More Snarks...


Apr 18, 2004
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Since the ever common barney from half life one has become a central character (there is only one of him), maybe there will only be one snark. Perhaps it will be gordons pet. My question is, if gordon had a pet snark, what would he name it?

(PS. They also need to bring back Chumtoads!)
Shark... It just has to be shark. I dont know why but it does.
Perhaps the thing in Kleiner's kennel isn't a trained headcrab, but a trained snark. That'd be teh cool
I'd rather have a head crab as a pet... ;) I'd for more protected and it could be used more than once against the bad guys. And he would evolve as I fed him dead humans. If I ran out of food, I would just shoot alyx in the head and feed it to my pet head crab. Then she'd come back alive!
PatPwnt said:
I'd rather have a head crab as a pet... ;) I'd for more protected and it could be used more than once against the bad guys. And he would evolve as I fed him dead humans. If I ran out of food, I would just shoot alyx in the head and feed it to my pet head crab. Then she'd come back alive!

Excepppt ass a zombieee.
my pet will be a GARG called chongo

come here chongo come here
I'd name mine DEAD, cause thats what he'd be after 10 seconds when he went BOOM. Snarks don't last long, so having only one wouldn't be fun...
SnowBall said:
I like zombie G-man more. Rawr

Doesn't that remind you of the 'Mr Bean' episode where he gets a turkey stuck on his head? Splitting image I say.

I'd name my pet snarky-warky Bluey, because it's just too cool for school.
id call it Higgins! and i could dress him up in a little creme uniform and have him shout at me for stealing the Ferrari and entertaining laydeez in Robin Masters pool...

-Thomas Magnum
I'd call him Zig. So if he gets in my way I can just yell MOVE ZIG!
Hmmm, makes me wonder how snarks reproduce...blowing up after 10 seconds has gotta be a bitch for natural selection!

On another note, the first snark in my snark breeding endevor woul be named Gus!
DeltaBlast said:
I'd call him Zig. So if he gets in my way I can just yell MOVE ZIG!
I changed my mind, ZIG HAS to be his name, screw Shark, it has to be ZIG!
pinchy...definately pinchy. like the lobster off the simpsons