

Aug 13, 2004
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I never heard of them before my dad explained to me.

Do have some on the forums?

that the weirdest story I ever heard :|

could you give me more detail about this REALLY strange belief?

btw made this because I saw some of you talk about it in the "free will" thread
We have a few on here (Uriel is the only one I can remember atm).

I personally don't care for them or their beliefs.
I'll let Uriel fill you in, I'm much too tired at the moment.

What exactly did your dad explain to you by the way?

P.S. Here's a funny little clip from SouthPark that kind of goes with this. This is not what we believe mind you.
did Jesus visi the US? explain,tell me everything!!!!!!!!!!one!!!!two!!!!andwhatnot
Yes He did. You can read about it for yourself here.
You'll need to read from that chapter to the end of the book.(not the entire book; it's divided up into sections called books. You could think of them as the Acts of a play) It's not too long. :D

I would just say that you start reading at the beginning of the Book of Mormon.
I'm going to bed now. :x
Wowza, lemme try to cover everything.
Basically we are viewed as "Squeeky Clean Christians", However many or possibly even most Christians do not view us as Christians. But our official name is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" or for short "LDS".

Basically here are some of the basics.
We Obstain from the Following
-Sex before Marriage
-Petting (Kissing before you're married is fine, but its preferred we safe our kisses)
-Rated R Movies
-Vulgar or Offensive Music

How The LDS Faith Was Created

We have basic Christian Beliefs in certain aspects, but are quite different than your regular Christian.

We believe that we have a literal Prophet upon the Earth (Currently Gordon B. Hinkley) and that he is the Mouth Piece of God.

We do not pay our Bishops, Stake Presidents, etc.

We believe God and Christ are seperate beings.

We believe that most people are going to Heaven, however, we believe that there are different Glories of heaven. However, you will recieve Judgement for your actions.

We believe that Christ suffered for our sins, but we cannot simply just believe in Christ to be saved. Being a Christ-like individual is more than just saying you believe in him.

We practice the Law of Tithing, we give 10% of all our income to the Church.

We believe in Baptism. However, we do not baptize our babies. At the age of 8 (or older, because we believe that this is the age of responsiblity) is the usually age of baptism.

One of our strongest beliefs is our emphasis on Family. We believe strongly in the family unit and nothing holds higher importance than our Heavenly Father and our Family. Parenting your child holds great importance because you are responsible for the development and are planting the seeds of another's life.

Young men usually at the age of 19 serve what we call are "Missions". We serve the Lord for 2 years preaching our Gospel and helping others. You've probably seen Missionaries before. Guys wearing suits, sometimes riding bikes with name tags. In December, ill be heading off to my Mission. Thats right ill be knocking on your door bothering you, but its only cuz I care about you. Maybe ill knocking on your door :E

We are not like other Christians in which we'll shove a flyer in your face saying "YOU WILL GOTO HELL IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND OUR CHURCH". However, there will always be over-zelious Mormons. Please do not take offense if one says something like that and please don't judge all Mormons based on your experience with one Mormon. We're people too. But anyone giving you beef about "We're holier than thou", they're hypocrites.

Our Church Gives a LOT and we are generally very generous people. Our Church is always giving to the needy, poor and hungry. The church has developed organizations such as the "DI" (Deseret Industries) that lend out a helping hand to the poor.

Basically, if you need help with your yard, painting your house, or whatever, ask a Mormon for help. We should organize something to help you out, whether you are a member or non-member. Most of us love doing service for our fellow man when we find time.

We construct Beautiful Temples in which we use for Marriages, Sealings, etc. You may have seen one of these before. They can usually be recognized by the "Angel of Moroni" statue on top of the spire.

Click Here for Pictures of Temples.

We strongly believe in learning because we also believe that all we take into Heaven is our bodies and what we learn. Learning and education is something that our Faith takes very seriously.

We also believe that our bodies are sacred and should be treated with the highest respect. Its often stated within our Church that "Our bodies are temples". Many of our beliefs benefit our body.

There are also a lot of Famous Mormons. Steve Young, Gladys Knight, Donny Osmound, Butch Cassidy:O , etc. However, some arent certainly a very good example of what a Mormon should be. Click Here for More Famous Mormons.

