More proof the world has gone crazy!

Seriously: OH MY F-U-C-K-I-N-G GOD!

That is the most rediculous thing EVER. Period!
this whole country should just sink into the ocean and never be raised up until all the morons have drowned. so, about 10 seconds cause they never stop talking, the rest of us will hold our breath...
u americans dont unserstand what its like over here in england
a charol service than was to be put on tv sung "when im sixty four" but missed out the line when it talks aobut birthdays as this could upset jehovas witneses for some reason.
Handicaped and disabled are basically illegal. Special needs is all the rage though. (which would you perfer to be, disabled or special ?)
My canadian relatives where talking about how nobody knows the words to o canda any more because they keep getting changed to be more politcally correct.
**** political correctness. thats right...**** IT! *hits slave hdd with whip*
Anyone taking my slaves away will be shot.

Seriously, this world has gone nuts, and there's no way to change it.
Yeah, it's insane... this was reported on almost a year back. We really are that petty.

Who's going to bet that the people voicing offence aren't actually the ancestors of former slaves, but idiotic equal rights activists with nothing else to do but hunt for offensive content where no offensive content resides?
Wow, the world will eventually just implode on itself from an overflow of idiotic thoughts...
Yep, Political Correctness goes somewhere on my list of the top 10 things this world could do without.

How rediculous is this? A friend of mine who is black, once got in trouble at my tech school for saying "n igger"... The context was him saying something like "what up my nigga" to another black person... and the person that got him in trouble... was white. I was astounded.
The sorry thing is, the person who got your friend in trouble will eventually find themselves with power. It's how the world works. Exactly the wrong people get all the power.
DreamThrall said:
Yep, Political Correctness goes somewhere on my list of the top 10 things this world could do without.

How rediculous is this? A friend of mine who is black, once got in trouble at my tech school for saying "n igger"... The context was him saying something like "what up my nigga" to another black person... and the person that got him in trouble... was white. I was astounded.
If black people can say the word why can't white people? If both are used in a non-offensive way(ie insulting someone).
Just do what I do and ignore it :D

Really, people (as in, the politically correct which includes a lot of people nowadys, but they don't realise it) either get used to it, and perhaps respect your openess....or they go and cry. Its good either way really.
Isn't Yahoo News the news agency that also told us that the Pentagon unveiled a secret report that showed the world was going to end due to a global climate change sometime soon? I think some of the stories on Yahoo news are slightly above tabloid quality but not by much.
fizzlephox said:
Isn't Yahoo News the news agency that also told us that the Pentagon unveiled a secret report that showed the world was going to end due to a global climate change sometime soon? I think some of the stories on Yahoo news are slightly above tabloid quality but not by much.

It's from Reuters....
DreamThrall said:
Yep, Political Correctness goes somewhere on my list of the top 10 things this world could do without.

How rediculous is this? A friend of mine who is black, once got in trouble at my tech school for saying "n igger"... The context was him saying something like "what up my nigga" to another black person... and the person that got him in trouble... was white. I was astounded.
if a white guy said it he'd get in trouble too, probably more.
well yeah... but the point I was trying to make was that white people are starting to get more offended by it than black people are. I have to admit that I feel uncomfortable hearing it used, even in a rap song (which is where I usually hear it)...

Sometimes I get a ride to work with a (black) co-worker who listens to all this shitty "gangsta rap"... all I hear is n-this and n-that ... its like every other word is either a curse or the n-bomb... and I'm sitting there cringing, and he's just chillin... I feel kinda dumb, but I can't help it :\
Foxtrot said:
If black people can say the word why can't white people? If both are used in a non-offensive way(ie insulting someone).
Dave Chapelle made a skit about's funny as crap too. A black person can call a white guy cracker, but if it goes the other way around the white guy gets his ass kicked or thrown in jail.
I hate political correctness. To actually rename Master/Slave as Device/Captured Device is not only absurd, but actually ends up making less sense than it had previously. Words are words, get over it.
When will people learn that slave doesn't mean black slavery?

Its so stupid to think that slavery started with the Africans. People were putting others into slavery long since before the time of the Americas.

Slavery has been prevailent in history, and often not of differing races, but rather within the same race.

Besides, what do those domination people think of the matter too? They practice master/slave, but its not racial at all. Its sexual. lol
If you look back, I think they actually invented slavery for the Jews. Therefore, I should be the one offended by it...

oh wait, I'm not...
I am not got to ever buy a computer again, ITS ALL SO RACIST!

Cracker (hmm yummy) ****** (hmm censored) , ******(mmmh thought so)

Are these bad words? I can see that, ow wait lets not forget kike.

are slave and master, hell no