More ship date info! GOOD NEWS!

but if its up to the publisher, Vivendi, THEN IT WILL BE ON THE SHELVES sometime mid-november. Few represenitives from Vivendi said that it will be released in mid-november, and if its up to the publisher, then expect it on store shelves mid-november.
From the Valve info thread:
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
WOOHOO! Here is some new info from Gabe!

Also will the game be simultaneously (wrong spelling probably) released on Steam and in retail stores or will Steam users get it quicker?

Half-Life 2 will be released worldwide on Steam simultaneous with the US retail release.
Originally posted by Jerjerod
I would be near phisicaly impossible to get the game to the shelfs for the 30th unless it goes gold in the next few days, it takes along time to to get it distrubuted all over the world in boxes where as it only takes a few hours to distribute it with the internet. Thats why that article is highly plausable.

And dont anyone say 'its gone gold but they just havent told us' becuse if it had Vivendi would tell you even if valve didnt, theyed be so desperate to let everone know it was going to be on time.

Half-Life went gold on the 7th of November. And it was released on the 11th of November. Also, there was quite a demand for Half-Life because people had played Half-Life:Day One and loved it.

Vivendi can just get more CD Pressers, and there are printing presses all over the world, it doesn't take that long to print enough copies.
I wonder what kind of cd-burners those companys use to print the cds... imagine how fast and high quality they would have to be to make so many cds, and none that f* up
Originally posted by exoeight
I wonder what kind of cd-burners those companys use to print the cds... imagine how fast and high quality they would have to be to make so many cds, and none that f* up

They press the CDs not burn them.
they should make a CD-Presser thing for your average home, it would demolish burners. =)
If you had the money you could get one... but you couldn't afford to use it to make one CD at a time.

You would need to make tons of CDs for it to not be a huge waste of money and time.
Originally posted by PvtRyan
You can't blaim Valve for not considering the people using something that should have died out 3 years ago.
I do know there are many people who can't get broadband, but it's still a small minority. You can't let the majority suffer because of the unability of the minority.

Died out 3 years ago? How the **** can you say that? It was only just reaching it's peak here 3 years ago. You can't say that something died out 3 years ago just because you could get something better.
This taken from the valve only thread:

It will come out on the same day on Steam world-wide as it comes out in the
US in a box.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 5:52 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: im curious about this steam method you guys are using...

I have a big question. Im determing if im going to buy HL2 through the
store. Well i was wondering if HL2 will come out the same day on steam as
retail in stores?


edit: sorry ahnteis, didn't see your post. basically the same thing. Wait a second. that looks fake.... o_O "Wrom"?
I hate to say it, but if they release it via Steam only at first, then release it to shelves LATER... eDonkey here i come.
If Vivendi can't turn around a hot title from gold to release in a short amount of time then they have no business being a game publisher.
Ok everyone, answers here, direct from the author of the Wired articl:

That was a mistake in the caption (notice the story doesn't say that). Half-Life 2 will be available via download later this fall at the same time that it's released in boxes. Sorry about that error.


Suneel Ratan
415 205 1008

-----Original Message-----
From: ****
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 9:52 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Wired: feedback: Half-Life 2 release


In your article on Valve's Steam network, there is a caption to one of the photos:

"Although boxed versions of the highly anticipated new game Half-Life 2 won't be available in stores for a couple of months, Valve Software is releasing the game for download now."

This is at least partially innacurate; Half-Life 2 is certainly not available for download 'now'.

There is some controvery and discussion going on right now in the Half-Life 2 community as to what this statement means. This is the first we've heard that the Steam release would occur on a different date than the retail release. Do you have any additional information that could help clarify this? Did this come from Doug Lombardi? Thank you!
we f**king KNOW NOW THAT THEY WILL BE RELEASED TOGETHER, SO ALL OF YOU n00bs can just.... STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

for the rest of you... cool. =)

i cant wait, im getting box though. =D
Originally posted by dscowboy
Ok everyone, answers here, direct from the author of the Wired articl:

Excellent. Thanks.

So now we know.
I'm sick and tired of those want want the games with the box or for the ****ing boxes...oh no, I want the box, oh no if it hasn't got a box I will kill my self.....oh no, I want the box to show it on my fiends...stf up and stf up.
Download it or take it on a pill who cares I only want to play it.
Im pretty sure that the only way you will be able to get HL2 is to download the whole shebang off Steam. In order not to anger the retail part of the HL2 release, they'll make doubly sure that no smart kids start swapping CD-Rs with the HL2 code. So I figure there'll be no option to just buy the license + key online unless you get the download to go with it.