Anymore question you have please just ask!
Very well said. :thumbs: Uriel

Uriel said:
Young men usually at the age of 19 serve what we call are "Missions". We serve the Lord for 2 years preaching our Gospel and helping others. You've probably seen Missionaries before. Guys wearing suits, sometimes riding bikes with name tags. In December, ill be heading off to my Mission. Thats right ill be knocking on your door bothering you, but its only cuz I care about you. Maybe ill knocking on your door :E
One more year for me! :D
Is the story from South Park really true?
Heh, sounds pretty virtuous, except for the knocking on people's doors part. :)

ríomhaire said:
Is the story from South Park really true?

I want to know this too!
MF-Boltress said:
LoL guys, I said that it wasn't! :P :D
That was a realy funny episode though, dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.
Funny Story

I Make sprays for people for cs1.6, and one guy said he wanted a dopey one, so I made it with cannabis in, then give it him. He says why did you put cannabis in the pic, I said becuase you said make it dopey. He said rofl Im a mormon so I meant cool.

What a prat.

True story.
DeusExMachinia said: you guys actually believe Jesus came to America?

[SARCASM]Of course, he stowed away on a boat from Southampton docks (to avoid paying the hefty fare of £1) and then when he landed in the docks of New York he jump started the industrial revolution and before long they had skyscrapers, the Empire State Building and the Wright Brothers. [/SARCASM]
My sis went to hight school in Idaho, and they were mormons, pretty much all of them.
They'll be having fun when you're burning in HELL and they're in HEAVEN, tuna fish!
How are Mormons even aloud on the internet. 99.99999999999999999999999999999999% of it goes against their beliefs.
Sulkdodds said:
They'll be having fun when you're burning in HELL and they're in HEAVEN, tuna fish!

Im not just a tuna,I am a Spicy Tuna Sushi roll!
Spicy Tuna said:
Im not just a tuna,I am a Spicy Tuna Sushi roll!

Lemonking, Lemonking, Lemonking!! You'll always be known as Lemonking; The Spawn Of Pennywise And A Female Clown to me.

And thank you for enlightening me on mormons Uriel, I've never been bothered enough to actively search out the information.
SimonomiS said:
Lemonking, Lemonking, Lemonking!! You'll always be known as Lemonking; The Spawn Of Pennywise And A Female Clown to me.

And thank you for enlightening me on mormons Uriel, I've never been bothered enough to actively search out the information.

did you just try to ryme?
The king of lemons who morphs into fish
continues to post a load of old pish!


Okay sorry.
SimonomiS said:
Lemonking, Lemonking, Lemonking!! You'll always be known as Lemonking; The Spawn Of Pennywise And A Female Clown to me.

It has to be done. Budding artist Pressure drew this wonderful piece of art.


-Angry Lawyer
To be cruel is cool! What's that I smell?
Burning flesh heaped on the pyres of pun hell!

I'm sorry, but that picture's been sitting in limbo forever. Now seemed like the most awesome time in which to unleash it.


-Angry Lawyer
I have many mormon friends, and they all ****ing rock. Some are more hardcore mormons than others. ie, still plays violent games and drinks soda, but he doesn't drink or anything. They still tithe (sp?) etc etc. He said he still wants to go to heaven, but doesn't need to go to the top position, and that's fine with him. =)
Top Secret said:
I have many mormon friends, and they all ****ing rock. Some are more hardcore mormons than others. ie, still plays violent games and drinks soda, but he doesn't drink or anything. They still tithe (sp?) etc etc. He said he still wants to go to heaven, but doesn't need to go to the top position, and that's fine with him. =)

tithe? are you kidding me? if that were true I'd pay in advance, secure my place in heaven ...and then go on a murderous rampage
We strongly believe in learning because we also believe that all we take into Heaven is our bodies and what we learn. Learning and education is something that our Faith takes very seriously.

Learning for boys that is. :eek:

After I read your post...It made me think....

Man! Colin Mochrie is awesome!
OvA said:
Learning for boys that is. :eek:

After I read your post...It made me think....

Man! Colin Mochrie is awesome!
Christ! even HE knows how to spell these guy's names! *mopes*...

as said, mormonism is pretty alright. Btw, urial and whoever else, have you heard that we're supposed to call oursleves "members of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints" now because of the fundamentalists mormons? Bah. Everytime I hear that I think of that freaking primary song...
I belong to the church of jesus christ, of latter day saints.
I know who I am, I know god's plan.
I'll follow him in faith.
I believe in the savior Jesus christ, I'll honor his name.
I'll do what is right,
I'll... something something,
His truth...something something somethign!
Mormonism is fine.

Uh, it is Mormonism, right?