More Left 4 Dead


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Masses of Left 4 Dead content is still flooding its way out of the Quakecon event. [br]
Eurogamer have a
two page interview
with Valve's Chet Faliszek. And Gametrailers have a collection of cam videos showing off the gameplay.
V-Man on Left 4 Dead

I can't wait for this game.

*off topic
Yay first post!
Awesome stuff. I noticed in the room after they took a pause and bandaged that an infected guy got up from laying on the ground in the hall. Cool
It's funny how much someone adding titles to their posts can piss someone off.


Hey, teachers always say to put a title on every piece of work you do. WELL DONE V-MAN. Have a willy in your bum bum.
Yeah I was just going to post another video off gametrailers. Check it out often because they just keep coming in. Be sure to join the left4dead411 group: Left 4 Dead (L4D) *Excuse my French but holy **** these vids are awesome!!!
Right now at the left4dead411 chat room we got Valve and TRS employees talking to us! I just invited them and they started talking. Some girl at TRS name "QTPI" said there will be 2 urban and 2 rural maps. :eek: *Also QTPI said it rains in one urban map. They have one map that is in the morning as well. SHe also did cs_Militia. BOOTH IS ON!
Thanks for the heads up, hool. Some interesting stuff in that chat. Seems a number of things are place holders atm.