More Space News; Evidence of Dark Matter, liquid lakes found on Titan


May 5, 2004
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more awesome space news

A glint of light from a large lake confirms the presence of surface liquid in Titan’s northern hemisphere

“This one image communicates so much about Titan — thick atmosphere, surface lakes and an otherworldliness,” said Cassini project scientist Bob Pappalardo, of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in a press release. “It’s an unsettling combination of strangeness yet similarity to Earth.”


Analyzing results of an experiment in a northern Minnesota mine, physicists report the possible detection of particles of dark matter — the proposed invisible material believed to account for about 80 percent of the mass of the universe. The physicists caution, however, that there’s about a one in four chance that ordinary subatomic particles, rather than dark matter, could account for the signals.
awesome!! send like 5 probes nnnnow dammit!
Analyzing results of an experiment in a northern Minnesota mine, physicists report the possible detection of particles of dark matter — the proposed invisible material believed to account for about 80 percent of the mass of the universe. The physicists caution, however, that there’s about a one in four chance that ordinary subatomic particles, rather than dark matter, could account for the signals.

Wait. I don't get it. Possible detection of particles of dark matter? If this proposed invisible material is believed to account for 80% of the mass of the universe... what's the big deal here?

I mean, what's the difference between dark matter on a moon and dark matter in the space all around that moon?
The big deal is that they think they've detected it, not where it is.
Oh hang on a second...

I was reading this information as being connected to one another. I was wondering why detection was made easier on Titan than anywhere else.

But now I realize they're two separate stories. I hadn't yet read the individual articles, just the quotes.

I read the title as "Evidence of dark matter and liquid lakes on titan"
the news regarding Titan are awesome but for some reason i didn't get such a monstrous hard-on as i probably would've a few years earlier. it's becoming evident that the presence of liquid in our solar system is more common than previously thought, allthough so far this is the closest to tangible evidence there is. titan is becoming the new mars, a place that fascinates the public and becomes a symbol of man's leap into space.

however my interest has started to shift from Titan to other moons of jupiter and saturn, for example europa and enceladus. the idea that these moons might have oceans of liquid water under their icy surface is mind boggling to me, and i can't wait untill we manage to send a probe to one of them.
they found evidence of liquid methane not water
yep, i didn't specifically refer to water on the surface of Titan: "presence of liquid in our solar system..."
titan is becoming the new mars, a place that fascinates the public and becomes a symbol of man's leap into space.

however my interest has started to shift from Titan to other moons of jupiter and saturn, for example europa and enceladus. the idea that these moons might have oceans of liquid water under their icy surface is mind boggling to me, and i can't wait untill we manage to send a probe to one of them.
a place that fascinates the pubic and becomes a symbol of man.

however my interest has started to shift from Uranus to other moons

.., and i can't wait untill we manage to send a probe into one of them.
a probe to uranus will lead to a whole new world of discoveries. we might even find liquid methane in uranus
Liquid lakes you say.

What's next, gas clouds!?
A frozen lake would have to have been liquid at some point. Still worth pointing out on extraterrestrial bodies.
The only thing worth pointing out is aliens.

Sexy aliens.
a probe to uranus will lead to a whole new world of discoveries. we might even find liquid methane in uranus

A joke about the name of Uranus... How original. It's a shame this planet, as fascinating as any in our solar system, will never be taken seriously because of its unfortunate choice of name.
yeah depends on who is viewing him...when the chinese take over it wont be the same as here with us.

oh and btw...why haven't we got any chinese members on i know we had an iranian one but i think we scared him away.

on topic...i find it really irritating when scientist go "oh look water, there's life in it, i'm sure cause on earth some microbes can live in such harsh conditions". you know...first life has to evolve in a hospitable environment then it adapts to less kind climates.
silly scientists.
Silly scientists. You should teach them what's what jverne, those dumdums don't know a thing!
think of how many moons we haven't discovered in our solar system. At present I think its 170 moons! we've landed men on only one of those. gentlemen, our enormous quest has yet to start