"More Portal For Sure" - Lombardi


May 6, 2005
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"More Portal For Sure" - Lombardi

In a recent interview with Eurogamer (link) Doug Lombardi confirms there will be more Portal, but he isn't sure what it will be like.[br]
"There'll be more Portal, for sure. But the details of that, to be honest, we're still working out," he said.
Doug also informs us that new information regarding Gordon's adventures are months away.[br]Check out the interview here.
The news post is for people who don't read the forums. The forum thread is for people who don't read the main page. It is pointless to refer to a thread that talks about the same thing in a news post.
The news post is for people who don't read the forums. The forum thread is for people who don't read the main page. It is pointless to refer to a thread that talks about the same thing in a news post.

ah, I was not aware of this system

The news post is for people who don't read the forums. The forum thread is for people who don't read the main page. It is pointless to refer to a thread that talks about the same thing in a news post.

That was the most selfish thing I've heard today, but then my gf is still asleep ;P

I appreciate the links to forums. Thanks
Think I'll start my posting in three seperate topics, three times.

I agree with what Darkside said, but drZool... don't tell me you just registered to say that?
Dear BBC,

I notice that your news programme on the 31th of January included a segment on the death of Jeremy Beadle. I'd like to draw your attention to my blog, which mentioned the matter at least 12 hours prior to your programme. Please do not waste my time with old news.

Yours faithfully,

The Internet"
That was the most selfish thing I've heard today, but then my gf is still asleep ;P

I appreciate the links to forums. Thanks

Obviously, your GF is only with you out of pity o_O
The news post is for people who don't read the forums. The forum thread is for people who don't read the main page. It is pointless to refer to a thread that talks about the same thing in a news post.

Within the forums, posting a link to another thread sort of implies "This is already being discussed elsewhere, so don't clutter the forums with new threads on it" (possibly put less politely), so when one sees a solo link post, that's the tone of voice the reader imagines it in.

Linking from a news item to an existing thread is good--it lets people who want to know more and get in on the existing discussion do so--but it shouldn't carry the above implications. It serves as a bridge between the two threads rather than a sign saying "move this discussion here."

Prefacing your link with something like "Here's a link to the forum discussion, for those interested: " might be a good idea to get people to read the link in the right tone. Or, even better, putting a small "(forum thread)" link at the bottom of the news post, or in an immediate follow-up post.
Within the forums, posting a link to another thread sort of implies "This is already being discussed elsewhere, so don't clutter the forums with new threads on it" (possibly put less politely), so when one sees a solo link post, that's the tone of voice the reader imagines it in.

Linking from a news item to an existing thread is good--it lets people who want to know more and get in on the existing discussion do so--but it shouldn't carry the above implications. It serves as a bridge between the two threads rather than a sign saying "move this discussion here."

Prefacing your link with something like "Here's a link to the forum discussion, for those interested: " might be a good idea to get people to read the link in the right tone. Or, even better, putting a small "(forum thread)" link at the bottom of the news post, or in an immediate follow-up post.

It seemed to me like the guy who posted the link had done it for the first reason, to say it had been discussed before. And judging from his reply, it seems that was the case. He probably didn't notice this thread was in the news section. Of course, I was exaggerating a bit when I said it was "pointless" to post links in news threads. Because it's not. But it is to say like, I was first or whatever.
Why not discuss this in this topic as well, since there already seem to be two topics about this subject, why not add a third one where people can talk about it.
There are also people who only reply on news items (me included).
But besides that, there's nothing else to discuss or talk about except maybe say: "Hell yeah!"
Nobody seems to be talking about this point;

Doug also informs us that new information regarding Gordon's adventures are months away.

Months away? just for infomation? I'm hoping this could mean Valve have fully accepted that episodic content was a failue & are now beavering away on EP3 with the intention of making the game about as long as the original HL2 & be damned how long it takes. Please let me be right - I'd rather the episodes go out with a bang rather than a wimper.
I'm hoping this could mean Valve have fully accepted that episodic content was a failure...
I'm afraid I can't let you get away with saying that, dogboy. *cocks revolver*

Long live episodic content! :D
There was no missing word, all is corrected!
I'm hoping this could mean Valve have fully accepted that episodic content was a failue & are now beavering away on EP3 with the intention of making the game about as long as the original HL2 & be damned how long it takes. Please let me be right - I'd rather the episodes go out with a bang rather than a wimper.

It's not been a failure because it hasn't been episodic content. 3 Episodes, one of which almost making up a full game, does not true episodic content make. I hope EP3 is around EP2's length if a tad longer; EP1 was too short, HL2 was way too long.
The interview and the time before we hear any news about Episode Three tells me that they are being really, really careful with this one. No rushed development and no mistakes that, honestly, were to be found in Episode Two.

And I'm fully willing to wait for it. This is the big one, the culmination of so much work and thought (and dedication on our parts), and it would be a damned shame if it didn't get the time and thought needed to make it awesome.
I had enough by the middle of Anticitizen One.

And I'm glad we are getting more cake. I'll be waiting.
Nobody seems to be talking about this point;

Months away? just for infomation? I'm hoping this could mean Valve have fully accepted that episodic content was a failue & are now beavering away on EP3 with the intention of making the game about as long as the original HL2 & be damned how long it takes. Please let me be right - I'd rather the episodes go out with a bang rather than a wimper.

This didn't surprise me. Depress me, yes, but at least they're not creating a deadline they can't stick to.
Samon said:
I hope EP3 is around EP2's length if a tad longer; EP1 was too short, HL2 was way too long.

riomhaire said:
There's no way in hell I'd ever call HL2 too long.
Me neither. Longer just feels like we're getting more bang for our buck, especially when it's as good as the HL series. I don't want a game that I'm going to play through in a day! I want a challenge & I want it to last as long as possible. The original HL just went on & on but it was so good it never got tiring. That's how games should be. With the last 2 episode we've waited a total of about 4 years+ for both of them & most people finished them in a day a piece! Just seems like a bit of an anti-climax to me.

On the other hand, after saying that (I'm going to get absolutely flamed for saying this) I'm kind of glad EP3 is likely to be the end of the HL series. You can have to much of a good thing & HL has been with us for 10 years now! EP2 was great fun but once I'd finished it I just couldn't be arsed going back. It's time to move on :( I'm certain that for a team as talented as Valve there's life beyond HL. But HL has been with us for as long as the X-files was around & look what happened to that!

Play Cod4

I just wish EP3 would be 1-2 hours longer than EP2.
Heh, I thought the opposite about COD4 with the quantity/quality issue.

But I digress. I'd like to see Episode Three clocking in at about 7-9 hours.