More on the BMRF incident

yeah but this one is a bit modified... if you read closly...
Gordon Freeman inserted GG expedition anomalous materials sample 3883 into the anti-mass spectrometer. A displacement field of incredible strength immediately formed within the crystal and then expanded rapidly. A powerful electromagnetic field was also produced which interfered with the electronic equipment, preventing the scientists in the control room from shutting down the spectrometer. The displacement field was of such strength that not only did it experience interference from the fields within the borderworld’s crystals, but also the one being created in our world interfered with the displacement fields on Xen. Displacement energy from the Xen crystals poured through “inter-space” and amplified the field on Earth, until it became self-sustaining – a resonance cascade. Dr. Gordon Freeman, located only metres away from the test sample, was caught within the resonating spacetime and momentarily propelled into the borderworld, before falling back into our own universe. The internal structure of the Xen crystals meant that their fields actually shielded them from being pulled to Earth, but this did not apply to the small but refined quantities of the material that were contained within the Xen life-forms. Xen animals have evolved to take advantage of the crystal’s energetic properties and they consume it and store it like any other mineral. The result is that as well as a bioelectrical field Xen animals have a bio-displacement field that made them prone to fall through any spatial instabilities.

thats the best explaination ever :D
Very well researched, though still largely interpretory. It'd have to be, though, wouldn't it?
The author has probably thought about it more than Valve have :p
amazingly good read, thanks alot man.

wow I have alot more theories now as to what was up in mesa and how it lead to city 17

sweeet, and thanks again