most beautiful spray ever!

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i think it would really earn the title if it was covered in my avatar tbh :naughty:
eugh, 4/10?

Ive hit better when Im aiming low :p
slinter said:
i sense jealous geeks :eek:

You know initially I would have disagreed with you, but after reading 4 posts, I have to agree. Shes pretty, theres really a ton of jealousy/******ry in this thread, its pretty depressing.

hahahaha oh god reading this thread is great 'OMG 0/10 IVE HIT BETTER' idiots.
ok i take it this is something like *******/goatse from the responses? not even gonna click.
yup, txt always rules

well you have to download it, and save it as dust0031.jpg for those who dont know. lol thats more like it tho :naughty: - its vida guerra init? yea she has like the best ass evure :D
If you were in the right server on the right night you saw my wifes boobs. I made a spray of them to irritate her not intending to use it online. Well...forgot I had it selected and low and behold. There they were for the world to see. She took it well....I'm still in one piece.
:O :O tell me when u are next going to play!!!111oneone
arrrrgh i gave in to temptation and clicked. It was worse than ******* ;(
heh jk
actually i saw someone spraying that today in css
dont listen to these jealous losers.

i give her a 7/10, id hit it but nothin i can fall in lurve with.

Reaktor4 said:
ok i take it this is something like *******/goatse from the responses? not even gonna click.

lol good idea

Don't listen to half of these fools, they have seen a p***y since they slid out of one....... that's assuming they didn't get lost and come out of the other tunnel :dozey:

you got a nice lookin girl there from what I can tell, SS don't do justice I'm thinkin.
OTT tbh...and urm...beautifull?? id say just pretty!
Beserker said:
That's just stupid. People should stop being retards.

I'm giving that spray a zero because it's about as original as a pr0n spray.
my avatar is my girlyfriend - so no one else will prob have it, unless they deeeesire her - maybe sometime i will make a spray of her full pic. shes actually here right now, reading everydamn word i type.. LOL...

*i am feeling quite :naughty: *(trying to get message accross to her without saying anything :))
`unreal said:
my avatar is my girlyfriend - so no one else will prob have it, unless they deeeesire her - maybe sometime i will make a spray of her full pic. shes actually here right now, reading everydamn word i type.. LOL...

That's really sad, you even admitted she wasn't your girlfriend.
Ok, you posted this on a forum... it looks quite obsessive

however I will say she certainly isn't ugly and good on you

not a bad catch for a geek

pity i'm not a geek :p

(at least I like to think so when it comes to women)
CB | Para said:
That's really sad, you even admitted she wasn't your girlfriend.

:dork: yes.

who woke up on the wrong side of bed this morn :LOL:

and since wen did i say that
I also give it a zero as its hardly a spray.. its a low res picture of some girl. Thats not a beautiful spray at all.
Ritz's avatar is beautiful. I'd like to see that as a spray.
CB | Para said:

Doesn't matter anyway. The point is bragging about your e-girlfriend like Slinter or like you is lame and very immature.
Even though para dont like to be quoted ;) I agree.

The spray content could be considered nice - depending on ones preference. But the actual spray is just simple and un-imaginative... less than average.

And the girl in 'unreal's avatar is whats-her-face-actress-chick if I'm not mistaken.
I found a "glamour shots" picture of his GF... Ain't she cute!


sorry unreal! I had to do it :LOL:
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