more ranks =)


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
since SK proved you can go from nothing to senior member in less than 3 days could we possibly add some more ranks to the forum?

i like the hl2 creatures theme, you could add strider....or marine....or scientist......or those little flying freaks

at least strider i guess, and maybe space it out more so its harder to get there.....

oh and i think this was mentioned a few days ago but how bout we have a feature for senior members (like those with high posts plus older join dates) once they reach a level they can make their own title, that would be cool =)

at one forum i regularly visit, you can get a custom title and avatar at 1000 posts. (you needed to pick an avatar from a category before.)

i have over 3500 posts there, LOL.

maybe for more ranks, things like "security guard" and "nihilanth" and "gonarch" if we rank based on the first game.

of course, the administrators should have the rank of "The G-Man". :)
Make it so you cant have an avatar until a certain number of posts. Then another barrier for custom titles way down the line.
I'd prefer allowing images in sigs rather than avatars...
Originally posted by synth
of course, the administrators should have the rank of "The G-Man". :)

Don't you mean, The G-Men? :cheese:
I really need a new webhost before I can activate images in sigs because of lack of bandwidth. If you have any suggestions for ranks please keep them coming.

1000 posts = Custom title
Anyone who spams to gain a custom title will be banned though.
If you just make people link to the pics in their sigs it will be fine...
Im sure we can all find a host...
lionants.....forgot about them.....i think it should go from sheer size striders would be somewhere near the top.....what is the thing called that kills morgan in the end of video 6? (the head butt)
i have been inactive the last few days, saving money for a Rock River Arms Elite LE AR-15, sweet gun, but i will assure you, it will take me a lonnnnnnnngggg time to hit the 1000 post custom title, meaning if i hitt 100 in 3 days, it will take alot more than 3 weeks
Over And Out,
(For the person who asked for the Hi-Res HalfLife2 picture, im trying to find it :0)
WAit, is that a paintball gun ?

Lol last time i was playing paintball i got shot in the head, thank god i was wearing a hat :hmph:
no, it is this

Why would you want to waste your money on that? :)
To shoot apples from trees and use so he can post pictures of himslef with the gun on forums like this. Its all for the ego
to get back to the topic, i think you should be called snark before headcrab :)
Are they in HL2 though? :)
hmmm good point..
but they are so cool so maybe you should make an exception? ;)
or you could start as those little bugs that crawled on the floor and you would cruch through a level killing them all with your crowbar. HA
well it appears the staff took my suggestion :)

so where is there a list of all the updated ranks i can view?
YEah Snarkis nice I miss that rank... Im a Hydra `_^
And I am KING (okey i will stop with dah king shizzle)
Originally posted by pretz
well it appears the staff took my suggestion :)

so where is there a list of all the updated ranks i can view?

Good point... any way to see these sort of things?