More mods?

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*backs away*

btw, have any of you recieved this PM?

What's Wrong With Pi Mu Rho?

There's a lot of things wrong with Pi. He's a pretentious egotistical self-centered twat. He thinks that he deserves everyone's respect and admiration at all times. He believes that he alone is what keeps from imploding upon itself. He is determined to close threads and ban members when they discuss things that he doesn't approve of, but whenever two members are bickering about something that doesn't concern him, he lets it go by unnoticed. He's a hypocritical moron who isn't worth the time it takes to insult.
From who?

Actually, who cares? It's someone that apparently knows nothing about me, can't even get their facts right, and doesn't have the balls to confront me directly.
Pi Mu Rho said:
From who?

Actually, who cares? It's someone that apparently knows nothing about me, can't even get their facts right, and doesn't have the balls to confront me directly.
Because he's gonna get banned even before he's gonna begin talking against you. :p
Ahahahahahaha. The phantom bullshit merchant strikes again.
Funny how people think that. In actual fact, I rarely ban anyone at all.
This is what happens when people make gross assumptions - they get them horribly wrong.

He's a hypocritical moron who isn't worth the time it takes to insult.

Double irony! If I'm not worth the time to insult, then why bother? Hypocrisy!

It matters not. I know exactly who it is and, frankly, I would have expected better. I guess my expectations are too high.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Funny how people think that. In actual fact, I rarely ban anyone at all.
This is what happens when people make gross assumptions - they get them horribly wrong.

Double irony! If I'm not worth the time to insult, then why bother? Hypocrisy!

It matters not. I know exactly who it is and, frankly, I would have expected better. I guess my expectations are too high.


You got the IP?
No, they used a proxy.

There's more than one way to find out. It's not what you know, it's who you know...
Pi knows the MASTER OF THE INTERNETS. He goes round to his floating housen of code every monday for tea and e-crumpets. Possibly.
Pi Mu Rho said:
No, they used a proxy.

There's more than one way to find out. It's not what you know, it's who you know...


cool, I guess......

btw, "It's not what you know, it's who you know" was said by Draco Malfoy in the 5th HP book. :eek:

btw2, How do you use a proxy?
sinkoman said:
dunno if this is too offtopic, but is it just me, or is Bliink sorta mysteriously missing lately?

I'm here, I post a little less, but I'm certainly, here.
15357 said:

btw, "It's not what you know, it's who you know" was said by Draco Malfoy in the 5th HP book. :eek:

It was said long before Harry Potter
Pi Mu Rho said:
It was said long before Harry Potter

I know, but that just came to my mind. Freaky, I must have memorized parts of it.
So a random stranger is sending numbername random PMs?

I guess everyone needs a hobby, but that strikes a pathetic on the sad-o-meter.

Use e-mail, random stranger! It would make you seem a lot less like what would happen if Cheetos sponsored Batman.
if sending me PMs is sad,

then Danimal, Comradebadger, Zerimski, Samon, bvagsm, and a few other people are sad too, I guess.
15357 said:
if sending me PMs is sad,

then Danimal, Comradebadger, Zerimski, Samon, bvagsm, and a few other people are sad too, I guess.

Your looking at it from the wrong perspective. He meant things like this pathetic propaganda pm trying to influence members by using a no post account and a proxy. That, is sad. Sending a normal pm, containing whatever, isn't.

So, i guess I'm pathetic....
About that proxied PM:
Can I just ask why someone (heck, not even a staff member) would actually get sooooo wound up about someone on a forum, on the internet, with seemingly little reason? Delusions? Why can't they just find another forum that is actually related to spouting BS rather than related to a freakin' computer game?

I haven't a clue what all this crap is to do with the Heita-wassit, I just come here for the HL2. What are they and what are they supposed to have done?
Dinkleberry said:
About that proxied PM:
Can I just ask why someone (heck, not even a staff member) would actually get sooooo wound up about someone on a forum, on the internet, with seemingly little reason? Delusions? Why can't they just find another forum that is actually related to spouting BS rather than related to a freakin' computer game?

I haven't a clue what all this crap is to do with the Heita-wassit, I just come here for the HL2. What are they and what are they supposed to have done?

Bunch of friends made a private forum that was invite only.
Dinkleberry said:
About that proxied PM:
Can I just ask why someone (heck, not even a staff member) would actually get sooooo wound up about someone on a forum, on the internet, with seemingly little reason? Delusions? Why can't they just find another forum that is actually related to spouting BS rather than related to a freakin' computer game?

I haven't a clue what all this crap is to do with the Heita-wassit, I just come here for the HL2. What are they and what are they supposed to have done?

THey are an evil fundamentalist group bent on world domination and the complete and total destruction of
No, they're insane cultists seduced by the pornographic art of The Dark Elf into believing the end (of is nigh. Duh.
I thought it was all about the goats man... y'know, the goats. Nobody ever thinks of the goats.
15357 said:
btw2, How do you use a proxy?


Tools>Options>Bikes>General>Connection settings, you need to find some IPs to use as proxy servers though.

More trouble than its worth.

I went lookind for TDE elf porn, I found a small college for oral hygiene and some odd forum, as Sulkdodds said, for cultists.
Listen. If anyone wants to know the absolute truth about Hetairia, go to and post your question in the Public Discussion forum or read the Explanation of Hetairia thread.

As for why Dgenatron, Foxtrot, Lex Luthor and all the rest got so worked up about it, it's because they felt excluded and left out, and so bitter rage shined through. Amusingly enough, Hetairia was a secret for that exact purpose - to avoid people feeling left out or excluded.
The mod situation isn't going to change for the moment. We're always looking at the overall picture and frankly more mods aren't required but we do keep tabs on people we think are responsible enough. Simply posting a lot isn't the only criteria and we'll never take requests and the like. We'll ask people we think are able and level headed enough to do it but as I say at the moment nobody new is getting brought on.

This could of course change , everything is flexible. As for the warning script ask Munro it's his decision on that.
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