More slanty eyed bastards fcuk Hanna Montana to the tune of $4 billion


May 5, 2004
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you go asians!!!

A Los Angeles woman has filed a class action suit against Miley Cyrus, claiming she mocked Asians in a recent photo by slanting her eyes. Price tag: $4 billion.

Lucie J. Kim claims to represent more than 1 million Asian Pacific Islanders who live in L.A. County. Kim claims when Cyrus posed for the photo, she "knew or should have known that her image would be publicly disseminated via the media, which Cyrus knew focused on her private life, specifically TMZ."

Kim says in the suit, filed today in L.A. County Superior Court, that each Asian Pacific Islander is entitled to the minimum damages for a civil rights violation -- $4,000. Add it up -- $4 billion!
Meh, the world is watching her. That's the risk she took when she signed the dotted line to work for Disney. Plus she probably had asian fans. The law suit probably won't go through, but maybe that stupid bitch learned her lesson.

Don't do stupid shit when your in the public eye.

Seriously how hard is it to go "Gee, will people view this as racist? I don't want to ruin my career so I had best play it safe and not do it."
What she did wasn't stupid. It's just your average, everyday case of people trying to get money.
What she did wasn't stupid. It's just your average, everyday case of people trying to get money.

Yes it was stupid. Sure you or I could get away with this, but when your famous you understand people don't take these things lightly. Or atleast you should know this. Especially after her whole half nude photo fiasco.
The thing with "people don't take these things lightly" is that everyone understands that this is a case of made-up racism. You think that LA woman is really offended? She just wants money.

So I guess you're right--it is stupid from the standpoint that she's famous and everything she does is subject to scrutiny. But it wasn't stupid from the point that she, and everyone else whom I assume are her friends--INCLUDING THE ASIAN RIGHT THERE IN THE PICTURE--were joking around.
Meh, the world is watching her. That's the risk she took when she signed the dotted line to work for Disney. Plus she probably had asian fans. The law suit probably won't go through, but maybe that stupid bitch learned her lesson.

Don't do stupid shit when your in the public eye.

Seriously how hard is it to go "Gee, will people view this as racist? I don't want to ruin my career so I had best play it safe and not do it."
I was at a friend's house this one time. We were just hanging out, chatting, messing, the usual. The TV was on but none of us were really watching it. I think we were talking about the Iron Man film or something. Anyway, a Simpsons double bill comes on and one of us goes "Oh crap, is it a new episode?" Thankfully it wasn't. In actual fact the first episode was my favourite one; the Beer Baron one. We were still talking away about films and stuff but we were paying a bit more attention to the ol' idiotbox now.

As the episode goes on we start to lose interest in it again and we're chatting about Jack's new girlfriend or whatever when the second episode starts. It's the one where Krusty is doing standup and he does his "ME SO SALLY" thing, which only Bart finds funny. So Brian grabs the side of his face and does the asian eyes thing and does an atrocious Japanese accent, swapping Ls and Rs left, right and centre. Rob starts to copy him and we're all laughing as Blian and Lob start to chat about Battrestal Garactica. This has us all in stitches (being the big nerds we are), when Sarah (Salah?) pulls out her camera and asks us all to pose for a photo when I suddenly think "Gee, will people view this as racist? I don't want to ruin my career so I had best play it safe and not do it."

Did this happen? **** NO OF COURSE NOT because if people went around all day thinking like that about every single little thing they did even while with friends we'd all kill ourselves.
Battrestal Garactica
Less human drama, 300% more robots.

Also Galactica and the Baseships now transform, and in Season 4 during the human-cylon alliance they find both ships can GATTAI into Supaa Shine Basusutaa Galactic King.
This has us all in stitches (being the big nerds we are), when Sarah (Salah?) pulls out her camera and asks us all to pose for a photo when I suddenly think "Gee, will people view this as racist? I don't want to ruin my career so I had best play it safe and not do it."

holy shit you're asian!


you're the asian in the above pic

...say something with "l" in it so we can laugh
I was at a friend's house this one time. We were just hanging out, chatting, messing, the usual. The TV was on but none of us were really watching it. I think we were talking about the Iron Man film or something. Anyway, a Simpsons double bill comes on and one of us goes "Oh crap, is it a new episode?" Thankfully it wasn't. In actual fact the first episode was my favourite one; the Beer Baron one. We were still talking away about films and stuff but we were paying a bit more attention to the ol' idiotbox now.

As the episode goes on we start to lose interest in it again and we're chatting about Jack's new girlfriend or whatever when the second episode starts. It's the one where Krusty is doing standup and he does his "ME SO SALLY" thing, which only Bart finds funny. So Brian grabs the side of his face and does the asian eyes thing and does an atrocious Japanese accent, swapping Ls and Rs left, right and centre. Rob starts to copy him and we're all laughing as Blian and Lob start to chat about Battrestal Garactica. This has us all in stitches (being the big nerds we are), when Sarah (Salah?) pulls out her camera and asks us all to pose for a photo when I suddenly think "Gee, will people view this as racist? I don't want to ruin my career so I had best play it safe and not do it."

Did this happen? **** NO OF COURSE NOT because if people went around all day thinking like that about every single little thing they did even while with friends we'd all kill ourselves.

You wasted 5 minutes typing out this post. No shit you and I could get away with this and not have to think twice about. But when your Miley you gotta think about EVERYTHING you do, because when your famous people will be out to get you and that means to sue you at every chance they get.

Just like you guys probably say the "n" word in your home or friend's home, but you would never say it in public because there will be consequences. We can slant our eyes if we want but if Miley does it she will have to face consequences. She's in a position were she shouldn't do shit like this.

I'm not saying the lawsuit is justified. The amount is ridiculous and it's not going to go through, but at least it'll scare some sense into her dumb head.
Also they don't 'swap' L and R. L just becomes R.
I care u ass.
Though its not something I don't already know.
THAT IS NOT HOW WA--wait...holy shit that IS how it's pronounced.

I've been saying it wrong for years.

And I just now realized how I've been offending all those Italians.
The highpoint of this topic was already reached in the last thread, and it can be Kruun's signature.
I love how the asian guy in that picture is all round-eyed. It's fantastic.
I thought Asian eyes were the size of dinner plates?

Dinner plates that stab you in the back when you're not looking.
Asian eyes are so freaking weird. They creep me out. Stupid Epicanthic eye fold.

/me gets camcorder ready to record insane homosexual action between Jin and Vejayjay
In that woman's eye, it looks like you can see the reflection of a cartoon Batman

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