thing isn't even on Mars. Someone please tell those bastard business men with half-baked movie ideas to go find a comfortable curb to curl up and die on. WHOOP-DEE-****ING-DOO.

I am not surprised though, since there has never been an actually ok movie that was based on a game. Chronicles of Riddick does not count because the movie was BEFORE the game.

EDIT: Ok, there was one game that was not based off of a movie but took some of it's ideas, Alien Versus Predator. Not based on the movies Alien and Predator but a mere experiment suggesting "what if all 3 races met in one room?"... SO that doesn't count either.
Nuh uh! The Mario Brothers movie was awesome! Wait, no it wasn't. I deserve to be slapped.
Since its R I'll either have to bribe the ushers (sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't) or ask my cousin to get the dvd when she returns from Canada.
JellyWorld said:
Since its R I'll either have to bribe the ushers (sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't) or ask my cousin to get the dvd when she returns from Canada.
why not just go through the back door like all the cool kids?
satch919 said:
I thought that Resident Evil was decent. It was by no means an excellent movie but it was entertaining.

I thought it was horrible
I really enjoyed Resident Evil. Lawl. Not like you go into a video game flick expecting to to be like the game, i'm so sick of elitist gamers you expect that whatching a movie will be the same experience as playing the games :o not like resident evil was prized with award winning dialouge (movie has better dialouge than games). In fact it beat the hell out of the cutscenes in any res evil :p i'd rather jack off with sand paper than whatch 2 hrs of resident evil cutscenes. cheesiest bullshat ever.
Wow, it actually has promise now. :)

Edit: I believe it is a good idea not to involve Mars or the Doom Marine but keep it in the Doom Universe. This way, they can't screw up the original storyline of the original game.