Morning Mod News


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Good morning folks just a couple of tidbits for you. [br]
[br]Firstly, ModDB have interviewed Jay, project leader of the recently released Zombie Mod about their upcoming new version.[br]Secondly Nuclear Dawn have popped their head out again with another update. They are reporting on their latest playtest and have a few screenshots of it to show off. [br]

Was just writing up the ND post - beat me to it!

Really don't like Zombie Mod, would rather just have fun with Zombie Master.
Good to seen ND working again.
Don't like the look of the AR myself - no side raillings kinda ruin it.
holy cow:


the texture resolution and poly count are too high to be real..
haha believe what you want. The fact is I spent two hours yesterday running around for these shots
Difference between ND & ZM is that zm is out and proven it works, ND is all image but no substance. Sorry.
haha believe what you want. The fact is I spent two hours yesterday running around for these shots
Why are you guys still holding off a gameplay video then!? Restore the faith! These shots look brilliant, can't deny that.
Difference between ND & ZM is that zm is out and proven it works, ND is all image but no substance. Sorry.

Well, actually, the difference is that Zombie Master has zombies, and RTS, whereas ND has super-competitive teamplay and post-apocalypticness and stuff. Or something.

-Angry Lawyer
Why are you guys still holding off a gameplay video then!?
Insurgency never released a gameplay video before the mod release. They don't have to prove you anything, you don't pay them.

What they show are in-game screenshots that look very good and shows that a lot of work has put in the artwork, so why would it be a lie if they say theyve put a lot of work in the gameplay too? Why all the trouble of faking stuff and lying for only for 20 comments on this website, and negative ones too(like always)?!
it's not that we don't want to make a gameplay video, it's just so time consuming, we'd rather just put all our efforts into polishing the mod.
Wow, those character models look pro. Very nice artwork in there.
Didn't ND lose all their programmers? Also, it's just a team DM game now with no RTS elements because it was taking them too long.
Didn't ND lose all their programmers? Also, it's just a team DM game now with no RTS elements because it was taking them too long.
The RTS side has been reduced, not removed - that's probably the rumour you heard.

We didn't lose any coders apart from the one we kicked for going AWOL and not doing any work (good luck to the team he ended up on). We have two programmers working on the team right now: Spk just got a First Class Honours BSc in Computer Graphics Science and Hopper just finished an MSc in Computer Sciences, so we're doing OK for coders right now.

I dunno where you guys get this stuff sometimes. Gotta love the internets! :laugh:
Yeah. How reduced we talking in regards to the RTS bit? If 100 is a pure RTS, 50 is Natural Selection, and 0 is HL2DM, where would you put it on the scale?

-Angry Lawyer
Evidence to quell rumours perhaps Crispy?
Check the teampage you nubcaek! :eek:

Yeah. How reduced we talking in regards to the RTS bit? If 100 is a pure RTS, 50 is Natural Selection, and 0 is HL2DM, where would you put it on the scale?

-Angry Lawyer
Define a pure RTS according to your 100 scale. I.e. would a pure RTS require a fixed perspective overview? For the sake of argument, one possible definition is the one found on Wikipedia, whose collective 'wisdom' defines an RTS as:
a genre of computer wargames which take place in real-time, where resource gathering, base building, technology development and high-level control over individual units ("harvest, build, destroy") are key components
Technically ND has all of these features apart from the 'control' aspect is not entirely a match (an individual human player never has full control over his units if they are also human individuals).

You could also tenuously say Team Fortress Classic shares certain traits with an RTS because of the Engineer class:
- real-time
- resource gathering (Engys can 'harvest' resources from ammo packs)
- base building (Engys build structures)

If you provide me with a set of criteria I can give you a number.
A "Pure" RTS would be something like the original Command and Conquer. ZM scores around 40% on the chart (it's a Real-Time-Tactics game).


Structure building (not just gun turrets).
Someone to command other entities from a different perspective.
Resource gathering/management.
Huge Korean playerbase.

-Angry Lawyer
it's not that we don't want to make a gameplay video, it's just so time consuming, we'd rather just put all our efforts into polishing the mod.

too true... I lost about 10 days of development time making a movie for FAS

and the shots look fantastic btw :)
A "Pure" RTS would be something like the original Command and Conquer. ZM scores around 40% on the chart (it's a Real-Time-Tactics game).


Tech-Trees. [Check]
Structure building (not just gun turrets). [Check]
Someone to command other entities from a different perspective. [Not 100% check, it's not a fixed perspective, think Dungeon Master-ish]
Resource gathering/management. [Check]
Huge Korean playerbase. [Fail] :bonce:

-Angry Lawyer
The original ND design was 50-60% RTS. All in all I'd probably say we're 25-30% RTS. Definitely not as RTS heavy as Natural Selection, Empires, Iron Grip or Zombie Master, but more RTS than TFC or vanilla DM.
Whatever it turns out like, big pat on the back to the level designers, model and texture artists, top quality stuff.