More PS3 Drama

In West Bend, Wis., a 19-year-old man was injured when he ran into a pole racing with 50 others for one of 10 spots outside a Wal-Mart.
LMAO! :laugh:
*Insert I hate Sony more than EA comment, despite this not being their fault, but what the hell!*
Pathetic. Although it's a shame someone got shot over a ****ing games console. :|

EDIT: Well, not strictly the console, the money, but meh whatever.
"This is the best game ever. It's so worth the wait," the 25-year-old graphics designer said. "Some people may call me crazy, but I really love to play."

What?? The PS3 itself is the best game ever??
If you wait outside a store for a console/game to come out, you deserve to be shot
Hell yes. If the Wii would be so hard to get as a PS3, I'd take at least several 00 Buck 12 gauge shotgun shells to the chest before giving up my spot :p

Meanwhile, in other states, customers pushed and shoved their way to the shelves to get at the limited supply. In Lexington, Ky., four people were grazed by BBs fired from a passing vehicle as they waited for a Best Buy store to open, according to WKYT, whose own reporter said she was among four people grazed while she interviewed buyers in line.

Lexington, it's kind of a weird place.



This coming from a person with over 2000 posts on a PC gaming forum.

So you know when I call it sad, it's sad.
It's sad that only a few out of the many will actually walk out with the PS3.
You guys check ebay recently? Theres one playstation 3 selling for $100,000!

Crazy stuff!

looks like geting a ps3 is like a odissey

and now you must wear bulletproof

customer:"I got the ticket"
seller:"take it quicly...o shit that man is armed!"
assalter:"give da playstatun boy!"
customer*pull out a shotgun*"never!"*kill assalter*
assalter:"give me dat shit"*shoot whit submachinegun*
customer*cover behind shelf*"is mine!"*trows greanade,assalter fly*
customer:"finally I get out of the store...I got a ps3 yeah!...and the first offer is one million dollar!"
*people run to him,big truck crush then all*
Soon there will be videogames and flash animations about people's quests to buy PS3s...