These retailers have to be getting their info from somewhere official.

uhhh not really. they get info from their main branch...the main branch just tells them a release date, but it IS NOT an OFFICIAL release date from valve or viendi.

man i cant believe how many people here actually thought it would be on steam first, then retail later, but then again, im over the age of 20, which explains why i dont jusjump to conclusions all the time, i tend to use logical thinking.
Over 20 means nothing... most people in the media are well over 20 and they jump to conclusions all the time.
actually last week if you told me the game could be deyaled I probably woulnd't have belived it, but now, since yesterdays and the day befores benchmarks and valves presenation at shader day. how they stated they had to spend FIVE TIMES the ammouant of time trying to get nvidia's harware to work right with the game, I mean thats a large chunk of time, all that time they spent just doing that, think about it, right now. say nvidia had made their card to conform to called for dirext9 specs, it would run great, valve wouldnt have had to spend anytime trying to get it to run right. here's the kicker (pretty good chance the game would already be in our hands, or at the very least already gone gold)
They also said that it would probably be best to make the game think the FX cards are just DX8 cards... they should do that at first and if they get it all working later they could patch it.
lol yea the good thing if they did that would be more then likely "we would have the game" but the bad thing would be "all nvidia owners and nvidia them selfs screaming BLOODY MURDER" at the top of their lungs.
whoa man, for some reason i thought that most the ppl here were 20 and under because many of the post & replies in this forum are childish.
Originally posted by mhtsaras
I'm sick and tired of those want want the games with the box or for the ****ing boxes...oh no, I want the box, oh no if it hasn't got a box I will kill my self.....oh no, I want the box to show it on my fiends...stf up and stf up.
Download it or take it on a pill who cares I only want to play it.

i want the box.. and the manual
it feels "better".. cant explain why

some practical things are better with the box tho.. if you got the cds you can uninstall and reinstall how ever you want.. and say you get a virus or something that forces you to do a format.. you may think its fun to redownload 3gb (?) again, but i dont
Originally posted by bizzy420
whoa man, for some reason i thought that most the ppl here were 20 and under because many of the post & replies in this forum are childish.

That's their age, there IQ is indeed below 20. :)
Hey if the game is out and playable on the 30th in any way, shape or form, then I'm all for it.
Am I the only person in the world that doesnt keep the game box?

I store any game discs in a sleaved folder with other games. You know, just like my cd's and dvds, in a portable sleaved zip up folder... saves a lot of room.

It may take 2 or 3 days but Im gonna download it. Hey 2 or 3 days is a lot better then 2 or 3 months.
"When boxed versions of the highly anticipated new game Half-Life 2 appear in stores in a few months, the game will also be available for purchase via download."

am i reading this differently to the rest of you, or does it actually not saying anything about it being released via steam first. It says "when boxed versions ... appear in stores ... will also be available for purchase via download"

Also this magazine was probably written a while ago, my PC Gamer (UK) that was out last week only just had info on the "miscommunication" between Valve and Vivendi so all these magazines will be old news and that is why it says a couple of months.

I don't know if Wired is very up to date (as far as i know its not sold in the UK) so this may not be the case

If this has been said before i'm sorry i only skimmed through this thread
For christs sake morons use your ****ing brains not what some unheard of shit ass site says. You guys are so quick to believe. Gabe would never release the box version at a different time then steam release, as it would make NO SENSE AT ALL. Gabe has said nothing of this, as has any other legitmate source for that matter. So please stop whining, it will be at your local losers-r-us on tuesday of the following week.
Originally posted by guinny
For christs sake morons use your ****ing brains not what some unheard of shit ass site says. You guys are so quick to believe. Gabe would never release the box version at a different time then steam release, as it would make NO SENSE AT ALL. Gabe has said nothing of this, as has any other legitmate source for that matter. So please stop whining, it will be at your local losers-r-us on tuesday of the following week.

u are the man....

has valve said that steam download will be first? no! 30th sep in the stores is still on...i hope
Hello? Did you people read my post? The author of the article retracted the statement.

I could've made a new thread to post the answer, but that appears to be some kind of UNFORGIVABLE SIN on this forum, regardless of whether the information posted is "MY CAT'S BREATH SMELLS LIKE CAT FOOD" or actually something worth reading.
I dont know who would want to d/l hl2 sure its over 3gb. Planetside was over 1gb and it took me over an hour @ 200kb/s. Hl2 could take....2, 3, 4 that time i could drive to the mall and back like 30 times. :/
Originally posted by dscowboy
That was a mistake in the caption (notice the story doesn't say that). Half-Life 2 will be available via download later this fall at the same time that it's released in boxes. Sorry about that error.


Suneel Ratan
415 205 1008

-----Original Message-----
From: ****
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 9:52 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Wired: feedback: Half-Life 2 release


In your article on Valve's Steam network, there is a caption to one of the photos:

"Although boxed versions of the highly anticipated new game Half-Life 2 won't be available in stores for a couple of months, Valve Software is releasing the game for download now."

This is at least partially innacurate; Half-Life 2 is certainly not available for download 'now'.

There is some controvery and discussion going on right now in the Half-Life 2 community as to what this statement means. This is the first we've heard that the Steam release would occur on a different date than the retail release. Do you have any additional information that could help clarify this? Did this come from Doug Lombardi? Thank you!

^^there you have it.. posted one page before this..
sorry dscowboy i didn't bother reading any of the posts after about the page 5 because they were all the same, people either saying they didn't want to download or people having a go at them for wanting the boxed version.
POS forum, we have to keep re-posting answers on every page of every thread because nobody is allowed to create new threads or edit the top post to explain the answer! Cripes.
Originally posted by Mad_Eejit
sorry dscowboy i didn't bother reading any of the posts after about the page 5 because they were all the same, people either saying they didn't want to download or people having a go at them for wanting the boxed version.

EXACTLY! Once a thread gats past a few pages it's completely useless! Who wants to read through 8 pages of "Valve sucks/rules!11!11!!!!" to try to find any valuable information?
what confused me was when i clicked on the link in the first post they had already updated the caption and i was beginning to wonder if the people on this forum didn't understand english